Nineteenth Bump

Small Bump
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for my standards, this was a quick update. only one month, not even a full one!! i would've finished this a little earlier if not for the concert organizator of Panic At The Disco suddenly going "okay let's cancel one concert and postpone the other two to a MONDAY 2 weeks later because NO ONE has booked a flight and hotel 1 month before the actual concert riiiiight good idea", so was a rollercoaster for me today. i was sad because my friend cannot go with me anymore T_T i found someone else but still...I had to find a new hotel and I need to talk to my boss about changing my holiday *sigh* ;u;
BUT i pulled through my emotional down and finished the chapter for you guys, high five yay!

so i guess this chapter will be a surprise to those of you who aren't stalking my twitter's time for a change of POV


Really, it shouldn’t have surprised him to get the call. Woohyun knew the older man had still looked sick when he left for work that morning. He hadn’t said anything though. If there was one thing he understood about Sunggyu, it was that the other man disliked having a weakness pointed out. It seemed like he wanted to look strong and unbeatable, like a wall made of brick. Woohyun thought that didn’t really suit him. Sunggyu wasn’t that kind of person. Of course he had only known the man for a short time but Seungah had often talked about him. „My little brother is stubborn and headstrong, but deep down he’s actually a kind person who gets hurt easily. Don’t we all build walls to protect ourselves? That is his wall.“

“Your uncle is too stubborn, Haneul-ah. He should be more careful. You can’t lose him as well, hm?“ Woohyun looked at the toddler in the buggy. Haneul didn’t pay him attention because he was asleep. He knew taking the boy outside when he was sick wasn’t the best idea but Sunggyu had landed himself in the hospital after fainting at work and Woohyun couldn’t leave Haneul alone at home.

He pushed the buggy towards the reception and cleared his throat. „I’m looking for Kim Sunggyu.“

She gave him a short smile. „Are you family?“

Woohyun’s eyes widened slightly. Of course they wouldn’t just randomly give out information to anyone who came asking. He glanced at Haneul. „Uh, yeah.“

She followed his gaze and smiled again. She typed the name into her computer. „He’s in room 118. It’s nothing serious but the doctor can tell you more. You can take him home with you today.“

He nodded and followed her next instructions to find the room. When he reached the door labeled 118, Woohyun lifted his hand to knock but hesitated when he heard loud voices. „-told you. There was no need to call a frigging ambulance, Minho!“

“You fainted, hyung! And then you wouldn’t wake up again. You felt really hot too and I thought there was no better way to get you to a doctor, since you’re too stubborn to admit you’re sick!“

“I can’t be absent from work any more than I’ve already been. I have a meeting to prepare and I also need to check on the construction site.“ Woohyun rolled his eyes on the other side of the door. Too stubborn indeed. „It’s only a little fever, Minho. I just stood up from the couch too quickly.“

“You seemed like you had seen a ghost when the phone rang. Hyung, is it because of what happened the day your family got into the accident?“

“The phone call! Minho, did you answer the phone? Who was calling me? Is Haneul alright?“

Woohyun snorted and pushed the door open. Two pairs of eyes landed on him immediately. He pushed the buggy inside and closed the door. „I didn’t call your workplace and Haneul is doing okay.“

Sunggyu gave his friend a hard glare. „You called him?“

Minho huffed and crossed his arms. „Someone needs to make sure you are resting at home and I knew you wouldn’t tell him.“

The next target of the deadly glare was Woohyun. “Haneul shouldn’t be outside when he’s sick. Why did you come?“

“Because I was worried?“ Woohyun saw the doubt and disbelief in Sunggyu’s narrowing eyes. The truth was, he had felt a spike of fear when Minho called him on the landline and told him Sunggyu had fainted. „You make a lot of people worry for you. Accept that. Besides, I didn’t know how bad it was and if they would allow you to come home today.“

Minho nodded. „I don’t like agreeing with him but he’s right. We’re all just worried for you, hyung!

Sunggyu looked away in defeat. „Sorry... But I’m really alright. The call just surprised me.“

“I’ll only accept your apology if you rest at home today and tomorrow - just like the doctor said. You have to promise.“

Woohyun caught the older man rolling his eyes but his gaze still softened when he looked at Minho. „I promise, okay? Although I really feel fine. Now tell me who called my workplace number.“

Minho fidgeted. „I didn’t answer the call in time, hyung. I was in a panic when you fainted. But it was an unknown number anyways. If it’s important, they will call again.“

Sunggyu rubbed his temples with a sigh. „Tell Hyosung to transfer all calls to my private number while I’m at home.“

“Didn’t you say you’re going to rest?“ Minho puffed his cheeks shortly.

