Twentieth Bump

Small Bump
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heeey guys! HAPPY EASTER :D! it's been two months again BUT to my defense: i wrote and completed another woogyu fic in march! if you haven't seen it or checked it out -> Below The Belt
it's abo but there is no mpreg and it's pretty much a normal BL with some small abo details :') do check it out if you haven't. powerbottom!gyu > all!

my 2019 is getting better slowly but surely. i'm going to have a new position/job in my company soon. i'm currently getting further training for it. if it all works out, i will have to work less weekend and less shifts, having more freedom about when to start working and when i'm going home. more time to write and do other stuff essentially. i always had a hard time finding time to write during my late shift weeks u-u"

i also recently found out someone plagiarized breaking the silence more than once. it was even a woogyu fic :( good thing the author and her works are all gone now. thanks again everyone who helped hani and i! if you see something like this again, do tell me T_T"

okay i'll stop spamming you guys haha. have fun with the update! #mutualpining


Sunggyu was going to go bald. Like, really, seriously bald. His fever had finally gone down around the late evening. He could think clearly again but when Woohyun talked to him about what had happened, his headache immediately returned with new intensity. He stabbed the food on his plate with his fork and Woohyun flinched in the opposite seat. Sunggyu hadn’t said anything yet but the younger man obviously knew he was in for a scolding. The architect continued to glare at Woohyun as they ate dinner in silence. When Sunggyu was finished, he grabbed his plate and put it into the dishwasher.

He turned around and crossed his arms, Woohyun freezing right between standing up and grabbing his own plate. „So remind me again why you faked your identity when the social worker asked who you are?“

Woohyun smiled sheepishly. „Because I thought it would look weird for you to have Haneul’s biological father living with you and babysitting the kid?“

“Of course it’s weird, but you know what is even weirder?“


“When she finds out you lied to her about being Mr. Lee AND hid the fact you’re Haneul’s biological father.“

“Oh.“ Woohyun rubbed the back of his neck. „Now that you say it like that. Sorry. My mind was somewhere else and the call came out of nowhere.“

Sunggyu sighed. „I’ll try to explain everything to her. We need to pull on the same string if we want her to write a positive report about us. I don’t want to lose Haneul.“

The younger man nodded. „Me too. She sounded really strict though. I hope everything will work out.“

“I’ll call her tomorrow. I hope I’ll feel better then.“ He rubbed his temples with a sigh and then turned to leave the kitchen.

“Hyung-“ Woohyun’s voice made him stop and he turned around to give the younger man an annoyed look. „I’m really sorry. Sometimes I’m just not thinking.“

Back when they had first met, Sunggyu wouldn’t have noticed but now he could tell Woohyun was beating himself up for the mistake more than anyone else. This - keeping Haneul - was as important to the dark-haired man as it was to Sunggyu. He knew he had messed up and scolding him now felt like kicking a helpless puppy. Sunggyu managed a short smile. „Only sometimes? Good thing your head is attached to your neck.“

Woohyun pursed his lips shortly but he caught the words for what they were - a light joke. He smiled. „You’re right. Please lie down and rest, hyung. I’ll prepare a pot of tea for you.“

Sunggyu huffed, as he had no intention to just lie down and sleep, but Woohyun probably knew that. He shrugged and went to his room. The older man grabbed his laptop and then climbed under his blanket, setting the laptop down on his covered lap. He was still running a fever but it had gotten slightly better. Woohyun told him he had taken a pill against his fever symptoms, though Sunggyu couldn’t remember doing that. But then again a lot of things were blurry after he had left the hospital. He sure hoped he hadn’t said anything weird to Woohyun.

He stared at his screen but found it difficult to concentrate. It wasn’t just the fever and the headache that bothered him. Sunggyu wasn’t sure if telling the social worker the truth really was the best decision. He had acted all confident and annoyed, but maybe Woohyun had a point. How weird was this going to look? Sunggyu’s stomach turned when he imagined the things that could go wrong. He doubted their living situation was against any law but maybe it would impact the social worker’s report after her visit. Sunggyu was pretty sure it would be no reason to revoke his custody. He had been appointed Haneul’s guardian by law because of her will and he had a nice home, a well-paid job and no criminal records. The CPS probably just wanted to make sure Haneul had a good home and then they’d back off for good.

