Fifteenth Bump

Small Bump
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hi guys...surprisingly i managed to update within a month...haha?

a lot of things happened...9 days after the last update my beloved grandma passed away :( the funeral was last friday and i was sad all over again. sunggyu also enlisted so the last weeks were kind of hard. we have to keep looking and moving forward tho. we can't change the death of a beloved person. just like sunggyu knows that, i know that as well. i decided against writing depressing, angsty new fics and instead concentrated on SB again yesterday. i need some fluff and positivity in my life :')

Btw these past IG updates made me feel like i'm watching small bump become reality (without the chara death).woogyu taking and posting pics of each other and sunggyu posting a pic of his nephew in the yellow swinging chair SO DAMN CUTE I DIED INSIDE. #needtobuythatchairinthisfanfic

let me end this long rant guys! have fun with the new chapter and see you below for the rest of the a/n

PS: sorry if the font and everything changes all the time...i can't work with aff's editor TT it always messes up my format..



“Hyung!” Someone was shaking him. Sunggyu groaned. “Sunggyu-hyung!”

He jumped awake and almost hit Woohyun’s chin but the younger man dodged him at the last second. Sunggyu looked at him with wide eyes and then looked at his empty arms. “Did I fall asleep? Where’s Haneul?”

Woohyun pointed in the direction of the living room. “He’s in his play pen at the moment. Sorry for not waking you up earlier. You looked like you could use the extra hour of sleep.”

“An hour?!”

“Well, Haneul was sleeping on your arm for about an hour and then he woke up again. You were sleeping so deeply that you didn’t even hear him, so I let you be. I’ve already fed him and we’ve been playing around, waiting for you to wake up. I thought we shouldn’t wait too long with the grocery shopping though, so I had to wake you up now.”

Sunggyu rubbed his face tiredly. “Sorry…I don’t know what happened.”

“It’s fine! I’ll dress Haneul for the trip, so why don’t you get ready in the meantime?” Woohyun suggested and the older man nodded.

He got out of the chair with a groan. His neck was stiff from sleeping in a sitting position for two hours. Woohyun went to get Haneul ready while Sunggyu dressed himself. Fifteen minutes later, they were all dressed and headed towards the grocery store. Haneul was bubbly and energetic in his buggy. Sunggyu didn’t know what the toddler was saying but Woohyun acted like he understood every single word. He encouraged the boy and replied in a serious manner, sometimes laughing like Haneul had told a witty joke. He was…a perfect father, Sunggyu had to admit. He sighed inwardly. Somehow it was just getting harder and harder to not fall for Woohyun’s obvious charms. He doubted anyone could act this much. The younger man didn’t care how many people gave him weird looks for speaking with the toddler or making funny faces for Haneul.

Sunggyu tore his gaze away from the cute picture and resisted the urge to record the moment. Going out with Woohyun like this was dangerous. It made him forget how they had met and what their relationship was like. This didn’t feel like going grocery shopping with your sister’s ex-lover and father of her son. It felt disrespectful to even think about it as a date. Seungah and Woohyun had had a -only relationship but still it seemed wrong. Sunggyu was also the one who had clearly stated Woohyun and he were in a work relationship of employee and employer, so what was he doing here? His heart fluttered whenever he saw Woohyun smile or heard him laugh. You can’t tell me you didn’t have a crush on this guy once, Seungah. Sunggyu gnawed on his lower lip. This was so not good. Definitely not good. And now you’re going to spend a night in the same bed together. Kim Sunggyu, you’re done for.

“Hyung!” The call made him stop in his tracks and saved him from running right into a lamppost. Woohyun chuckled. “Are you with me now?”

He cleared his throat and fought back the heat rising to his cheeks. “I was just wondering what you were going to cook for dinner.”

That answer had Woohyun laughing at him. “Why are you always thinking about food?”

Sunggyu huffed and quickened his steps. His answer was embarrassing but probably better than telling Woohyun the truth. There was no need for the younger man to know Sunggyu had goggled at him like a teenager in love. He could hear Woohyun accelerating behind him and soon they were next to each other again, automatically falling in step with each other. Not that either of them noticed the latter.

“I was thinking of a simple fish dish after the exhausting day. Something light, so we won’t have trouble sleeping.” Woohyun said after a moment of silence.

The older man simply hummed in reply. It wasn’t like he really had been thinking about tonight’s dinner. Though Sunggyu had to admit it was a good distraction; less thinking about how nice Woohyun’s smile was and more practical thinking instead. He had to keep his mind on the important things. Woohyun was just…an annoying babysitter he had hired. Sunggyu glanced at Haneul and caught the toddler looking at him as well. The baby smiled happily when their eyes met and Sunggyu couldn’t help but smile as well.

