First Bump

Small Bump
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hello! here's ramen from her supposedly hiatus...if you wonder WHY NO RAY OF SUNSHINE GGRRRRR pls read the a/n in the foreword. i need fluff right now and this idea hit me hard hehe ^^
domestic woogyu raising a child is a really cute plot and i think i have a good drama/romance/baby-stuff mix for you guys prepared. have you missed my fluff? uh, be honest? :333
how long will this be? maybe another BtS? who knows, depends on the love this baby gets

seungah is an original character btw!

ps: slow build for woogyu. better bring patience with you.
psps: want to hit me to update another story or you want just write an anonymous comment? -> here


“So, are you coming next week or not?”

Sunggyu sighed. He put the phone between his ear and his shoulder. Now his hands were free for browsing through the documents on his desk. “I told you that I’m trying my best to come, noona. I surely don’t want to miss the birth of my nephew, but my boss put this really high stack of papers on my desk that I need to work through. There also is a meeting next week for the new project in Busan. It’s not easy to take off a week right now.”

“Sunggyu! If you don’t show up, I’m erasing you from my family register!” His sister threatened him from the other end of the line.

He smiled shortly. “I don’t think mom and dad would agree with that. I’ll be there, okay? I promise. Now stop being so worked up. Mom will kill me if your water breaks now and you drop the bomb too early.”

Sunggyu could just imagine her pouting as she spoke the next words. “It’s not a bomb and I’m very calm.”

There was a short break. “Sorry, Gyu, it’s just…I’m so overly emotional these days and I want my family to be there when Haneul is born. You guys are all I have. When he left-“

“Oh, don’t you mention that bastard!” He intercepted her speech. Sunggyu’s fingers angrily clenched the paper he was holding. It broke his heart to hear her sniffle on the other end of the line. “Hey, he’s not there but we are, okay? I’ll be there next week, Seungah-noona. You just stay calm and let mom take care of you.”

He heard a soft chuckle. “Thanks, Gyu. You know that I love you, right? Remember to take a break from work every now and then to eat something. I know you have this habit of skipping meals!”

“Yes, yes, I will. You are already acting like a true mom. I love you too.”

“See you next week, little brother.” She said before hanging up.

Sunggyu threw his phone on the desk and ruffled his hair as he checked the time. It was already past lunch time and he hadn’t even eaten breakfast. It wasn’t like he forgot to eat it. His boss had just come in and tossed the papers on his table before he could even think of unpacking one of the sandwiches he had packed in the morning. He glanced at the door to his office and deemed the situation safe enough to take a bite or two.

As he munched on the sandwich, Sunggyu browsed through his Facebook page and smiled because it was full of his sister’s posts. She kept the whole world up to date with the development of her baby. He clicked on her profile and browsed through her baby album. There were a lot of pictures from when she had her first ultrasound up until today. His sister had come a long way since the day she found out. Now she could confidently take pictures of her round baby bump with a smile on her face, but Sunggyu could still remember how hard it had been for her at the start.

8 months ago

Sunggyu was torn from his sleep by the loud ringing of his doorbell. “What the-“

He groaned and grabbed the pillow to press it over his ear. Maybe the person at his doorstep would give up if he didn’t get up or maybe they had gotten the wrong door anyways. Sunggyu knew no person who would ring a doorbell at 3 am in the morning. The ringing didn’t stop, though. He growled in annoyance and sat up. “Whoever you are, you are so dead!”

He stumbled out of the dark bedroom and shuffled through the short corridor towards his front door. “I’m coming, geez! Stop my doorbell already!”

Sunggyu ripped the door open without checking or turning the lights on. “Do you kno- S-Seungah?”

His sister looked back at him with teary eyes. Sobs made her body tremble. She fell into his arms without saying anything and Sunggyu hesitantly hugged her back. “What’s wrong? What are you doing here? Did you drive all the way to Seoul in this state? God, noona, stop crying please. You’re scaring me.”

Seungah didn’t stop and he let out a sigh in defeat. “Let’s at least go inside, okay?”

He pulled her into the apartment and then closed the door. Sunggyu the lights and led his crying sister over to the little couch in the living room. He forced her to sit down. “You’re acting like someone died. Are mom and dad okay?”