Sunggyu closed his laptop again as he felt unable to concentrate on his work. He pushed it aside and stood up. He went over to his desk and opened one of the drawers. Sunggyu grabbed one of his vitamin bottles. Anyone who knew he took them had laughed at him and called him a grandpa. They really helped him when he felt tired and made him less prone to getting sick though. There was absolutely nothing wrong with taking vitamins at his age. And maybe most of it was placebo but Sunggyu frankly didn’t care. He was about to put a pill into his mouth when Woohyun opened the door without even knocking.

Woohyun froze in his steps and stared at where Sunggyu’s hand was hovering in front of his mouth. The older man quickly lowered his hand and cleared his throat. „Can’t you knock?“

“Sorry. Your tea is ready and I wanted to bring it to you.“ The dark-haired man put down the tray with the pot and a cup on Sunggyu’s desk. „That’s not another ibuprofen, is it?“

“It’s not.“ Sunggyu pushed the drawer shut with his hip so Woohyun wouldn’t see his stack of vitamins. „Thanks for the tea but please knock next time.“

He noticed Woohyun was still looking at him - at his mouth? - and raised an eyebrow. „Do I have something on my face?“

The younger man snapped out of it, suddenly looking flustered. „Oh, uh, no. Don’t work for too long. Good night!“

Woohyun quickly retreated and Sunggyu felt his own face growing warm. Did he stare at my lips? No, why would he? But he seemed flustered I caught him looking? Huh? He wiped a hand over his mouth for good measure but found no traces of food anywhere. Sunggyu shrugged and put the pill in his mouth, swallowing it with some water. He poured tea into the cup and carried it over to his bedside table. The tea tasted good and Sunggyu was grateful for it. He always drank too little, especially when he was sick and too lazy or weak to get it himself. Tea was always good when you felt unwell. Sunggyu didn’t know when someone had last looked after him when he was sick. It was weird but it also felt nice.

Feeling a little better after taking the pill and drinking some tea, Sunggyu opened his laptop again and got back to work. There wasn’t a lot he could do from home but he would be damned if he didn’t make it to the meeting.

The next morning, Sunggyu checked his temperature and it seemed like the fever was gone. The headache was still there though and he felt very tired. He had learned his lesson not to overwork his body, so he was going to take two more days off work and then return in time to prepare for the meeting. Haneul seemed to have fought off his fever as well, obviously feeling better today. By the time Sunggyu was done in the bathroom, the toddler was happily playing on his little blanket. Woohyun was sitting on the ground next to him, watching Haneul with proud eyes.

“Morning.“ Sunggyu muttered tiredly.

Woohyun looked up at him. „Good morning! Are you feeling better?“

He shrugged. „The fever is gone at least.“

His stomach decided it was a good moment to growl and Woohyun chuckled. He stood up. „Let me prepare breakfast now that you’re up. Someone needs to watch Haneul since the little guy doesn’t want to go into his playpen.“

Haneul curiously looked at his father while he continued to chew on his toothing toy. He looked like he knew Woohyun was talking about him and trying to figure out whether to be happy or annoyed at him. Woohyun left the two of them alone and Sunggyu sat down on the couch to watch his nephew. The boy switched his gaze to him and smiled happily. He dropped his toy and held out his hands to Sunggyu. „I’d better not hug you yet. I still feel a little sick.“

The toddler didn’t take no for an answer and started crawling over to him. Sunggyu put his feet on the couch when Haneul tried to touch them. His nephew laughed in joy and the older man figured he saw this as a game. However, as soon as he noticed there was no way for him to crawl on the couch, he would start getting frustrated and then the game wouldn’t be fun anymore. He stood up from the couch but didn’t pick him up. Haneul went to catch his feet again but Sunggyu took a step back when the boy almost had him. Haneul squealed and tried to catch him once more. It was the slowest chase in the history of chases but Sunggyu continued until Haneul’s joy w

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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703 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.