Grove of emotions.

When Summer and Winter dance

Two horses gallop fast, leading the other horses along with the carriages following them too in the windy night of Autumn.

“Do you think the Queen is all right?”

Yoongi looks at his side, his horse still galloping fast and strong, his side-eye look manages to see Sunmi who is mounted on the second horse leading.

The pale man decides to see to the front again. “She is with the dancing warrior, I heard she can take down a considerable number of men on her own.”

Sunmi breathes deeply, seems like the short time she was at the temple helped her because if she was the brat she was being this morning and a few days ago, she would have snapped against the pale man, who is the second-best knight in Winter just after her.

“It makes sense since I have heard some people calling her ‘white rose who paints everything in red.’” Sunmi shares.

“I have heard it too when I went to Summer the rebels in the dungeon kept calling her like that, even though it doesn’t sound like a gentle moniker if you ask me.” Yoongi says and narrows his eyes, stopping his horse and the other horses when he notices from afar the owls bridge.

“That bridge is barely holding himself, if we pass there the bridge is going to fall.” Sunmi pants, beside a panting Yoongi, since it’s the first stop they make after they left Winter.

“There must be a clue or a shortcut.” Yoongi starts searching along with Sunmi and the other soldiers, until Sunmi looks up to find the warrior's red bird circling above a tree with a big log, covered with some bushes, taking out her sword to cut them, she finds a path that she believes it leads them to where the warrior told them.

“Here! I found the shortcut! Follow me!” Sunmi gallops fastly through the shortcut, followed by the other soldiers.

“Even if she can protect you from almost everything, hang in there Queen, the help for your precious people is coming.”


The honey orbs open slowly as the Winter muse starts waking up, she grabs her head softly feeling a slight pain after she felt her head almost exploding in the morning.

She wonders what happened to Seulgi, the fear and anger she felt even in her dreams was something Seulgi has never felt before, she grabs her sheets tightly and prays hard for her partner because is the only thing she can do.

Then, she turns to look at her room, to find Momo leaning against Dahyun and Mina against Chaeyoung sitting on the few chairs she has.

A gentle smile forms on her lips, wondering how much time they kept an eye on her, she takes one of the covers she always has beside her pillow and covers the four girls, when they feel the warm cover they snuggle even more between them making Wendy chuckles silently.

Turning to the other side of her bed she covers , opening her eyes surprised when she notices the tall rust red-haired muse sleeping and shivering, a book on her hand making Wendy frowns worriedly since she knows the tall muse must have been taking care of her and also searching for clues on the books where they have searched.

With careful hands and a deep blush she circles an arm on the muse's waist, she slowly puts the Summer muse on her bed, along with her, Wendy can’t help but look at her, she looks like a tired beautiful doll, she puts a pillow below the tall muse's head and smiles softly until she turns bright red at the tall muse's sudden movement.

The sleeping rust red-haired woman hugs her and pulls her to her side tightly, It seems like the Summer muse is searching for something warm and snuggles her cheek on the winter muse's chest sleeping more peacefully now that she has found the warmth she was searching.

Feeling her heart beating fast she gulps and looks down, finding the summer muse's now peaceful expression, she smiles gently.

“Even if it is just for a few time…let me be the one taking care of you, Sooyoung.” Wendy thinks and hugs the Summer muse, she frowns when she feels the muse's cold temperature.

“How weird, she must have felt strong emotions coming from Irene too, since she is presenting the symptoms when a muse receives too many strong feelings or emotions from their partner.” Seungwan slowly caresses with her thumb the tall muse's cheek. “Do you think they are fine? Maybe something bad happened but they are going to be all right, don’t you think?” Seungwan chuckles silently. “I’m talking in my head to Joy but it feels more like I’m talking to myself.”

“I wonder if Seulgi too feels like this with your partner…since we feel the same emotions around you and your partner…but who couldn’t? when you are so charming and bubbly.” Wendy keeps caressing the muse's cheek carefully. “You and your partner are similar somehow, with a unique and captivating character.”

Wendy smiles even more but feels her eyes try to close, feeling somewhat contagious by the peace of the Summer muse, she puts a hand on the summer muse's head, the question of why she lets herself have so much contact with the tall muse constantly appears on her head but she decides to ignore it again, closing her eyes slowly to let her dive into the sleep again.


