Third Bump

Small Bump
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hello guys :)) are you all still ALIVE? sunggyu's solo album no.2 is finally here upon us ;___; /cries. it's actually the reason why i didn't update as planned on the weekend. did you all listen to it? i sure hope so! buy it please (it's already sold out at one shop!!) get first press while you can, guys! and please watch the mv every day <3 and vote for him!
i changed my twitter u/n to seongayu btw. in case you are trying to find me >-<" you can see me crazily spazzing over sunggyu there...excited, right? sometimes i even speak about my

okay, back to Small Bump! this chapter has quite a time skip in it because i'm sparing you all the details and sunggyu won't stay with seungah for long anyways. this also means i must give you the (probably anticipated and feared) warning of angst (!) character death I warned you that we will not get to the fluff and actual story without drama, so here we go.

For even more feels and tears, I'd advice you to listen to Sunggyu's Kontrol :)))
PS: Alive works wonder too. Listen to Kontrol, though, and push the views while you read! <3


Seungah had to stay at the hospital for two more days. Sunggyu visited her for a few hours both days and he even ate lunch with his parents. He also spent a lot of time looking around his hometown. Nothing had really changed much, as expected. Some of the stores he remembered had closed down, though. It was not really a surprise to Sunggyu. Their town was small and more and more people moved to the bigger cities. He couldn’t blame them since he had left his hometown behind as well. There was just nothing here. Seeing how empty the streets were, reminded him once again why he had moved out of here.

When little Haneul and his mother were finally able to leave the hospital and return home with him, Sunggyu had split feelings about it. Of course it was great not to be alone in the apartment anymore, but his nephew wasn’t exactly a quiet one. He cried in the car. He cried in the elevator and he surely did not stop crying when they reached Seungah’s home.

“Does he ever stop?”

His sister momentarily looked up from the crying baby in her arms to give him a gentle smile. “Usually when he sleeps.”

“Tell me that is soon, because I’m about to go insane.”

She chuckled. “If you don’t like it, you can sleep at our parents’ house.”

Sunggyu grimaced. “No thank you. Besides, I promised to take care of you. Should I make something to eat?”

“You? Cooking something edible?”

“Well, actually mom dropped by with some containers full of food earlier today. I can warm something up for us.” He smiled sheepishly.

“That would be perfect. I’ll try to find out if little Haneul is hungry in the meantime. Or maybe it’s his diaper. I hope I’ll get a hang of this soon.” Seungah muttered as she carried her baby away to the bathroom.

Sunggyu hoped that she would find out what Haneul was so mad about, because the crying was causing him a headache. He had never cried that much at the hospital but maybe Sunggyu had just never been there when he threw a tantrum. His sister seemed pretty used to it after all. He was kind of glad that Haneul wasn’t his child. He preferred peaceful, long sleeps and calm evenings. Sunggyu went over to the kitchen to prepare a meal for them. It was good that their mother had prepared food for them. He really wasn’t the best cook and Seungah was surely not going to eat instant ramen with him.

It didn’t take long for him to warm up the food. By the time he had the table all set Sunggyu wasn’t able to hear little Haneul’s cries anymore. Seungah left the nursery just a moment later. “Sorry, Gyu, I had to change his diapers and then I fed him afterwards, so it won’t get too late for his meal. Good news is: he is finally sleeping.”

“You’re going to have your hands full with him for a while, huh?”

She shrugged and sat down opposite of him at the table. “It’s what I chose. I think he’s worth every sleepless hour. Besides, I will make him pay me back when he’s older. He’ll be a genius and make lots of money to buy his mother a house.”

Sunggyu scoffed at her words but he couldn’t help a smile from breaking through afterwards. “Tell him to pay back his uncle first.”

Seungah laughed. “If he gives you the honor of designing my house, then that will be payback enough.”

“Hmpf…we will see about that. Just don’t let him end up in this hell hole if he turns out to be a genius like your younger brother.”

“Hell hole! Oh, Sunggyu, you don’t mean that. We have so many good memories here.” She smiled widely. “Living here is not that bad. At least the air is clean and you can see the stars at night.”

“There are different kinds of people. I prefer money over air that smells like cow dung.”

Seungah rolled her eyes. “You are exaggerating, Gyu. Family should be the most important. Come on, let’s eat before it gets cold. Mom made it for us after all.”

More like: for you. But Sunggyu shrugged only in reply and then started digging in. Of course his mother’s food tasted incredible like always. Seungah had definitely taken after her in that. Sunggyu was more like his father when it came to cooking – a disaster. He would definitely miss this taste after returning to Seoul. Maybe I should ask mom to pack me some containers to take home, but I doubt she’ll do that for me.

“Are you going to be okay taking care of him by yourself?”

His sister smiled. “I’ll try. Mom is only a phone call away anyways. If anything happens, I can ask her. Why? Are you offering your help? Will you stay back for me?”

