Twenty-first Bump

Small Bump
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"OMG WAIT DIDN'T RAMEN JUST UPDATE YESTERDAY? ANOTHER UPDATE? YEEESS!!!!" yes, gyumiho yesterday and SB today. originally i wanted to post both of them yesterday but couldn't make it (<- was busy watching Good Omens SO GOOOOOOOD)

come on, let this count as a monthly update XD" as i told you guys, even though i started posting my gyumiho story, i haven't forgotten about small bump. i'm here with another fluffy update ^w^ we need the fluff to cancel out all the drama in the other story haha :')

see you below! have fun, chopsticks <3


They really fell back into routine just like that. There were no more weird signs from Woohyun that Sunggyu could pick up. No more words were lost on the day Sunggyu collapsed at work. When he was feeling well enough, the older man returned to work. His boss scolded him for not taking care of his cold earlier and Minho fussed over him like a mother hen. Sunggyu had to eventually throw his friend out of the office to have some peace. Staying at home had given him time to recover but Sunggyu had also used the time to prepare for the upcoming meeting. Despite missing from work for a while and being sick just days before, the meeting on Friday was a full success. The client approved of Sunggyu’s design and he could finally move to the next stage of planning. His boss even promised him that if the project turned out really successful, there was a possibility of working from home for Sunggyu. Of course not full-time, since there were things that needed to be done at the office or times he would have to visit a construction site, but it would surely give him more time with Haneul.

And also with Woohyun, which wasn’t as important, but Sunggyu was starting to feel like maybe the younger man didn’t care if he was home more or not. These days, Woohyun seemed to be busy with his phone and his return to social media. Sunggyu wasn’t jealous. He was worried Woohyun was neglecting Haneul because he was stuck to his phone. One time after a shower Sunggyu caught the younger man showing Haneul a video on his phone and he snapped. They had a huge argument over it that ended with Sunggyu printing out articles and throwing them into Woohyun’s face. It wasn’t good for the development of babies and young children if they started with phones and television too soon. It was best to wait until they were at least elementary school age. Sunggyu doubted they could keep Haneul from watching TV for that long but that was another thing. In the end, they agreed to keep Haneul away from phones for now and just let him explore the world with his toys by good old touching and biting. Woohyun also promised to spend less time on his phone.

Tuesday came faster than Sunggyu liked and he could barely sleep the night before. He was so inattentive at work that he put his food in the dishwasher instead of the fridge and tried to get coffee in the storeroom. Sunggyu ended up leaving work an hour earlier than planned. He got into his car to drive back home and sincerely hoped Woohyun had made their apartment look presentable. When he arrived at the apartment complex, Sunggyu parked the car and then headed to their apartment. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, slipping out of his shoes as he closed the door behind himself. He raised an eyebrow when he heard music playing and someone singing along with it. Sunggyu was in the middle of taking off his coat when he spotted Woohyun sliding down the corridor with the dust mob. He was gone so quickly Sunggyu couldn’t be sure of what he saw but a moment later he skid past again while striking a pose. Woohyun didn’t seem to be aware Sunggyu had returned with how engrossed he was in the music.

Sunggyu shook his head and decided to make his presence known. He stepped into the corridor and was almost run over by Woohyun who had been planning to go for another round. The young man came to a sudden halt and stared at Sunggyu with wide eyes. „Oh, hyung! You’re back! I totally forgot the time.“

He smiled. „I’m home an hour early. I see you’re having fun while cleaning.“

Woohyun rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. „How long have you been here?“

“I just came back a moment ago. But I think the corridor looks quite clean. What about the other rooms?“

“Only the bathroom left. And, well, your bedroom. Thought you might want to clean it yourself. But I don’t think the lady from the CPS will even want to see that room.“

Sunggyu hummed. „Probably not but I should clean it up nevertheless. Where’s Haneul? Surely he’s not sleeping with the music and all.“

“He’s in the playpen in the living room. Haneul seems to like the music. He clapped his hands and smiled happily last time I checked.“

The older man nodded. „I’ll check on him. Good voice by the way.“

Maybe it was his imagination but the compliment seemed to make Woohyun feel flustered. Sunggyu quickly fled the scene before things could get awkward. He was just telling Woohyun that he had a nice voice - from friend to friend. He sounded really good after all. Sunggyu actually felt a little disappointed the younger man had stopped singing. The older man went to the living room to check on Haneul. Sunggyu stopped in his steps when he spotted the toddler.