Irene watches Seulgi treating the beaten man as she helps to pass some instruments from her bag, which Irene handled to her since Apollo was the one carrying their things her important healing bag was in good hands.

“Who is this boy?” Irene finally asks while Seulgi puts the few bandages she had on Jimin's ribs.

“His name is Jimin, and he was the one who was going to help me to escape, also he almost gives his life and…other things for me.” The Queen whispers the final sentence but Irene hears it and frowns with disgust looking at the body of the dead grey-haired man and scoffs, but then she turns to look at the beaten boy and smiles kindly, to think he was willing to give a lot for the Queen makes her like him almost instantly.

“I applaud his bravery, not everyone has the courage to do what he did, most of the people would have stayed in the shadows controlled by their fear.”

Seulgi smiles and nods. “Actually, when he was left with me, I was the one treating him, he got beaten before I arrived because he tried to escape with the kidnapped women.”

Irene looks at her with surprised eyes and frowns concernedly when she hears the Queen's worried sigh. “What is it?”

“I don’t have too many supplies anymore, and he needs more treatment…” The light blonde purses her lips and turns to look at Irene. “I’m going to search in this room if I can find more, can you go to check how are the women you found?”

The warrior makes a disagreement frown. “I checked them a while ago, but I don’t want to leave you alone again.”

The light blonde looks at the worried light brown orbs and smiles gently, Irene went fastly to see the captured women when they got separated from their tight hug and after that, she went for some clean clothes for both.

She felt the warrior's sad feeling when she wanted to give the women more clean clothes but they didn’t have more and even Seulgi tried to convince her of giving her clean clothes to one of the women but Irene refused, saying her dress was breaking more, The Queen wanted to convince Irene but her dress didn’t help her much, still, Irene gave some clothes she had, not wanting Seulgi to go around with a broken dress even when her cloak covers her.

“We are safe now, and you are not going to leave me alone so much, besides I’m not afraid.” Seulgi smiles and winks making the warrior quirk a brow, Irene shakes her head smiling and looks at Seulgi.

“I know you are brave, you are the bravest noble I have ever known but-“

“I understand why you are worried and if I were in your place I would be too, but we are not alone and the women worry me more.” Seulgi looks at her with her pleading hazel orbs. “Besides as you said, I’m the bravest noble.”

“I’m starting to think Jimin gave you something like a ‘teasing’ or ‘confident’ syrup, you are being so relaxed right now, are you not drugged or something are you?” Irene looks at her with a deeply concerned frown.

Seulgi laughs softly, she missed this type of conversations, she missed Irene curious sense of humor, she shakes her head and links eyes Irene's light brown amusing eyes.

“It’s just that…now you are here I feel safe and there’s no need to be gloomy, right now we need energy.”

Irene looks at her surprised and chuckles, her light brown orbs look at Seulgi sweetly making the Queen feel her cheeks a little bit pink.

“I missed you.” Irene says and stands up winking at the Queen, leaving her like a living tomato, Seulgi sighs and covers her face when the warrior leaves her to check the women.

“Me too…” Seulgi whispers softly and sighs clapping her cheeks to stay calm, she can hear the light laughs and almost feel the now calm atmosphere coming from the main room where the women are.

She can’t help to smile, knowing that atmosphere must be partly because of the dancing warrior, even when Irene is a constant teasing narcissist, she has noticed how the people of the kingdom welcomes her with open arms and big smiles.

“Looks like you are not only well received with the knights but with people too, well, your entire being speaks Summer and bright captivating energy, so I can’t blame them for liking you.” The young Queen thinks as she smiles and turns to look at the sleeping Jimin who seems to be more relaxed now that he has been lightly treated.

Passing a gentle hand to arrange his black hair, Seulgi looks at him with her kind hazel eyes. “You have endured a lot Jimin, there are no words to tell you how thankful I am with you, even healing those hurtful wounds seem to not be enough to a kind soul like yours.”

Irene leans against the open door and smiles quietly, she certainly would like to be in the place of the boy whose hair is being arranged by the Queen, but she also likes to be the one looking silently the ultimate love Seulgi has for her people, looking at the light blonde treat her people with careful and humble love makes her feel a warm feeling in her heart.

