Fifth Bump

Small Bump
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two weeks have passed yet again! /le gasp/ can't believe i still don't have a poster for this fic :( but who cares about posters lmao.
since woohyun entered the story last time, there will be plenty of "woogyu" below!. more from me below /afraid of spoiling stuff

thanks for almost 500 subs :) btw guys, this story is also on case you want to download it as a epub, pdf or so ^^ drop by for a kudos! Click


His thoughts were racing. Of course there had been the possibility of this being a totally different Woohyun, but after that guy had uttered Seungah’s name like that there was little room for doubt left. Yet, he found it hard to grasp the reality in front of him. His eyes went back to the little tag on the key ring. How could he ever be able to forget that name? The name that had been a taboo for his family the past fourteen months. There were so many questions on his mind. So many things he wanted to say or do. Yet Sunggyu found himself unable to move from his spot.

Another wave of angry knocks made him flinch. “I know you’re still there! Open the door, damn it! Give me my keys back!”

Sunggyu’s fingers clenched around the key rings. He looked for the one that looked like a copy of his own key and took it off. He threw it on the cupboard nearby. With the anger still burning hot in his veins, he ripped the door open and threw the set of keys directly into the face of the surprised guy. A shout of pain was hurt as he slammed the door shut again. Sunggyu locked the door too, just to be safe. He could hear the other man groaning and cursing on the other side of the door.

“! Are you a psycho? That hurt!”

He huffed. “Leave before I call the police!”

Suddenly, Sunggyu noticed another sound he knew all too well. “Oh no…he woke up again.”

He rushed back to the nursery with quick steps. The baby wailed in his crib with a red face. “Haneul-ah, don’t worry. Everything’s okay. The bad guy is leaving already.”

Sunggyu picked him up careful and let the crying child rest against his chest. Haneul curled his tiny fingers around the fabric of his shirt but he didn’t stop wailing. He rocked him softly. “At least you can drink something now. We need to keep you hydrated.”

He carried the baby boy out of the nursery. There was still some formula left from the previous time he had tried to feed Haneul. Sunggyu had cooled it properly to save it for later and now he just had to get it warm enough again for the boy to drink. His body temperature should do the job. “I hope you’re healthy again soon. You’re even louder than usual.”

On his way to the kitchen, Sunggyu heard knocks from the direction of the door again. He glared at the wooden object. The temptation to shout at Woohyun was big, but that would only upset the baby further. “What is he doing here? I cannot deal with him right now.”

“Hey, is that Haneul crying?” He heard the guy call from the other side of the door.

Sunggyu stopped in his steps and frowned. He looked at his nephew who had momentarily stopped crying. “Why does he know your name?”

Haneul didn’t reply, as expected. Another knock was heard. “Are you still there? Seungah? Please...even if you’ve got someone else...let me see him. I’m sorry. Let me explain.”

He gritted his teeth. “And he thinks sorry is enough? No one wants to hear his explanation, right, Haneul-ah?”

“Da!” The baby exclaimed.

Sunggyu nodded. “Glad we’re on the same page here.”

“I’m not leaving before I can talk to you!” Woohyun shouted stubbornly.

Talk to her? It’s too late for that you insensible . He bit down his anger and stomped into the little kitchen. Sunggyu grabbed the bottle with his free hand and clenched his fingers around it. Haneul immediately reached out his hands for it and he was glad to notice that change in his behavior. It seemed like the little rascal finally felt like drinking again – without being forced.

“It’s pretty cold, Haneul. Wait a moment. I don’t want your stomach to get upset.”

The little boy’s lower lip started to tremble and he started a rant of baby babbling. Sunggyu could imagine it would translate to something along the lines of “Give me the damn baby bottle or I’ll tear out your eyes”. Okay, maybe not the last part. He carried Haneul and the bottle back to the living room. Sunggyu sat down on the couch and put Haneul in the spot next to his. He knew better than to leave him out his eyes, though. Haneul had the tendency to try and fall down from things as much as possible.

“Sit still for a second.” Sunggyu told the baby as he grabbed the remote of the TV. Maybe that would silence the knocks and shouts, should they start again.

Haneul busied himself trying to get to the milk bottle in his left hand. He chuckled when the little one tried climbing onto his lap. “You are quite energetic for a sick kid.”

He found the channel with the shows for children. “Oh look, Haneul, it’s your favorite, Pororo.”

The little boy stopped crawling with his body bend over Sunggyu’s thigh and stared at the screen with big eyes. Sunggyu put the remote down again and sat Haneul properly onto his lap. The baby cooed and pointed at the TV. “Bo bo! Ah!”

“Pororo, dear.” Sunggyu corrected him.

He glanced at the closed door in his back. It was quiet on the other side and Sunggyu wondered if the guy had left. Hopefully he had, because Sunggyu would not hesitate to call the police otherwise. Why had that guy even come here? He should just leave again, just like he did over a year ago when Seungah had needed him the most.

“A! Ba!”

“No, he’s not your papa. He is a coward and a bad, bad person, Haneul.” Sunggyu corrected him.

Little fingers touched his hand and he noticed that the boy had talked about the bottle and not Woohyun. Since the bottle had the right temperature now – at least from his perspective – he sat Haneul properly on his lap again and he brought the to the baby’s lips. “Drink all you want.”

