Thirteenth Bump

Small Bump
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only two weeks! is that a new record? possibly.

i managed to finish another chapter for SB and i have to admit - it's good to focus on one thing for once. i know people want citd as well, but currently i'm all in the small bump phase lol. maybe because i'm visitng my nephew often and he's such a cute fluffball hehe :) a lot of inspriation for Haneul comes from my cute nephew. if you have kids, younger siblings or nephew/nieces, you probably know the feeling of thinking he/she is the cutest - way cuter than any other kid, better at everything and all hehe >.<

we still have no renewal news, so that's kind of a bummer, but with the speed right now, we might have news by 2022. who will finish first - this fic or woollim

thanks guys as always for listening to my rant and leaving comments :)) see. you. below.


For a moment, Sunggyu was too stunned to move or speak. In the end, he decided to ignore Woohyun’s question and turned towards his friend. “Minho, I told you not to come over uninvited!”

The younger man pouted shortly and held up a bag. “It’s not totally uninvited. You told me you’d be here around 5 pm! I thought you’d be hungry after the long drive and I know how lazy you get, so I brought food for you. It’s your favorite, Bibimi-hyung!”

Sunggyu twitched at the little jab and the hateful nickname, but the thought of eating bibimbap eased his anger. He took the bag from Minho. Damn that boy for knowing him so well. “I told you not to call me that anymore!”

Minho laughed shortly. “Don’t be embarrassed, Gyu-hyung!”

He huffed. “I’m not! I’m angry!”

His friend elbowed him. “Eh~ I know you can’t be mad for long. You’ve even accepted the food already!”

Someone cleared his throat and Sunggyu remembered the presence of the other man. He looked at Woohyun who had his arms crossed. “Sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds but I’m not air, okay?”

He snorted. “Woohyun, this is Choi Minho, my friend and colleague, as I’ve told you before. Minho, this is Nam Woohyun.”

Minho gasped in surprise. “THE Nam Woohyun? Your biggest nightmare? The who left your sister on her own to deal with her pregnancy? The guy you want to murder? Should I have brought a shovel-“

Sunggyu smacked the back of his head and the younger man winced. “Ouch! But you said he’s the worst piece of trash-”

“Shut up, you idiot!” He hissed and glanced at Woohyun. The brown-haired man’s expression had darkened significantly. “Don’t look at me like that! I didn’t know you when I said those things. Minho, we should have a talk.”

The older man dragged Minho into the kitchen and closed the door behind them. His friend gave him an impatient look. “What is Nam Woohyun doing here? You didn’t even tell me he appeared in front of you and now he’s in your apartment with you, asking me what I’m doing here! I thought you despised him! He ditched your pregnant sister!”

Sunggyu sighed and leaned against the counter. “I forgot to mention it, I guess.”

“How could you forget that, hyung!” Minho exclaimed. “Did he threaten you? Does he want to take Haneul’s custody from you?!”

“Calm down, geez!” He grabbed the younger man’s arms and pushed him onto a chair. Then Sunggyu started to tell the story of how he met Woohyun and how they came to a truce of sorts. Minho listened attentively and waited until he was finished with his story.

“Now I know why you were looking for such a big apartment…” The smaller man looked up at him, his big, brown eyes full of worry. “Are you sure his story is believable? There’s no way someone can have that much bad luck! Plus, he’s still kind of a jerk for never finding time to contact her again! And he punched you…”

“I actually hit him first…” Sunggyu muttered. He his dry lips shortly. “I don’t know if everything is true, but I was at the bank with him and he really couldn’t access his money. I haven’t fully forgiven him, but the way he talks about Seungah… That’s not something you can fake, Minho. He obviously liked her at some point and he genuinely cares for Haneul. I don’t know what Seungah would’ve wanted me to do. Would she have forgiven him completely? I don’t know, maybe, most likely yes.”

“And now? You’re just going to live with him? Share Haneul’s custody?”

Sunggyu pursed his lips shortly and then shrugged. “I still have full custody of Haneul. Woohyun says he’s content just helping out and acting like a babysitter.”

“Yeah, but for how long? I mean, he’s Haneul’s father, eventually he’ll want to be called Dad and have his son to himself. Hyung, maybe he’s just waiting for a chance to take Haneul away from you.”

“I know.” He ruffled his hair. “I know that but I need someone to look after Haneul when I’m working, at least until he’s old enough to go to Kindergarten. Woohyun offered himself up for the job and he’s pretty good at taking care of Haneul, who - by the way - also seems to like him a lot, which I guess should be expected.”

“And you?”

Sunggyu blinked and tilted his head to the side. “What about me?”

“Do you also like him?” Minho asked upfront.

The question was so ridiculous Sunggyu had to laugh. “No! I mean, I don’t hate him, but it’s not like you’re hinting at. Why would you even think that?”

His friend gave him a long look. “Because I know your type and he fits right into your pattern! Smaller than you, cute face and a fit body!”