The warrior turns to look at the door that connects with outside, hearing the loud gallops from horses, she and Seulgi link looks and nod in silent understanding, they step outside the abandoned wooden house to find the knights of Winter stopping outside the wooden house.

Irene recognizes the silver armors adorned with the navy blue aquamarine stones of the two principal riders, who are Yoongi and Sunmi, and turns to look at the other six ordinary soldiers with silver armors adorned with few navy topazes.

All of them kneel and bow when they see Seulgi who is standing beside the dancing warrior, the young Queen signals them that it is okay to stand up, and the moment Sunmi stands up she runs to hug Seulgi.

The young Queen feels surprised but manages to answer the tight embrace mildly and pats Sunmi's back when she feels the knight is almost suffocating her.

Sunmi steps back and looks at her, her deep black eyes filled with her always shining bright love, the young Queen smiles lightly, Sunmi's gaze that used to make her heart beat happily now makes her heart feel calm like when she is with other people of her kingdom, that vanished feeling makes Seulgi purses her lips.

The principal knight notices this, even since the first moment Seulgi hugged her, even when the young Queen hugged her tight she felt something was off, the calm but filled with silent guilt hazel orbs makes her frown slightly puzzled.

“You and the others arrived fast.”

Sunmi turns to look at the dancing warrior who is looking at her with her serious and acute eyes, her deep black eyes narrow lightly. “Dancing warrior.” Sunmi's voice sounding somewhat challenging.

“Sunmi.” Irene answers with the same tone as she steps up to be even closer to the knight.

Everyone can feel the tense atmosphere between the silent rivals until the knight breaks the silence. “Thank you for your red bird, it was helpful.”

Irene quirks a brow, she was expecting to almost have another fight today but the knight seems to be somewhat rational today. “It was nothing.” She answers shortly.

Sunmi nods and turns to look at her soldiers. “Go to the house, search for the women and take them to the carriages, after that we are going to put the tents to sleep here, don’t forget to put the extra tent for Taehyung in case there is someone hurt.” The principal knight commands and the soldiers nod, entering the house to follow her orders.

“There is a young man that requires treatment, Sunmi, is very urgent, send him with Taehyung when the tent is set, please, then call me when Taehyung is treating him” Seulgi asks at the knight who nods and asks Yoongi to see the man who needs the help fast, the pale man nods and links eyes briefly with the warrior, sharing a light smile of hello.

After a few moments a soldier comes out of the house, he seems nervous to approach the Queen and the two imposing women beside her, watching her like dangerous lions.

“S-sunmi-sshi.” When the soldier calls her, the principal knight along with Irene and the Queen looks at her.


“There are twenty dead men and we found fifteen women, all the rebels have been exterminated.” The soldier informs and he looks at the dancing warrior who remains serious.

Sunmi raises her eyebrows with surprised eyes. “Thank you for the report, go with the others now.”

The soldier nods and bows almost running away from the still tense atmosphere that can be almost palpable between the warrior and the knight.

“Twenty man doesn’t sound easy, even for you, but I’m…impressed.” Sunmi turns to look at the warrior who raises a brow. “Is that the reason behind rebels calling you white rose who paints everything in red?”

“Sunmi!.” Seulgi calls with an uncomfortable frown.

Irene chuckles and raises her head wearing that smirk that makes the knight feel annoyed.

“You can believe what everyone says if that makes you comfortable, but the reason behind it is up to me if I tell you or not.” Irene’s voice is serious but with a warning tone.

“What if that reason can be harmful? For people or the Queen?” Sunmi challenges feeling her anger grow slowly at the lack of response from the warrior.

“Sunmi! That’s enough.” Seulgi steps in, between the warrior and the knight making both women surprised when she puts herself in front of Irene. “You have to learn to respect the limits of the people and their own reason to not share information that they don’t want to share, and she is not harmful, if she were, do you think I would be safe and with no damage?”

Sunmi feels speechless, she has only seen this side of Seulgi when she has defended innocent people that were facing an uncomfortable situation but right now she feels even more puzzled with the fierce look the hazel orbs are giving her to protect the warrior behind her.

