Twenty-second Bump

Small Bump
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holy crap..wasn't the last update just this month?? what is this - RAMEN UPDATING SMALL BUMP TWICE A MONTH?! #powerofhungu (did i mention we have a new ship name everyone? out with woogyu, welcome hungu!)
i should be going to bed because i need to get up early but OH WELL. i prefer posting before going to bed, so i can (hopefully) enjoy comments after waking up hehe <3

have fun guys!! ;D *knowing smile*

PS: keep any mistakes you find haha. i'm so tired but i wanted to update ;u;"


It was a peaceful Saturday morning a week later when Woohyun suddenly blurted out at the breakfast table. “Hyung, go out with me!“

Sunggyu nearly choked on his coffee. „What.“

“I mean, you know I’m taking Haneul out with me today when I meet up with Hoya. I thought you might want to come as well. You guys haven’t met yet and it’s better than sitting alone at home all day. It’s not like you’ve got anything planned. All you ever do when you’re off work is stay at home.“ Woohyun clarified.

His last words made the older man narrow his eyes. Of course that’s what he meant. I stay at home to spend time with my nephew! Sunggyu smiled triumphantly. „I actually have plans today. I’m going out with Minho and a few friends tonight.“

The younger man gaped at him. „Hyung, you’re leaving the apartment?! Voluntarily? What are you guys doing? Attend a reading? Watching an opera?“

He kicked Woohyun against the shin under the table. Haneul looked at the bickering men in his highchair and babbled happily. They were getting him used to being in one since his sitting was pretty stable now. Eventually Haneul would have to eat in the chair. Sometimes he absolutely hated it and other times like now he didn’t make a fuss. „It’s none of your business but we’re going clubbing.“

The other man looked even more shocked at the revelation. Then Woohyun laughed out loud. „That was a good joke.“

Sunggyu huffed and took a sip of his coffee before he continued eating breakfast. After a moment Woohyun spoke again. „You’re serious?“

It was quiet again for a while. Sunggyu refused to look at the younger man. He was still annoyed Woohyun found it so odd that he could have plans and even go clubbing. It wasn’t a lie. Minho had invited him when he had learned that Woohyun was stealing Haneul away for the day. Because Sunggyu was working from Monday to Friday, he had the most time with his nephew on the weekend. At first he was angry at Woohyun for shortening his time with Haneul, but at least it gave Sunggyu an excuse to go out with his friends. Plus, he made Woohyun take over his „night shifts“ for a month. Sunggyu loved his nephew but he also loved his precious sleep.

He really didn’t know why Woohyun’s friend had to meet Haneul but Sunggyu had been unable to say no. The older man trusted Haneul’s father enough not to run away with the toddler. Woohyun would’ve had a lot of chances to take Haneul and run but he never did. Apparently, he was really here to stay. Sunggyu just wondered for how long. And not just because of Haneul.

“You can still go out with Haneul and me. It’s not like I will hang out with Hoya until late night. Not with Haneul there.“

Sunggyu snorted. „And be a third wheel while you two go buddy-buddy? Why do you really want me to come? Am I supposed to watch Haneul while you have fun?“

„No. I just thought...maybe you’d like to come as well. I know how much you treasure your time with Haneul on the weekend. And maybe you want to meet one of my friends. Trust me, you won’t be third-wheeling.“

The older man pursed his lips. „Fine.“

Woohyun’s face lit up. „Good! You won’t regret it!“

“I sure hope so.“ Sunggyu muttered as he grabbed his empty plate and cup to clear his side of the table.

After Haneul’s lunch nap, they all got dressed and ready to leave. It was already 3 pm since the toddler chose to sleep a lot today. They were going to be a little late at this point but Sunggyu just silently rolled his eyes when Woohyun rushed through the apartment to get everything for the diaper bag. Why did he tell his friend to meet him at the café at 5:30 pm? Woohyun knew that Haneul sometimes liked to sleep in. Secretly Sunggyu thought that the toddler did things like that on purpose. Sometimes it felt like Haneul was manipulating them. Purposely waking up early and refusing to go back to sleep at the worst times. And sleeping in whenever they had an important appointment. Sunggyu had learned not to mention any appointments in front of Haneul, just to be safe. Appointments were best put between 8 and 11 am or 4 pm and 5 pm. Woohyun didn’t seem to have learned that lesson yet.

