Cooking Youtuber AU

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one prompt, two authors. guess who :-)?


Hello guys, this is Madalina (Shuensha) and Conny (negiramen)! We came up with this 'let's write about the same subject and make people guess who wrote what' challenge (although it is quite obvious imo lool).
It didn't start like that ofc. We were having an intellectual conversation about who is behind the Youtube channel 'Cooking tree 쿠킹트리' (totally recommend, much quality, very aesthetics) and because of the title we inevitably associated it with Woohyun 'lmao what if it's him' (thoboohyunmakesmoresenselol). We started coming up with ideas of how a fic would be but bcs our ideas took different tours we were like 'hey, why don't you write yours and me mine, like a challenge'. And the 'guess the author' part was an idea after we were finished.

So there you have it! Let us know in the comment who you think wrote what! Maybe we will extend the challenges in the future and do it with more authors ;)


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703 streak #1
Chapter 2: so cute
Chapter 2: I thought it's continuing
It's too short for my liking but
It's really good
Chapter 2: lol!
This second one was so fun to read!
I feel you Gyu, food rules.
And in the first one... my heart melted! jdufje hg jfj
As if I didn’t need more reasons to fall in love with Woohyun Xd
I am still sad about the first cake Gyu threw out though
Chapter 1: this is sooo cute and sweet!
Chapter 2: Omg I can't stop laughing on both sides of dumb gyu towards his admirer and his salty comments
The jokes are brilliant, I like it XD
And sunggyu is me, once I ruined the dinner and almost burned the kitchen so my cousin decided to order us pizza, but I still can cook pasta so I'll add that to my LinkedIn profile lol
Chapter 1: Oh this is so fluffy!!! Do you watch cooking tree videos too? ASMR cooking that is mouthwatering, I would love to taste those cakes too~
I can imagine if it was hyun as the youtuber, what a cute way to get a date lol
Chapter 2: Omg it's a trap or trick thing XD thank you
Chapter 1: Wow this is new and super interesting. I like how you gave unexpected things forward. Thank you ^^
Chapter 1: I saw the tag for the YouTube channel, and first video I picked to watch was the same u wrote abt,conny.
Omg,i was as giddy as a teenager.
The start of a sweet woogyu?