Seventh Bump

Small Bump
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hello guys! i'm ending my hiatus *^* my thesis was handed in last tuesday! hold your thumbs for the grade >_< it's like THE grade of my entire college life.
also wish me luck for finding a job please (lol) ;_;

are you guys going to IE London or Berlin? i will attend both (because i like emptying my wallet for infinite yey), so maybe we can meet <3

i hope you will like the chapter ;A; it's been a while since i wrote SB >_<" did I lose my edge? I hope not ;;

Kindly leave a comment when you are done reading >___<" pretty please!!


Sunggyu opened the door to his apartment and pushed the buggy down the corridor. How had things ended up this way with Woohyun sleeping over at his apartment? They barely even knew each other. Not to mention that the only thing connecting them was hatred! Yes, definitely nothing more than hatred! He took off his shoes and carefully lifted Haneul out of the buggy afterwards. The little rascal had fallen asleep on their way home and Sunggyu wanted to keep it that way. He would feed Haneul when he woke up. For now, he needed some peace. The day had totally not gone as he had planned. Everything because of one person: Nam Woohyun. He glanced over his shoulder to see the younger man in the door frame.

“The nursery looks really nice.” Woohyun commented in a quiet voice.

He pulled the blanket over Haneul’s body and turned towards the other man. “Seungah wanted it to be perfect. She really put a lot of thought into this room.”

Woohyun nodded with a distant expression. “I can see that.”

Sunggyu left the room and the younger man followed him. They moved to the living room and then stood there awkwardly. The older man didn’t know what to say or do. He really needed to work on his project but could he ignore Woohyun like that? But they hated each other, so surely that was okay? Could he work while Woohyun was there, though?

“Do you…want something to drink?”

“Sure. Water is fine.” Woohyun sat down in the armchair awkwardly and the older man slipped away to the kitchen. He was quite thankful to escape the awkwardness for at least a short moment.

He grabbed two glasses from the cupboard and filled some water in them. Sunggyu brought them back to the living room and gave Woohyun one. He sat down on the couch, furthest from Woohyun. The younger man looked at him. “Do you think I could…use your laptop for a moment?”

Sunggyu looked at the device lying on the tabletop and back to the other man. “Why?”

“Well…I could check my mails and see if the bank has replied.”

He sighed shortly but nodded. “But only for a moment. I really need to get back to work.”

Sunggyu opened the laptop and typed in his password. He clicked the icon for the browser and handed it over to Woohyun. “What do you work as, hyung?”

He raised his chin all too slightly. “I’m an architect. I design buildings, mainly in Seoul and the surrounding area, but I recently did a project for a hall in Busan. It will hold a lot of big events in the future.”

“That’s- uh- nice.”

He squinted. “What about you?”

Woohyun cleared his throat shortly. “I’m a doctor. A surgeon to be exact. I worked at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital, but that probably doesn’t tell you anything.”

“No, but the way you say it makes the hospital sound like a really famous place for snobby doctors from all over the world.” The older man gave back.

“It is the biggest hospital in the US and it was an honor to work there!”

“It should be, since you left my sister for that job.” Sunggyu replied bitterly.

Woohyun glared at him. “If you are going to be like this, I’ll prefer sleeping in an alley. I said I’m sorry but you keep acting like I didn’t say anything at all. It was an important opportunity for my career and Seungah agreed that I should go. We didn’t love each other. We were only friends having casual . We were together but not really committed. On mutual agreement. Had I known she were pregnant, I wouldn’t have left or come back immediately. I may have not loved her like a true lover, but Seungah was still a very good friend of mine. What would you do if you didn’t have a lover and your dream place offered you a job? You’d go!”

The younger man pinned his gaze back to the screen and angrily typed something. Sunggyu bit down a comment about how he shouldn’t break his keyboard. Could he really say anything about Woohyun leaving for a good job opportunity? Back when his dream college had accepted him, he had abandoned his family too and never returned because of the job he got right after college. He had chased after his career and left his family behind. He knew Woohyun was saying the truth about it not being a serious relationship in the past. Seungah had told him the same. Sunggyu still found it hard to let go of his anger, though. He sipped his water as Woohyun typed around on his laptop.

The way the younger man’s face darkened, Sunggyu figured there was no reply yet. His finger angrily slammed into the keys again and Sunggyu frowned. “I know you are mad at your bank, but could you not abuse my laptop like that? I still need it the next few days.”

Woohyun frowned at him. “Why only a few days?”

He shrugged. “Because I’ll be traveling back to Seoul soon, obviously. I got my computer there and also the one at work.”

“What about Haneul?”

Sunggyu blinked at the brown-haired man. “He’ll come with me of course.”

“And Seungah’s apartment?”

He sighed and leaned his head back. “I guess I will have to sell it. Or just rent it to somebody. I can’t stay here. I got a job in Seoul, though I need a new apartment because of Haneul.”

“Will you work from home or who is going to take care of him?” Woohyun continued to question him.

Sunggyu huffed. He was starting to get annoyed. “I can’t work from home forever. I need to be in the office. I will get a baby sitter for Haneul. Stop asking me so many things, geez.”

“But he’s in a delicate development phase! He needs proper care and education! You can’t just let anyone take care of him!” Woohyun closed the laptop and put it away. “He needs to bond to somebody and get used to that person! Learn how to speak and behave! I’m sure Seungah didn’t entrust him to you, so a stranger ends up taking care of him most of the day!”

Sunggyu glared at him. “I got a job! I can’t just ditch that or Haneul will have to pay his school fees alone in the future because I will be penniless! And don’t you tell me what my sister would’ve wanted! I will find someone trustworthy who can do the job. Don’t you worry. Haneul is my responsibility.”

Woohyun stood up with clenched fist and the older man tensed his muscles. “W-What? Are you going to punch me again?”

The brown-haired man suddenly bent his back and bowed deeply. “Please let me take care of Haneul then! I want to do something for him and-“

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “And I can trust you? I hope that’s not what you wanted to say.”

Woohyun stayed in position. “I will do anything to gain your trust! Please! Nothing would make me happier than this! I’m not going to fight you for the custody, but I’d love to be a part of Haneul’s life. I’m…his father after all.”

He narrowed his eyes at the other man. Sunggyu was tempted to just throw the words back in his face and reject his suggestions, but something made him hesitate. Maybe it was the fact that Woohyun seemed so genuinely desperate to spend time with his son in the future. And maybe the man was right with his words. He would not be a total stranger to Haneul. Though, in some sense, he was a stranger for the baby. Sunggyu still didn’t have any answer to the question if he could deny Woohyun his right as a father. What if Woohyun became the babysitter and turned out to be a better dad than Sunggyu? He would bond more with Haneul, since they would spent more time together. What if Woohyun then suddenly decided to take Haneul away from him because Sunggyu wasn’t needed anymore? The thought of losing the toddler seemed so painful. Sure, he was a handful and making his life very difficult right now, but he still liked the little guy and Seungah had trusted him with her son.

Everything would be so much easier to decide if the younger man were a total .

“Do you even know anything about babies?”

Woohyun straightened up again. “Of course! I used to babysit in high school and I’ve been reading up on how to raise a toddler. I was…well…I wanted to help Seungah with raising Haneul when I came here.”

Sunggyu squinted. “Hmh.”

The younger m

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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704 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.