Haneul ignored him and wrapped his tiny hands around the bottle before he on the teat. Sunggyu watched in delight, though the smile quickly fell from his lips when Haneul stopped drinking a second later. The baby made a grimace and Sunggyu silently counted to three in his mind. Haneul wailed loudly and his face turned an angry shade of red. His hands pushed the tip of the bottle away and Sunggyu pursed his lips.

“You were the one that wanted to eat it so badly. Is the temperature not okay?” He tested it shortly but everything seemed fine. Maybe he should make fresh formula after all…

Sunggyu put the bottle away and stood up with Haneul in his arms. He rocked the baby gently as he made his way over to the nursery. “Or maybe you need those things that doctor prescribed you. What were they called again? Some kind of solution…he wrote the name down, thankfully. But I’d need to get it from the drugstore. I supposed you do not fancy a travel, Sir Cry-a-lot?”

Haneul stopped crying suddenly and looked at his chest with a rather funny face. Sunggyu raised a brow. “So you want to go to the drugstore or- DEAR GOD…what is this smell? You…you pooped! I didn’t know you make that face when you do that.”

There were still so many things he didn’t know about the little boy. It was kind of frightening because Sunggyu felt like he was a bad guardian. He was a man who knew nothing about babies. How could he ever be enough to replace Seungah? It was impossible. She was irreplaceable in the first place, but Sunggyu could never take care of Haneul as she would’ve done.

He quickly took off Haneul’s diaper in the bathroom since he would obviously need to be cleaned. Under the loud cries of the boy, Sunggyu disposed of the old diaper (the sight of so much poop in one place would never leave his memory) and cleaned him up, before bringing Haneul back to the nursery to put a new diaper on his clean . “Does it hurt, Haneul-ah? Don’t worry. You’ll be better soon. Let’s try to get you those solution things. The doctor said it will be better for your stomach.”

Sunggyu put the boy in the crib and gave him his pacifier. Then he changed into proper clothes and looked for the note from the doctor, before clothing to the baby. “Let’s use the stroller today, hm? If I remember correctly, there is a drugstore just around the corner.”

The blue stroller had been another present of his. When he looked at it, he could just remember Seungah’s reaction. How her surprise had turned into delight. How she had hugged him and whispered ‘thank you’ in his ear about a hundred times. There was a bit of dust on it that Sunggyu quickly swiped off. Had she not used it yet?

“Haneul-ah, have you ridden the stroller before?” He asked the baby that was crawling around on the floor while on his pacifier. Sunggyu gave the stroller another short glance before he shrugged. There was probably no difference between the buggy and the stroller. He didn’t see the buggy anyways and Haneul looked too big to still lie down in a baby buggy.

He picked the baby up from the floor again and sat him into the stroller. He strapped the child down until he couldn’t climb out of it again or possibly fall. Haneul didn’t like this restriction at all and wailed again. Sunggyu huffed. “I have to take you with me. Don’t be like that.”

Sunggyu pushed the stroller towards the door and unlocked it. “We’ll be back before you know it and then you can crawl around again – after drinking your stuff.”

He opened the door and pushed the stroller out into the hallway, almost getting a heart attack when a voice said. “Haneul-ah!”

His face darkened and he turned the stroller around, so that Woohyun couldn’t approach the baby. “What are you still doing here? Did you lurk here waiting for a chance to break in again?”

Woohyun ignored him and kept trying to get to the front of the stroller to see the baby, while Sunggyu kept turning away and they turned in circles in the corridor for a while, until he pushed the stroller back into the apartment. He blocked the way and the slightly smaller man gave him a glare.

“Let me see him!”

“How about: no!”

“I’m the father! Who are you to block my path? Does Seungah know you’ve put him into a stroller? He’s not old enough for one yet! It cannot support his back and head!” Woohyun shouted at him.

Sunggyu flinched. Was that true? No, it couldn’t be. What would this useless fool know about taking care of a baby? “So now he is your son? You gave up on that right around fourteen months ago. Don’t make me punch your damn face and get out of my way!”

Woohyun’s face darkened. “You know nothing about me! Let me talk to Seungah, you bony wimp! You probably punch like a girl-“

Sunggyu punched him in the face before he could react. The brown-haired man stumbled backwards and touched his cheek. “!”

“I guess if I hit like a girl, than you must be a sissy because I hurt you pretty good.” He commented smugly.

“Damn you!” Woohyun roared and lunged at him.

Sunggyu dodged the hit but he stumbled against the stroller. He was distracted for a moment when he wanted to check if Haneul was alright and Woohyun hit him right then. He fell to the side and against the cupboard. Damn, that could throw punches. His jaw hurt like hell, not to mention his hips. Sunggyu was definitely not made for fist brawls.

Woohyun gave him another push that sent him sprawling on the floor. The brown-haired man climbed over him quickly and walked over to the stroller to check on the crying baby. “Haneul-ah. Oh god you’re so beautiful…and so big…I’ve missed so much.”

The older man thought he was going to barf (or maybe faint, because his head was ringing). He struggled to get back on his feet. “Get away from him!”

“Leave me alone. I’m not here to fight you.”

Sunggyu touched his jaw. “Really? I’m getting quite the different impression here.”

Woohyun glared at him. “You provoked me first!”

“No, you provoked me!”

“No, you!”


“You’re so annoying!”

“That’s my line!”

“Just let me talk to Seungah

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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704 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.