Twenty-fifth Bump

Small Bump
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hey chopsticks! i know, i know. it's been almost 3 months again. lots of stuff happened (yes i was sick...again! twice ugh!). i also tried getting a dog and we did adopt it, but she's staying with my aunt, uncle and grandma now :) they have their own house, a big garden and work from home, so they can give her all the attention and love she needs. she is really such a sweetie and she has obviously had a not-so-nice past before she was rescued. she needs some time to trust people and is afraid of loud noises, but i'm sure she will warm up even more over time :) i still visit her a lot and she is always so happy to see me. i need to hurry up and win in the lottery or something haha T_T"

i hope everyone is doing okay :) Sunggyu is finally back and killing it in variety shows again. I wonder when we can expect his next album *so excited* ;u;

sorry the format and font size keeps changing. idk why it keeps looking differently even when font size and font are the same on the chapters.. had to change my software for writing too, but i'm still not content. it keeps bugging and then text disappears while i'm typing and idk where it goes to D: I really miss Microsoft Word sigh >_<

but enough ranting, enjoy the chapter!


Later that day, they settled on a new bed for Haneul. It was was big enough for him. For a while it might even be too big. But at least this bed would last a little longer. The bars of Haneul's new prison were higher too. The toddler would be unable to climb them for a long time. The bed itself was also closer to the floor. Someday, when Haneul was bigger and able to walk, they could take out three bars. He would be able to get out of bed on his own then. And when he was even older, they could get rid of the bars altogether. The bed would “grow” with Haneul. It was the reason they ended up picking it.

Sunggyu picked up the packages for the bed after work the next day and heaved them into his car. With some trouble, he managed to carry the biggest one to the apartment. He really didn't want to call Woohyun to help him because it would make him look super lame. At least that was what Sunggyu thought. Plus, he felt like he needed the little workout. He didn't want Woohyun to laugh at him. The younger man smiled at him in amusement when Sunggyu entered the apartment panting hard.

“Hey.” Woohyun watched him from his spot on the couch. “Need help with that?”

“No, I'm good.” Sunggyu huffed. “Can I put it into the nursery or is Haneul sleeping?”

“Gu! Gu!” A cheerful Haneul came around the couch on his knees and crawled towards him with an impressive speed. Sunggyu's heart melted at the cheerful greeting. He just had no arms free to pick him up.

“Let me just put this package down real quick, Haneul-ah. I'll greet you in a second.” The older man was careful not to accidentally step on the toddler while he carried the first package to the nursery. Haneul thought they were playing a fun game and made it his goal to crawl in between Sunggyu's legs to make him trip. “Woohyun! A little help?”

Two hands pulled Haneul out of his space between Sunggyu's feet a moment later. Sunggyu opened the door to the nursery with his elbow and put down the package, leaning it against a wall. He used his sleeve to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Dodging Haneul on his way hadn't exactly made the task any easier. “You little rascal. Come here!”

Woohyun handed the toddler over with a grin. “Give me the car key. I'll get the rest. You should take a break and greet your nephew properly.”

Sunggyu grumbled below his breath but gave the younger man his keys. Woohyun dropped a kiss on his cheek as he took them and the older man flushed. “Welcome home.”

His heart fluttered wildly in his chest as he watched Woohyun leave. It was nice to come home after a day of work and get greeted by his nephew and his...boyfriend? Sunggyu smiled at Haneul and kissed his cheek. “I'm home.”

Haneul giggled and went for a kiss as well, but ended up hitting his forehead against Sunggyu's cheek bone instead. He shortly grimaced in pain. “You're really clumsy sometimes, you know that?”

The toddler puffed up his cheeks and tried again; this time more or less just spreading drool over his uncle's cheek. Sunggyu laughed and hugged him tightly. Haneul was such a joy. His life would be so empty without his nephew around. His colleagues, especially Minho, liked to about his attachment. He used to be one of the people who worked long hours – a true workaholic. But now Sunggyu always left on time, eager to get home. Although sometimes it couldn't be helped and he had to stay overtime. Sunggyu had made an agreement with his boss though. If his current big project in Busan became a huge success, he would be able to do home office every Friday. That meant more time to spend with Haneul and Woohyun, though he would still have to work on his projects of course.