She wiped her eyes with her sleeve – which was a fruitless act, from his point of view, since more tears kept spilling – and nodded. “T-They are fine. I-I just needed….I wanted to talk…to someone. I’m scared they will… abandon me when they find out.”

Sunggyu frowned and crouched down in front of her. He took her hands in his and rubbed his thumb over the skin soothingly. “You’re still confusing me, noona. What’s wrong?”

Seungah didn’t answer and kept crying. Sunggyu sighed again and stood up shortly to get her a box of tissues. “Did something happen with your boyfriend?”

Her sobs got louder for a moment and he guessed that he was right. Anger filled his chest as he sat down next to her. He had never met the guy since Seungah was still living in their hometown, which meant there was a three hour drive between them and that made it hard to meet up. Nevertheless, he had always disliked that guy his sister often spoke about on the phone. There was no real reason for his dislike. Something about the guy dating Seungah had just ticked him off from the start. His parents often that he was being too overprotective of his older sister.

Sunggyu put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. She leaned into the touch. “Hey, no matter what that did, mom and dad won’t abandon you. You will find a better guy, don’t worry.”

Seungah sobbed against his shoulder. Okay, he was seriously bad at the whole comforting thing. What was he supposed to say without knowing the whole situation anyways?

“I won’t….! No one else will want me now.” She replied in between her weeping.

“Did he you?!” Sunggyu asked in shock and was utterly relieved when she shook her head. She even smiled shortly.

“No, I gave my consent. Like always.”

“Did he pull some weird Fifty Shades on you? Because if he did, I’m going to push the tape and wire down his throat-“

“Sunggyu!” She interrupted him with a light glare. Seungah sniffled and wiped her face again. “He did none of that. He’s not…he’s not a bad person.”

He huffed. “If he makes you drive 3 hours to my apartment to wake me up in the middle of the night with your crying, then that makes him a bad person in my eyes.”

“He didn’t make me do that. He…we broke up three weeks ago.”

Sunggyu frowned. “I think I’m going to spend the rest of my life confused. I really want to help you, but if you don’t tell me-“

“I’m pregnant.”

His eyes widened and for a moment his mouth stood simply open. At least until he found his speech back. “You’re…what?”

“Pregnant. With a child. Yay…” She smiled, although it was a pained one.

Sunggyu tried sorting his thoughts but failed to do so. “It- his child? He’s the father, right? You didn’t cheat on him, did you?”

Seungah shot him another glare and smacked his head. “Ouch!”

“No, I didn’t! Idiot…” His sister broke out into tears again and he cursed inwardly. “He doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want me. I don’t know what to do!”

She bowed over and buried her face in her hands. Sunggyu massaged her back soothingly and tried to ask her more questions, but Seungah didn’t react to anything he said. After a while, he just gave up and got her more tissues instead. When he returned to the couch, his sister was stretched out on it and sleeping deeply. He sighed and rubbed his temples.

“What a mess did you get yourself into, noona?” Sunggyu asked his unconscious sister. He went to the bedroom to get a blanket and a pillow for her.

He put the pillow beneath her head and threw the blanket over her fragile looking form. Sunggyu wiped her wet cheeks. Was she really pregnant? Had that bastard left her because of it? Their parents would definitely flip. His mother was a very conservative woman and getting pregnant before marriage wasn’t exactly something she supported. When it came to her, you’d better still be a by the time you married. Now his sister even seemed to be alone, abandoned by the father of her child. Could she still abort it? Would she want to do it?

Sunggyu groaned. It was really too early to think about stuff like that. It was almost 4 am and he needed to work in a few hours, but somehow he doubted that he’d go anywhere today. His sister needed him. “I better leave our parents a message. She probably didn’t say anything at all.”

He called his parents’ number and of course no one answered, but his goal was the mailbox anyways. “Hey mom, dad, I don’t want you to get scared when you wake up and notice noona isn’t there. Because I know mom checks up on her every day. She’s at my apartment right now. I had a little accident here with the washing machine and I called the only expert I know, ha ha. I nominate her for best sister of the year award. Sorry for the kidnapping. Bye!”

Sunggyu tossed the phone away and sighed. That was probably not the most believable lie, but at least his parents would now think that he had ed up and not his sister. He was the troublesome kid that had left home for the big ci

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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704 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.