Twenty-sixth Bump

Small Bump
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guuuuuys, it's been a while again. damn corona and all. i guess bill gates and the new world order are in power now haha XD i like these stupid conspiracy theories. so funny!

so here i am finally with another small bump chapter! i might just start speeding things up a little with time skips next chapter. i'll see where the current takes me tbh! this chapter is very light and funny. haneul has his appointment and another character reappears - who is it? read the update hehe~



Haneul’s appointment was a week later. Sunggyu couldn’t go with them but he trusted Woohyun to keep him informed. He nervously sat at work and stared at his computer screen without actually doing anything while he waited for a message from Woohyun. Sunggyu was pretty sure his nephew was doing well. He was a normal 6-month-old. But still, worry filled his mind. Maybe the doctor would say something was wrong with him. Sunggyu wasn’t sure how long the appointment was going to take. Woohyun told him they said to plan at least half an hour.

Sunggyu’s screen went into standby for like the 7th time when his phone vibrated. He had turned the sound off at work but the vibration on, so he wouldn’t miss a message. Woohyun was finally calling him. He sat up straight immediately and picked up the call. „What took you so long?!“

“Hello to you as well, hyung.“ Woohyun chuckled but Sunggyu picked up the sound of Haneul’s crying in the background. „Sorry, the check-up took a while to finish and I got Haneul home first. He’s still pretty upset.“

“Upset? What happened?“ He asked in worry. In his mind, Sunggyu was already making up some excuse to leave work early and go home.

“The doctor gave him some immunizations and, well, let’s just say Haneul absolutely does not like getting a shot. He was crying even before the needle pierced his skin and then he screamed. It was hard to bear but the doctor just endured it patiently and he told me a lot of kids react like that. They don’t understand the necessity yet. It’s just painful for them in that second.“

Sunggyu’s heart sank for his nephew. He wasn’t fond of needles either. He remembered his mom told him once that he used to scream like that as well. It was embarrassing for her back then and later the memory became a weapon she used to tease Sunggyu. His sister used it against him too. According to their mother Seungah had never shed a tear when she got a shot or her blood taken. Sunggyu smiled sadly. He wondered if Haneul had cried and screamed when his mom was there to hold him during his previous doctor appointments. Sunggyu didn’t remember her mentioning something like that but then again he had never asked.

“Do you need me at home?“

He heard Woohyun softly talking to Haneul. Sunggyu could just imagine he had picked him up, the toddler resting against his broad chest. His cries had turned a little muffled but they were still persistent. „No, it’s okay, Sunggyu-hyung. Haneul will get over it and we shouldn’t fuzz over it too much. The doctor said if we make this a big deal or make Haneul feel like this is wrong and not normal, then he might continue with this behavior in the future. By the way, hyung, the doctor said Haneul is developing really well. I think it’s better if we talk later since you’re still at work but the most important news: Haneul is growing his first tooth!“

He couldn’t help but laugh out loud. It shouldn’t be big news but somehow it was. The thought of Haneul growing a tooth excited him. „His first tooth? Really?“

“Yeah, I’ll show you later. The doctor said that’s why he’s gnawing on a lot of things at the moment. We need to pay attention of what he puts into his mouth.“

“Tell me something new.“ Sunggyu smiled shortly. „You’ll be alright? And you’ll tell me everything later?“

“Yes, hyung. We’ll both be fine. Haneul is a healthy toddler. Stop worrying and have fun working!“ Woohyun chuckled.

He huffed and narrowed his eyes. „Have fun working? Yah, Nam Woohyun!“

“Bye, hyung. We love you~“ Woohyun hung up quickly.

Sunggyu sat there for a second, stunned by the words. He knew Woohyun didn’t mean it like that. Probably. But still his stupid heart fluttered like a bird ready to soar into the sky. He sighed and grabbed the picture frame he had placed on his desk. It was picture of his family. One of the rare photos that had them all in one shot together. It had been taken at his father’s birthday party two years prior. Back when Haneul hadn’t been conceived yet. When they were still all alive and well. When no one would’ve predicted they would die in two years time.