“I apologize…your grace but-“

“I don’t want to hear a single ‘but’, and is not me the one who you should be apologizing to.” Seulgi scoffs. “Search me at my tent after you apologize, we need to talk seriously.”

Saying no more words, Seulgi leaves the two women with surprised eyes and open mouths, the knight seems to take a while to process the attitude and words of the Queen, well, she has a point she was acting badly again and Seulgi dislikes that behavior but she is sure that’s not the only reason.

Sunmi turns to see the warrior who shakes her head. “Don’t apologize, I don’t like forced apologies, you better move your and go to see the Queen.”

Irene leaves her with an open mouth too and Sunmi just sighs deeply, she passes a hand through her face and lets out an annoyed groan, walking fast to the Queen's personal tent.


Sunmi enters slowly to the tent, to find the Queen sitting on one of the chairs she has, the candle beside her soft futon is illuminating everything inside.

Looking up Seulgi links eyes with the nervous deep black orbs and sighs, standing up to walk close to the knight in front of her.

When they are almost face to face, the young Queen can almost see the loud gulp Sunmi swallows.

“May I know why you are being impolite and almost irrational towards Irene?” Seulgi asks with a low and calm tone but deep down she feels a little angry and she is sure that Sunmi knows this.

“I…” Sunmi looks aside and purses her lips.

“You?” Seulgi raises an eyebrow.

“Is not easy to say…” Sunmi speaks low and still not looking at her.

“We have all night to talk, don’t worry.” Seulgi looks at her following the knight with her silent hazel orbs.

Sunmi sighs and bites her lower lip lightly. “I don’t like her so much…”

“Why?” Seulgi narrows her eyes, the dislike for the warrior is pretty evident but she wants to know the reason.

“She makes me feel…inferior and irritated with her high confidence, she feels like she is on the top of the world since she is the best among us, superior and arrogant.” Sunmi feels her jaw tighten. “And…the way she sees you is the thing that irritates me the most.”

Opening her eyes surprised, the light blonde blinks before frowning puzzled. “What?”

Sunmi laughs in disbelief. “Excuse me your grace but have you seen the way she looks at you? Even for a moment?”

The Queen frowns even more puzzled. “Why that should bother you? She looks at me like anyone in the Kingdom.”

She looks at you like she is in love with you!!” Sunmi unconsciously raises her voice due to her irritation and angry state making the Queen open her eyes surprised by the sudden raised voice and the words Sunmi told her.

“What nonsense are you saying? I understand you dislike her but she is not in love with me-“

“Your grace, she looks at you with an immense adoration and sweetness! Anyone can see she is in love with you!!!” Sunmi challenges Seulgi with her exasperate and hurt black eyes.

“Adoration and sweetness. But not love, Sunmi! I have been with her for almost seven days, it’s impossible to fall in love with someone in seven days!.” Seulgi looks at the hurt black eyes with her angry hazel orbs.

“HOW CAN YOU KNOW THAT?! YOU HAVEN’T LOVE ANYONE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! NOT EVEN ME!” Sunmi feels the tears almost coming out from her grieving eyes.

“WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME!? HOW CAN YOU BE SO SURE THAT I HAVEN’T LOVED SOMEONE?!” Seulgi feels aching because she of the constant tone she is using and because of the knight almost crying in front of her.

Sunmi stops abruptly, swallowing hard, when she realizes. “That someone…is her isn’t it? The dancing warrior.”

Seulgi opens her eyes wide along with , she feels completely shocked by the knight's words.

The knight purses her lips in a straight line her sorrowful eyes looking at the shocked hazel orbs, she laughs bitterly, feeling the tears finally slipping through her cheeks. “You don’t even know your own feelings do you?”

The Queen looks aside and Sunmi chuckles sourly again. “I should have known…since the first moment you and her linked eyes…like she and you were in your own world…even when it was your first time seeing her your eyes lighted up so brightly…” Sunmi smiles with deep sorrow. “You looked at her the way I wanted you to look at me…”

Seulgi turns to see her again feeling the slight ache in her heart to see the tears rolling through the knight's cheeks, she just purses her lips, even if she wants to say something she can’t.