They took the subway to their meeting spot. Of course it was filled to the brim with people who were headed home after a long day. It was rush hour and they were lucky enough Haneul’s buggy still fit in there. When the train started to move, someone crashed into Sunggyu because they obviously weren’t clever enough to hold onto something. He almost lost his balance and pushed someone too, but Woohyun caught him by his arms and held him in place.

“I’ve got you, hyung.“

“Thanks but you can let go. Just tripped because some guy pushed me. Keep an eye on Haneul instead.“ He glared at the back of the man’s head who had pushed him.

“I can do both.“ Woohyun said but lowered his hands. He smiled. „Just looking out for both of you.“

Sunggyu hated his heart for the little flutter it gave. „No need for that“, he muttered. Woohyun just smiled and turned his gaze on Haneul again.

Thankfully, they could get out of the subway at the next stop. Sunggyu took in a big gulp of fresh air when they were outside once again. „Now I remember why I never use the subway.“

“But cars are bad for the environment, hyung.“ Woohyun threw in.

“And getting squished to death is bad for me.“

“You’re exaggerating! Besides, it’s not always that bad. I think there are just a lot of tourists at this time of the year.“

Sunggyu shrugged. „You can’t change my mind about the subway.“

“How about riding a bicycle to work? It’s not that far.“ Woohyun smiled knowingly.

The corner of his mouth twitched. „I don’t own one.“

“So if you had one, you would do it?“

He knew Woohyun was just waiting for him to say no, just to about his poor physique. Sunggyu pursed his lips. „You know how many cyclists get into accidents because car drivers don’t see them? You know how vulnerable and unprotected you are on a bike? I’m much safer in my car.“

“If you say so. Though I bet statistics would tell you driving a bike is safer.“

“Why do you want me to ride one so badly?“

“It’s good for the environment! And when Haneul’s old enough, we can go on trips together with bikes.“

Sunggyu raised both his eyebrows. „Aren’t you thinking a little too far ahead? Besides, who does that?“

“My parents used to go on trips like that with my brother and I.“ The younger man smiled sadly.

He knew a landmine when he stopped on one. Woohyun’s parents were a no-go topic. Sunggyu knew the other man had tried to contact them at least once or twice, but they never showed any interest in rebuilding the broken relationship. Woohyun was in contact with his brother but his parents were a big mess. Sunggyu knew his own parents had handled the coming out quite badly, but at least they didn’t kick him out and act like he didn’t exist. And it wasn’t just the fact that Woohyun was gay. His parents were also against Woohyun accepting Haneul as his son. It was too cruel that Haneul had only one set of grandparents left, yet they didn’t want to get to know him.

His expression softened. „Well, we can look into buying bikes when the time comes.“

If you’re still around then, Sunggyu’s mind added. Woohyun’s mood was immediately lifted. „Okay! It’s a promise!“

They continued down the road towards the café in a comfortable silence. What are we doing making plans like that? We sound like a couple! For all I know, Woohyun might start dating someone by the time Haneul is old enough for trips like that. Will he go on a trip with someone else then? Sunggyu couldn’t help but ponder. The future seemed so far away still and there were a million things that could happen. Maybe he would change his mind about his own feelings. Yes, he had a little crush on Woohyun at the moment but it was unrequited.

“Here we are! Oh, I can already see him. Guess we really are late.“ Woohyun chuckled. „Hoya isn’t the most punctual person, actually.“

Sunggyu tore himself from his thoughts to look at the man Woohyun pointed at. His first impression was that the guy looked a little grumpy. But maybe that was just because of the eyebrows. Or because they were so late. Woohyun pushed the buggy over to the table and went to hug his friend. When Hoya stood up, Sunggyu could see he was about the same size

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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703 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.