Woohyun returned with the smaller package and the mattress a moment later. “Now, who wants to set this thing up with me?”

“Bah!” Haneul shouted in excitement. He probably didn't even know what his father had asked but Haneul had a sixth sense when it came to something exciting about to happen.

Sunggyu put the toddler down and they carefully cut open the packages. Haneul observed them with great interest, though the interest dimmed with every time he tried to touch something and one of the men would say “No, Haneul!”. While it had seemed like a good idea to have Haneul around with them, the toddler proved to be a hindrance. He would always go for things that they didn't want him to touch. The boy was sulking by the time Woohyun the cordless screwdriver. The loud noise startled Haneul and he broke out into tears. Sunggyu quickly grabbed the screaming toddler and got him out of the room. He spoke to his nephew in a calm tone and rubbed his back in slow circles.

Haneul was calm again when they reached the living room. Sunggyu wanted to put him into his playpen but the boy held onto his uncle and gave him a pleading look. He smiled and sat down on the couch with Haneul resting against his chest. “Did it scare you that bad?”

The boy quietly whimpered. Sunggyu gently his head. “It's okay. There's nothing to fear.”

He kept Haneul busy and distracted until Woohyun was done with the screwdriver. It wasn't too hard since Haneul was easily distracted. Sunggyu checked if Woohyun needed help when he deemed it save to leave his nephew alone for a minute. The younger man was working fast and Sunggyu could tell he wasn't really needed anymore at this point.

“Finally looks like the bed we bought.” The older man commented.

Woohyun wiped the sheen of sweat off his forehead and smiled up at him. “It looks bigger somehow. Haneul might get lost in it.”

Sunggyu chuckled. “We'll find him in the morning.”

He went to check on Haneul but the toddler had already made his way over to him, crawling down the corridor. Curiosity made him go after his uncle. “Someone can't stay away.”

Haneul joined them in the nursery. The boy looked the bed with a mix of fascination and confusion. They had a laugh over his expression. Woohyun his son's head. “It's your new bed, Haneul.”

Then Woohyun looked at the older man. “Help me push the bed against the wall?”

Sunggyu nodded. They half-carried, half-pushed the bed where they wanted it. Woohyun took care of the final touches and then Sunggyu placed the new mattress in it. Haneul came over and grabbed at the bars. He looked up at them and said something in his incomprehensible baby language. Maybe it was a simple “wow, cool, thanks” or an intense critique with 600 words about every detail he hated. Sunggyu wasn't sure.

Woohyun picked up the little boy and put him inside. Haneul looked around with wide eyes but there wasn't really anything to explore except the wooden bars, the wall and the white mattress. It was boring. Sunggyu also thought something was missing. “Ah! The mobile!”

He went over to the crib and detached the mobile. Sunggyu looked at it and hummed. “I'm not sure this will hold on the new bed frame.”

Woohyun looked at it as well. The mobile had been a set with the crib. It was probably not meant to be used with other kinds of beds. Sunggyu hadn't thought of buying a new mobile though. He wasn't even sure he had seen one like this at the store. Haneul liked this one. His mother had chosen it for him and Sunggyu didn't want to change it, truthfully.

While they were fussing over the mobile, Haneul was getting impatient. His babbling was slowly becoming louder the longer he got ignored by the two adults. His face reddened with every second they didn't react. Haneul's fingers closed around the bars and he pulled with all of his strength.

“-some tape. It should hold for now until we find a better-” Sunggyu stopped in his sentence as his eyes caught movement from the side. “Holy- Woohyun!”

The younger man had already noticed though. “Haneul!”

The toddler had managed to pull himself onto his feet, though he stood shakily on the mattress and his face was all scrunched up from the effort. Only his tight grip on the bars kept him from falling over instantly. But he was standing nevertheless. Sunggyu smiled. “I told you so! He can stand when he has something to support him!”

Woohyun was smiling as well. “It's taking all of his strength to keep himself upright. He'll need a little longer to really stand on his own two feet.”

Sunggyu huffed. “Just accept your kid is an overachiever.”

“He's 6 months old, hyung.”

“Yeah and some kids

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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703 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.