“I have always known even after you told me, that you could never love me.” Sunmi breaths deeply. ”It’s all right, Queen.”

The hazel orbs look at her with a deep puzzled frown, not understanding the knight's final sentence.

Sunmi chuckles lightly between her tears. “It’s all right if she is the one taking you away from me…after all we can’t control who do we love, can we?”

Seulgi opens to say something but the knight shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter, your eyes speak better and I already know I’m not the one, who has the unique space in your heart.”

Sunmi slowly lifts a hand to make Seulgi softly look at her, the dreary black eyes meet the uncomprehendingly younger eyes.

“The time we shared as something close to lovers will always be a cherished memory in my heart…but I have to step back now that the one who can have your heart appeared, and even though I’m not happy, your happiness is the most important thing to me, even if that causes me grief.” Sunmi breaths deeply and keeps her sad smile on her face as she slowly steps back.

“You know, I loved you and I always will, My Queen.” The knight leans and kisses softly her cheek, with gentle care, making the young Queen jump slightly and turn to link her uncertain eyes with the sorrowful black ones and a dreary smile.

Sunmi steps back and bows before leaving the tent, the owner of the hazel orbs puts a hand on and feels the tears rolling through her cheeks, she closes her eyes and leaves the quiet sobs to come out from as the silent tears that fall into the orange-colored tree leaves below her.


Irene walks around the space where everyone is now sleeping, she looks at the Queen's personal tent before she finally sits below one of the trees, she feels someone also sits beside her and turns to look only to smile when she finds the familiar pale man handing her an apple, a red one.

The warrior chuckles and takes the red apple. “Thank you, Yoongi. How did you know that this ones are my favorites?”

“I have my ways.” Yoongi chuckles and Irene laughs. “Let me guess, Sooyoung?”

The pale man nods while he bites his apple and chews softly, making Irene laugh again. “I hope she is having a good attitude in the castle.”

“She has, and she talks a lot about you, not bad things in case you wonder, but when she is us, well, the warrior sisters, Momo-sshi and Chaeyoung-sshi, along with the winter muses Mina-sshi and Dahyun-sshi, she tends to be a lot talkative, and even more when Wendy-sshi is around.”

Irene raises an eyebrow and hums happily when she hears the Winter muse's name who is the Queen's partner, thinking that she could be the reason for the bubbly and happy emotions she can feel coming from her muse.

But she frowns and blinks turning to look at Yoongi again. “Wait, did you say Momo and Chaeyoung? Like the little warrior who looks like a lion cub and the other one who looks like a cute warrior? Well, both are cute but.”

Yoongi chuckles and nods. “That’s how almost everyone in the castle describes them, but yeah, one of them has creamy blonde hair and the other one has midnight black hair.”

“Ah, then they’re my dummy apprentices for sure.” Irene shakes her head chuckling. ”They must have been sent by the Summer lady right?”

Yoongi nods. “Yes, how do you know?”

“I’m somewhat close to the Summer lady.” Irene answers shortly and smiling making Yoongi raise a curious eyebrow but shrugs eating his apple after he talks again.

“I’m sorry for Sunmi's behavior, acting immature with you again.”

Irene shakes her head. “I was expecting her to act like a brat and even beat her just like the first time we met.”

Yoongi can’t help to chuckle and sighs. “Still, I apologize for her, she actually isn’t supposed to be here but Sooyoung-sshi gave permission since Wendy-sshi was sick, also because Sunmi is the one who knows more of Autumn than me.”

The warrior raises a brow when she hears about Wendy and thinks that her sickness must be because of the intense feelings Seulgi felt.

“I was impressed too.” The voice of the pale men makes her look at him again. “Taking down twenty men on your own, I heard about you not having problems facing a considerable number of enemies, but.” Yoongi raises her eyebrows in awe making the warrior chuckle but have a serious face again.

“Killing twenty men is not something I am proud about, to be honest.” Irene purses her lips and Yoongi nods lightly.

“Of course, killing people is something that nobody should be proud of.” The pale man speaks and notices the gloomy look on the light brown eyes. “If you don’t mind listening to this, sometimes it is inevitable to draw blood when it comes to protecting someone you care about or even innocent people.”