“When do you have to return to work?”

Sunggyu tore his gaze away from his nephew. “On Monday. I have the weekend off and then it’s back to work. I’m a little worried about leaving Haneul alone, but I guess I also look forward to Monday. As crazy as it sounds, I actually like my job.”

“There’s no need to worry, hyung! I’ll be looking after Haneul.” Woohyun replied proudly. “Or do you still not trust me?”

“I do.” The reply left his mouth quicker than Sunggyu liked but it was the truth, surprisingly. “You’d better not disappoint my trust. If you betray me or Haneul, you’re dead, Nam Woohyun.”

The younger man saluted mockingly. “I’ll never betray your trust. I take that thread seriously by the way. I feel like you’re the kind of person to hold a grudge for a very long time. You’d probably plan a real slow revenge and make some evil plot of building a house to kill me or something.”

Sunggyu lifted an eyebrow, unsure if he should be amused or offended. “I really don’t know what Seungah saw in you.”

Lies. Woohyun grinned. “Well, first off, I look cute like a mandu~”

He groaned and shoved the younger man. “Don’t bring that up again!”

Haneul’s father only laughed at his reaction and Sunggyu huffed in embarrassment. He stopped when he noticed they had walked past the supermarket just then. “Wait, wait, this is the place. Turn around!”

They headed in the shop and Sunggyu organized a shopping cart for them. Normally, he only needed a basket but now he had to buy groceries for more than one person. He had to admit that thought felt sort of nice. He wasn’t alone anymore, though the circumstances were rather special. Sunggyu stared at the rows of products ahead. It was his first time at this supermarket and he felt somewhat lost.

“Maybe we should’ve made a grocery list before leaving the apartment.” He muttered to himself.

“Ta-dah!” Woohyun exclaimed and held up a piece of paper.

Sunggyu took it from his fingers and scanned it quickly. “You made a list while I was sleeping?”

Woohyun shrugged. “Just doing my job. I need to make sure we’re all stocked up on important things.”

He had to admit he was impressed at Woohyun’s foresight. “Now we just need to find all this stuff. Wait – why does it say we need to buy protein shakes?”

“They’re for me. I like to work out and they are good for muscle development.” Woohyun noticed his doubting gaze. “I don’t want to look all buff but a little muscle doesn’t hurt, you know? I’m keeping my body healthy. I’ll pay for them with my own money, don’t worry.”

That’s where all the muscles come from, huh… Should’ve guessed. Sunggyu shook his head inwardly when his mind started thinking about how much muscle Woohyun was hiding under his clothes. He sighed as he thought of his own body. He wasn’t overweight or anything but Sunggyu hated sports. They were exhausting and sweat reeked awfully. He didn’t even eat anything healthy before Woohyun turned his meal schedule upside-down.

“It’s okay. I’ll pay for them. Anything you consume at home can stay on the list.”

Woohyun smiled. “Great! I was a little worried, honestly, because they’re quite expensive.”

Expensive?! Really? Damn it, why did I say I’d pay for them! Sunggyu gulped. “D-Don’t worry about it. I’m the only one with a real job right now and I said I’d pay for all your expenses at home.”

The younger man nodded happily and charged forward. “Let’s go then! Just leave the orientation to me! I know my way through any supermarket! They’re all set up the same way anyways!”

Ten minutes later Sunggyu took over because Woohyun kept going the wrong way or walked past shelves that held products they needed. It turned out Woohyun’s orientation wasn’t so good after all. Even with them sometimes splitting up, they still needed over an hour to find all the items on the list. The shopping cart was filled to the brim, so Woohyun had taken over with pushing the heavy cart some time ago. Sunggyu didn’t necessarily have the easier job though. Haneul had lost his patience about twenty minutes ago, growing bored of lying in his buggy and feeling too energetic to fall asleep. The little boy was moody and was determined for the whole supermarket to learn of his dissatisfaction. Sunggyu had to switch between holding Haneul and pushing the buggy, and calming down his nephew because he wanted to touch things in the shelves, which Sunggyu always had to forbid him. To sum it up: the whole hour of shopping had exhausted all three of them.

The lady at the checkout counter gave them a knowing smile when she saw their tired faces. Sunggyu wished she would scan their products faster instead of looking at them. Haneul was struggling in his hands and crying because he wanted to go on the conveyor belt but his uncle said no. “You guys are such a cute family.”, the cashier said with a smile as she scanned the next items.

Woohyun stopped for a moment at her words, which led to the groceries piling up at his end. Sunggyu pushed the buggy into the younger man’s hips and, with a groan, Woohyun got back to packing the items into the cart. Nobody bothered to correct the lady. Woohyun was too busy and Sunggyu wa

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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704 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.