He gasped. It’s true that he found Woohyun attractive but still- “Don’t make me seem so superficial! I look at the inside too and Woohyun is just…no. He’s Seungah’s ex!”

Minho sighed. “Sorry, hyung. I know you’re not superficial. I’m just worried you’ll be his next victim.”

“You think he’ll get me pregnant and then disappear?”

Sunggyu succeeded in making his friend laugh again. It wasn’t the best thing to joke about, but at least Minho didn’t look so down anymore. “Aish, hyung, I’m trying to be serious! If you needed somebody to help you with Haneul, you know I would volunteer anytime! Why didn’t you just ask me? I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of that guy living with you.”

He smiled and gave his friend a short hug. “I knew you’d do that and that is exactly why I didn’t ask you. You’d drop your job the minute I ask and take care of Haneul instead. I know you would but…Minho, this is not a cat or a dog. Woohyun knows a lot about babies, at least as far as I’ve seen these days. Nothing personal, but what do you know about babies, Minho?”

His friend pursed his lips and then huffed. “I can learn, Gyu-hyung!”

“No, Minho.” The older man shook his head firmly. “I appreciate your help, I really do, but you can’t help me on this. You have a job and your own life, don’t throw that away.”

“And that Woohyun doesn’t?”

“I feel less bad about his life.” He said jokingly and Minho laughed again.

“Is there no way I can get you to kick him out and let me babysit Haneul instead?” His friend looked at him pleadingly, his eyes as big as they could get. Why is everyone so good at the puppy look?

He ruffled Minho’s hair. “No. Well, maybe if you can prove Woohyun’s whole story is fake or reveal his true face or something. Minho, trust me. I’ve had the same worries as you do and I’m still not 100% sure Woohyun is to be trusted, but let’s give him a chance, okay?”

“Fine…” Minho stood up suddenly and they were so close their bodies almost touched. The younger man cupped his cheeks without warning. “But if he ever tries to make a move on you, you can’t let him!”

Sunggyu felt himself blushing under Minho’s serious gaze. He quickly tried to hide his embarrassment – or was it attraction? – and joked again. “Yes, mom.”

“Have I just been mom-zoned?” Minho gasped in offense. He pressed his palms harder against Sunggyu’s cheeks and grinned. “How are your cheeks always this squishy?”

He uttered an insult but, because of Minho’s hands, it came out muffled.

Just when Sunggyu lifted his hands to pull down the younger man’s arms, the door to the kitchen suddenly opened and Woohyun stood in the doorframe, expression turning into a frown. Sunggyu cleared his throat and finally pushed Minho’s annoying hands away. His cheeks felt warm but he blamed it all on Minho’s hot palms. “Can’t you knock?”

Woohyun’s frown turned a little darker. “I’m here to prepare Haneul’s meal. I thought you would’ve heard Haneul’s cries for food by now but I guess you were distracted.”

Now that Woohyun mentioned it, Sunggyu became aware of the distant cries from the toddler. He really hadn’t noticed them before and Woohyun successfully made him feel guilty. “Sorry, let me help you.”

“You can go and look after him while I prepare his meal – if you’re not too busy that is.” The younger man retorted and then turned away from them.

Minho opened his mouth to say something but Sunggyu dragged him out of the kitchen. He let go of the other man then and went over to where Haneul was. Behind him his friend muttered to himself. “What an .”

The little boy’s wails lessened slightly when he saw Sunggyu and the older man picked the hungry toddler up. “Woohyun isn’t always like that. He’s right anyways. I should’ve been paying attention to Haneul. I’m not living by myself anymore and just because Woohyun is there doesn’t mean I can ignore Haneul’s needs.”

Haneul’s fingers curled around his shirt and the baby rested his body against Sunggyu’s upper body, head on his shoulder. “Ssh, Haneul, food will be ready in a minute. You must be really hungry after the exhausting drive.”

He turned to Minho again who was smiling widely at him now. Sunggyu rais

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Okay new update again 2h later! I'm done writing Bump 27. Will update TODAY!


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704 streak #1
Chapter 27: i hope this will be updated 🥹 good story authornim
Chapter 27: Author~nim. When will this continue? I want to see their relationship improve well 🥹 Please continue writing this!
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 27: still waiting here 🥺 where are you authornim? i hope you're doing fine and healthy 🥺 please comeback soon
taekai93 #4
Chapter 27: still waiting for an update from you 🙏🙏😭😭
sunggyu_chingyu #5
still waiting for an update from you authornim 😭
Chapter 27: Update plzzz
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 3: i just cry 😭
imagine this happens to me
it was really heart breaking
Simran20 #8
Chapter 27: Woohyun and Sungyu really had a good time. Hope Woohyun's parents are not gonna make a problem here. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks so much for the update. Yay i feel so happy with their sweet moments. Just a tad bit worried of what the presence of Woohyun's parents in their home entails. Hopefully it will not ruin WooGyu's blossoming relationship. Excited for more. Thanks again.