The warrior turns to look at Yoongi who smiles kindly and Irene answers with a mild smile, nodding, it feels right when someone understands her too, just like the one who is sleeping at her own personal tent.


The young Queen comes out of her tent, she notices when she looks up to the sky, the sun hasn’t appeared yet, she sighs feeling that maybe she woke up too early.

She notices a familiar silhouette playing with a red apple by throwing it to the air and catching it.

Looking at the caramel-haired woman, she purses her lips, Sunmi words still resound inside her heart, but she refuses to believe them, she knows she feels something for the warrior but love? It can’t be.

“It can’t be, you can’t love someone you have met for a week, it’s impossible.” Seulgi shakes her head and frowns, until she feels the warrior's gaze.

She links eyes with the light brown orbs owner who smiles at her gently, making her heart have an irregular beat but she shakes her head again, breathing deeply, she walks to the warrior and slowly sits beside her.

Irene turns to look at her softly and frowns when she notices the Queen's slightly puffy eyes, she is about to ask when the Queen just sighs.

“I talked with Sunmi.”

The warrior mouths an ‘O’ and nods, looking at her patiently, waiting for the Queen to share more if she wants to.

“I didn’t like how she was treating you, but the tables turned unexpectedly and well” Seulgi leans more in the tree log letting out a loud groan. “I feel my head even messier than before.”

The warrior looks at her with her silent understanding light brown orbs, she feels the Queen only wants her to listen and that’s what she does.

“What should I do? How should I feel? Why can’t we control who do we love Irene?”

Looking aside for a moment the warrior breaths deeply, it hurts, it hurts to give love advice to the one who is making her heart and head messy too but she decides to do it despite the sting in her heart.

“You can’t control how do you feel and who you can or can’t love, but as I have told you, sometimes the best option is to follow your heart, sometimes is not about control, is about feel.

Seulgi turns to look at the warrior who links eyes with her, the gentle light brown orbs making her heart beat irregularly again. “Even if that feeling doesn’t feel coherent?” the light blond speaks with a low voice.

Irene chuckles and keeps looking at her sweetly. “Love is not coherent, snowflake.”

They keep staring at each other, profoundly, until a timid cough makes them jump a little and turn to find a tall handsome man with noir hair.

“Taehyung!” Seulgi smiles when she sees him and stands up along with the warrior.

Bowing shyly but with a big smile, the man with noir hair speaks, surprising Irene with his deep voice. “Your grace and dancing warrior, I apologize for the interruption, but Jiminie is awake.”

“Jiminie?” The Queen asks and laughs giving a soft pat on the arm to the man with a deep voice. “You always put cute monikers to people even when you barely have known them.”

Taehyung nods shyly and turns to look at the dancing warrior, offering a hand along with a big smile. “It’s an honor to meet you, dancing warrior! I’m one of the apprentices of the Queen! My name is Kim Taehyung!”

Irene feels a little taken aback by the energy of the man, it’s almost weird to find people like this coming from Winter but she laughs feeling almost instantly comfortable with the bright aura and personality of the man, shaking the offered hand, she smiles.

“Nice to meet you, Taehyung, you can call me Irene.” The warrior laughs more when the deep-voiced man nods eagerly.

“Taehyung is the third-best healer after my sister, who is the second, his talent is very impressive.” Seulgi praises the noir-haired man who shyly looks down smiling.

“It’s because the Queen and the princess have been teaching me along with the other healers, but she has the major credit here.”

“Nonsense, I always tell you, we just helped you to polish your own talent.” Seulgi gives a playful punch on the man’s shoulder making him chuckle timidly.

Irene smiles warmly when she looks at the interaction, it has become something of her extreme liking, watching the Queen interact with her people like they are equals or friends.

“Irene.” The Queen's voice makes her snap from her bubble and turn to look at the young Queen who is signaling her to go with her to the tent where Taehyung is walking to.

The warrior nods and follows the Queen, they enter to the tent to find Yoongi inside and the young boy who has his face swollen but still manages to look recognizable.

Yoongi bows and leaves aside the bowl of warm soup that he was using to feed Jimin, the Queen smiles wide when she sees Jimin have a better condition than yesterday.