“Ya! Woohyun! Ya, ya, ya! Nam Woohyun!“ Sunggyu shouted. Haneul was standing in his play pen, fingers tightly curled around the bars to hold himself up. His face was scrunched up in concentration. He gasped and reached for his phone, looking away for just a second.

The dark-haired man came running immediately. „What’s wrong?!“

“Haneul is-“ Sunggyu looked back at his nephew and stopped talking because Haneul was sitting on his again. „He- I swear he was standing! I just wanted to grab my phone to take a picture and now he’s sitting!“

“Hyung, he’s just barely figuring out how to sit correctly. There’s no way he can stand already.“ Woohyun gave him a soft look that made Sunggyu feel like he was delusional.

His cheeks heated up. „He was definitely standing up!“

Sunggyu went towards the play pen and crouched down. „Haneul, do it again? Show me one more time.“

The boy laughed happily when he realized his uncle was there. He tried reaching for Sunggyu but lost his balance and fell over instead. Haneul lied down on his back with a pout. „Try pulling yourself up on the bars again. You can do it!“

Haneul scrunched up his face. Sunggyu stood up and grabbed him under his arm pits. Instead of picking him up, he only lifted him a bit and tried to get him to stand on his two feet. Haneul’s expression turned from disappointment to anger real quick. Woohyun watched them in amusement. „He’s going to cry any second now.“

“He was standing!“

“I believe you, hyung, but you can’t force him to do it again. I’ll continue cleaning the bathroom.“ The younger man chuckled and left them alone again.

Sunggyu puffed up his cheeks and picked up his nephew properly. Haneul snuggled against his chest happily and started babbling wildly, like he was telling his uncle about his day. At least that was what Sunggyu imagined he was babbling about. Maybe he was just talking about the big poop he made last night. Who knew. „I missed you too, Haneul-ya.“

Since Haneul didn’t seem to want to part from him anymore, Sunggyu took the toddler with him to his bedroom. It was very unlikely the CPS lady would look into each and every room but it was about time to clean that room up anyways. He wasn’t the tidiest person most of the time. Dirty clothes, trash from his midnight snacks and various items he needed for work were lying around. Sunggyu set Haneul down on the bed and the toddler rolled around on the soft blanket. „Don’t fall down, okay? My bed is big but it has an end.“

Not that the toddler was listening anyways. Haneul was fascinated by the wobbly surface he had been placed upon. While Sunggyu cleaned up his room, he kept one eye on his nephew to make sure he didn’t fall off the bed. For an adult it wasn’t really high up and a fall wouldn’t hurt that much, but Haneul was a very vulnerable, small child. If he fell on his head, it could end disastrous.

Once his bedroom was all tidied up, Sunggyu took Haneul to the nursery to check his diaper and change his clothes. Woohyun had already prepared a fresh set of clothes. He lifted an eyebrow when he saw the outfit Woohyun had picked. „What’s this? When did he buy that?“

The shirt was white with a black bow-tie attached to the collar. The corresponding pair of pants were black with white stripes and suspenders. „Woohyun? What is this?“, Sunggyu called out of the room.

(that's the outfit uwu)


Woohyun looked into the room a moment later. He smiled. „Oh, I saw this in a window on my way home from grocery shopping. It was super cheap and I couldn’t resist. It’s so cute! And I thought today might be a perfect opportunity to dress him in this.“

Sunggyu huffed. „You’re going to wear a suit too? We’re not attending a wedding you know.“

The younger man laughed. „No. But I thought it looks adorable. Please make him wear the set?“

He rolled his eyes softly. „If he doesn’t like it, don’t blame me.“

Carefully, he undressed Haneul and checked on his diaper. It seemed to be fine still. It wasn’t full of pee and his nephew hadn’t pooped either. All good to Sunggyu’s utmost relief. He dressed the

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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704 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.