Sunggyu huffed. “I love you a lot, noona, but I’m not giving up my job for this. Besides, who will pay the bills if I lose my income? You’re jobless after all!“

“You’re so awful sometimes!”

“You mean lovable.” He smiled sweetly.


“Cute?” Sunggyu opened his eyes wide and pushed his lower lip forward.

Seungah threw a piece of bread at him. “Stop it before I throw up!”


She rolled her eyes. “I give up. Eat your food before it gets cold, Sunggyu. I’m starting to feel like I have two children instead of one.”

Sunggyu chuckled but he did as told and concentrated on eating his food instead. It was always fun to joke around with his sister. He could always go back to being a brat around her. Well, at least as long as she didn’t need him to be the reliable brother. They ate in comfortable silence and he slowly started to dread the day he had to leave again. He had not right to complain, though. Just like Seungah had chosen the hard path by keeping the baby, he had chosen the lonely path of living far away. After a few days, he would get used to his big city life again and not miss this anymore.

The silence between them was broken by the muffled screaming of a baby. Seungah raised her head in alert and stood up, immediately running to the nursery. Sunggyu huffed in his seat. Maybe he wouldn’t miss it much after all.

5 months later

“I can’t believe this is already your last day here, Myungsoo.” Sunggyu shook the younger man’s hand with a smile.

Myungsoo shrugged. “A year passes just like that. Don’t be sad, hyung. I will be back once I’ve finished my studies. Jungyeop-ssi promised to hire me full time.”

He clicked his tongue. “Guess I need to watch out for my back in the future.”

“I’m coming for your seat, Sunggyu-hyung!” The two men laughed together, before Myungsoo bowed deeply to him. “Thank you for taking care of me the past months. If it hadn’t been for the chance you gave me 5 months ago…I don’t think the boss would’ve offered me a position after graduation.”

Sunggyu patted his back to make him straighten up again. “It’s your own achievement. I picked you because you’re an intelligent, young man with huge potential. You impressed me first, so there is nothing to thank me for.”

Myungsoo straightened his back again and gave him a sudden stormy hug. “Wait for me, hyung!”

He laughed. The younger man could be so cute if he wanted. Too bad he was already taken. Sunggyu just never had any luck with finding someone to hook up with. “I will. Good luck with your studies, Myungsoo.”

The student nodded and gave him a last smile before turning around and leaving the office. Sunggyu went back to his chair and sat down. He really hoped the next intern would be as nice and capable as Myungsoo. He had really made Sunggyu’s life a little easier during his stay in their company. Most interns only had made his workload worse instead.

He stretched his limbs shortly and then noticed the little LED light of his phone blinking at him with a yellow color. Sunggyu unlocked his phone with a smile. His sister had written him several messages already. He had totally forgotten to check his phone. He had been too engrossed in his work. The oldest message was from four hours ago.

8:32 am, Seungah:
[Sunggyu-yah!! We’ve decided to make a trip to the beach with Haneul. Just to show him how beautiful the ocean is! Are you jealous~? Hehe!]

He huffed and scrolled down since there was still more to read.

8:49 am, Seungah:
[I’m taking your silence as a yes! (*≧∀≦*)]

10:01 am, Seungah:
[Still no answer? Are you mad at noona? ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ Don’t work too hard!]

10:33 am, Seungah:
[We’re heading off now! Cheer up, uncle Sunggyu!]

There was a picture attached to the message. It showed little Haneul in his baby seat, staring right into the camera with his big eyes that shone with curiosity. “The beach, huh? How can she tease me like this when she knows I have to work?”

Sunggyu pursed his lips and wrote a reply:
[Are you having fun without me? You guys must have a lot of free time to travel all the way to the beach with him(;¬_¬)]

He turned the display off again and threw his phone on the desk. Sunggyu glanced at the clock again and decided it would be a good time to eat lunch. His sister would surely spam him with pictures from their great beach adventure all too soon. He really needed some food in his stomach until then. Sunggyu huffed once more and grabbed his work phone, dialing the number of his colleague. “Minho, let’s eat lunch together.”

“Only if you pay, hyung~” There was a chuckle on the other end of the line.

Sunggyu snorted. “If anything, you should pay for your elder!”

“No way! You earn much more money than me. Fine, I’ll pay for my own meal. Stingy!”

“Aish, this brat!” Sunggyu muttered after hanging up.

He stood up and pulled his wallet from his bag before leaving his office to meet up with Minho. Sunggyu locked the door behind himself and then went over to knock on Minho’s office door. “Come on. Hurry up!”

Minho was a good colleague who took care of any legal matters that their company had to deal with. They had had a short relationship in the past, but they quickly noticed that they weren’t quite compatible enough for a long-term relationship. They were still friends, though, which Sunggyu felt incredibly grateful for. Since they were both single, they even met up sometimes to get rid o

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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703 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.