“Jimin!” The Queen approaches fast and hugs the skinny man who was bowing to her but now is astonished by the Queen's sudden act.

He is not the only one surprised, Taehyung along with Yoongi and Irene look at them with wide eyes.

“Are you feeling better now?” Seulgi asks Jimin when she separates.

Jimin coughs shyly and nods smiling brightly. “It’s because of you that I feel better now, thanks to your treatment and also Taehyung-sshi treatment, I don’t know how can I pay you this kindness.”

“I’m the one who has a huge debt with you, Jimin, and I’m the one who doesn’t know how to pay your bravery and will to almost give your life for me.” Seulgi looks at him with deep care.

Jimin shakes his head, his bright smile never leaving his lips. “I’m sure anyone in the kingdom would give their life for you, your love and care for us makes all the people feel you are worthy enough to give even thousands of lives for you.”

Seulgi opens her eyes wide and can’t help to smile softly and ruffle the hair of the skinny man in front of her. “And I would give my life for anyone in this kingdom.”

Yoongi along with Taehyung and Irene smile when they hear again the profound love Seulgi has for her people until the Queen turns when she hears Taehyung’s voice.

“Irene-sshi! Your cheek still needs treatment”

“It’s all right Taehyung, it doesn’t hurt too much.” Irene smiles and Taehyung frowns worried but the Queen stands up to confront the stubborn warrior.

“That cheek needs treatment and that’s what is it going to get.” Seulgi says with a firm voice making the warrior smirk.

“It’s too early to act like a nanny, Snowflake.”

Seulgi chuckles with disbelief. “I’m not a nanny, Irene, and I don’t care what other things you say, I will treat that cheek, whether you want it or not.” Seulgi drags Irene to sit and the warrior keeps teasing her, her playful smirk never leaving her lips.

“It’s also early to give orders, snowflake, give me a rest pleaseeee.”

“You are not being really cooperative, Irene, and please stay silent I need to concentrate.” Seulgi speaks and searches for the ointment.

“But how can I remain quiet when you are so cute to tease?” Irene pouts making the Queen blush because of her words and the cute pout.

“Could you please stay quiet?” Seulgi asks between her teeth trying to calm her red cheeks.

The three men look with astonished eyes the interaction and sweet bickering between the two women, Taehyung and Yoongi share a look, they agree silently about this being the first time they see their Queen being so comfortable and even different around someone, they turn to look at Jimin who smiles an shrugs.

Laughing quietly the three men look at the women in front of them with happy eyes because the Queen and the warrior look like a cute and bickering newlywed couple.


Hi! hehe, I'm back again with a somewhat happy chapter? Well at least the water is more or less calm now, I guess, since I don't like drama so much lol 

Anywaaay, I hope you liked this chapter and I also hope you had a good day or night! I will see you later! please remember to eat and sleep well! c:


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Kimchi43 #1
Chapter 24: Beautiful
Chapter 24: Re-reading this AGAIN !! for the nth timee omgg still gives me butterflies aaaaaaaaa its so greatttt i love it so muchhh🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 24: Okay. I finished it already. And gawd this is really beautiful. I cried for the last chaptersHAHAHAHJAJA

I FIND IT AT LAST!! damn. I spend almost 30 mins finding this on my subscriptions because I suddenly remember this story while listening to a waltz music and I can't remember the title (i have a memory of a goldfish, pardon me)

I'm gonna re-read it now ✨
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 24: This was nice. It was bittersweet towards the end, but satisfying. It has closure.
And then you did the soulmate thing and it’s just frickin’ sweet, dude. Thank you.
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 23: My theory is…. Half right…
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 19: I have a theory on the missing royals…..
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 8: Ya know, been wanting to say, since the muses and their partner can feel each others emotions, wouldn’t that mean Wendy and Joy would’ve sensed the irritation and the subsequent changes? Wouldn’t Seulgi & Irene be by able to too? Won’t it just be a jumble of emotions and not knowing whose? Plus winters seem quite innocent on the amorous feelings. So they’re probably even more confused. And the summers are having a field day logging in all the receipts to tease each other when they finally reunite!
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 5: The segue from Wenjoy to Seulrene telling the origin of Wendy’s name was a nice touch!