He should’ve put up a picture of his family much earlier. Why did he have to lose them first to realize what he had? „We’ll live for all of you. I’ll make you proud.“

“I’m home!“ Sunggyu called out as he closed the door to the apartment and took off his shoes. He could hear no toddler crying in distress so that was a good sign.

Haneul came crawling around the corner a moment later, happily babbling as he sped towards his uncle. Sunggyu laughed and picked him up. He hugged him tightly. „Someone’s in a better mood. Hello, Haneul-ah.“

“Gu!“ The toddler cheered.

“Now where’s your father, hm? You’re not crawling around unsupervised surely.“ Sunggyu asked with light amusement. He walked deeper into the apartment and found Woohyun in the kitchen, busy preparing an afternoon snack for Haneul.

“Welcome home, hyung.“ Woohyun greeted him warmly.

Haneul demanded to be let down again and Sunggyu set him down on the floor again. The toddler crawled into the living room where his toys were spread out. His uncle kept on eye on him until Haneul grabbed his teething ring to gnaw on it. Sunggyu knew gnawing on hard toys was a sign babies were teething but he hadn’t spotted a teeth yet. „You really need to show me where that tooth is.“

“Is that all I get for a greeting?“ Woohyun asked playfully and then pointed at his left cheek. „No kiss?“

He hesitated shortly but then Sunggyu walked over to kiss Woohyun’s cheek. „There. Better?“

Woohyun pulled up closer for a proper kiss and Sunggyu got lost in the sensation for a moment. When they parted, he felt a little dizzy. Woohyun’s smile was dazzling. „Better. All recharged on my Gyunergy.“

Sunggyu felt the warmth in his cheeks in slight embarrassment but didn’t retreat immediately. He had missed Haneul and Woohyun the whole day. He wanted to bath in Woohyun’s presence a little longer. „You missed me that much?“

The younger man smiled. „I always do.“

Sunggyu fidgeted slightly under Woohyun’s gaze. „I, uh, should probably keep an eye on Haneul. He’s all by himself in the living room.“

Woohyun pushed a few strands of Sunggyu’s hair behind his ear and smiled. “Okay. I’ll be with you guys in a moment. Then Haneul can have a snack and I’ll tell you all about the appointment today.“

He nodded and reluctantly left Woohyun’s orbit. Haneul was still where Sunggyu last saw him. The toddler was sitting all by himself just fine and biting into the toy with determination. Sunggyu remembered reading in one of his books that teething often led to restless nights. With the growing teeth babies were experiencing discomfort and pain. It was probably not the best sensation and since toddlers couldn’t place why they were feeling it, it left them distressed. Sunggyu wished he could lighten the burden for Haneul. His only comfort was that he wouldn’t remember it later. Sunggyu sure didn’t remember growing teeth as a baby.

Woohyun joined them in the living room a moment later. He sat down on the floor to feed Haneul because the boy didn’t want to get picked up. He wanted to eat and play. Sunggyu wasn’t sure if they should teach him that this was a good combination but maybe they could indulge him today. Haneul had suffered great distress at the doctor’s office after all.

“So tell me what happened during the appointment today.“

The younger man glanced at him shortly before concentrating on the task at hand again. „At first Dr. Ong just asked a few questions - about what Haneul can do at the moment, if he’s babbling or bringing stuff to his mouth. He seemed really content and Haneul was very cooperative when the doctor wanted him to sit up for example. And, oh, the doctor had a mirror, hyung. We need to test it out later too. It was so funny to watch Haneul interact with himself!“

Sunggyu could just imagine the boy’s delight. He smiled to himself as Woohyun continued. „That was the part where he was laughing still. Doctor Ong said he starts with the simple questions and tests first because most babies don’t really like the examination and immunization part. The examination was okay still. Haneul was okay to be poked, measured and weighted. Even the doctor looking in his mouth was still a bit of fun for Haneul. But, well, then the time for the immunizations came. Oh boy.“

He grimaced shortly. „I used to hate it too. My mom and sister o

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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704 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.