“I’ll rest, okay? But I won’t sleep all day. Bring my things to my address later. I need my laptop.“

Sunggyu’s friend threw his hands in the air in defeat. He looked at Woohyun. „You. Make sure he’s really resting.“

“Minho, I don’t need a babysitter and don’t be so rude to Woohyun. Get back to work now.“

“Aye, aye, hyung. See you later.“ And then Minho had the audacity to stick his tongue out at Woohyun before he kissed Sunggyu’s cheek. The older man let out a growl of annoyance and smacked the younger man’s head.

Minho snickered and left the room with one last wave of his hand. Woohyun glared at the door when it closed. What was that for? Why had he stuck out his tongue at Woohyun before kissing Sunggyu? He didn’t care if Minho kissed the older man. He was just annoyed because Minho kept acting like he was the enemy. Woohyun wasn’t going to take Haneul away from his uncle and he had no intentions to interfere if Sunggyu wanted to date that annoying monkey.

“I’m sorry for that. I don’t know why I’m friends with him.“ Sunggyu interrupted his thoughts.

“Obviously he wants to be more than friends. He keeps glaring at me like a jealous lover.“

The older man rolled his eyes softly. „It’s not like that. We’re just friends and he only wants to...protect me, so to say. He thinks you and...I...well...“

Sunggyu looked flustered as he pointed at them. Haneul let out a small noise in his buggy and Woohyun lifted an eyebrow. „He thinks we might date?“

“Y-Yeah... It would be weird, right?“ He laughed awkwardly. „You slept with my sister after all.“

Woohyun frowned. „It’s a ridiculous idea. He doesn’t need to worry. Besides, you hate my guts.“

Sunggyu’s smile looked a little strained. „Right.“

Awkward silence engulfed them. Somehow Woohyun felt like he had just missed something. Did he say something wrong? He hadn’t even thought about the idea of dating Sunggyu yet. They argued most of the time anyways and it would be strange to fall in love with Seungah’s brother. It wasn’t that Sunggyu was ugly or had an awful personality. He was kind of cute, honestly speaking. Well, sometimes he got mad at Woohyun out of nowhere which wasn’t nice, but otherwise the man was okay. At the beginning, he found Sunggyu to be an annoying , but Woohyun was slowly starting to see his true personality. But in in his head, Sunggyu was still Seungah’s brother and it would be weird to see him as anything other than that.

A loud whine tore the silence between them apart. Woohyun snapped out of his trance and looked at his son, clearly awake now. Sunggyu glanced at his watch. „Has he eaten already?“

“Yeah, he ate lunch. He was already sleeping when Minho called and I was proud of myself for getting Haneul dressed and into the buggy without waking him up. He should still sleep for another hour or two, though...“ Woohyun looked at the toddler. „Haneul-ah, why don’t you sleep a little more? We’ll be home the next time you open your eyes.“

The boy scrunched up his nose adorably and whined again. He turned under the blanket and tried to roll onto his side. It looked like he was trying to get in Sunggyu’s direction. „Ah~ you’ve heard your uncle’s voice, hm? We’re here to pick him up and take him home.“

Woohyun turned the buggy around so Haneul could see his uncle. The baby struggled to sit up and used whatever he could find to support himself with his hands. After some pushing and pulling, Haneul managed to sit and he cooed at Sunggyu. The older man smiled for real now. Woohyun could see how much the toddler meant to Sunggyu. He wasn’t just a burden given to him by his sister. He felt a mix of feelings looking at the two of them. A part of him felt jealous and wanted to turn the buggy around again, to keep Haneul to himself. Another part felt like he should leave, like he didn’t belong here, and that he shouldn’t continue to into their little family. And the last part...Woohyun smiled unconsciously at the warmth spreading in his chest.

Haneul reached out with his tiny hands towards his uncle. Sunggyu shook his head. „I’m sick. I don’t want to pass my germs on to you, though you probably gave me them in the first place.“

The toddler pushed his lower lip out and his eyes filled with unshed tears. He made a clear sound of distress and wave his arms with vigor, obviously unhappy with the rejection. Woohyun saved him from falling over and picked Haneul up with his hands. The toddler cooed, thinking he was getting carried over to his unc

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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703 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.