
There's a Boy Under My Roof!

 Jonghyun POV

Argh! That KFC man! Figures, the moment we walked through the front door, it seems that Jung Hye had gotten legitimately tired and before I could even blink she had slumped onto my bed and was almost about the fall asleep. I had to drag both her arms and push her into the bathroom (ok, I did it gently so yes I am still a gentleman!) to have a shower before she goes to bed because really, I couldn’t let her fall asleep on my bed!

I am watching TV when she finishes her shower, although I wasn’t really watching. Jung Hye emerges from the bathroom, yawning again. Her hair is freshly blow dried, giving it an extra shine.

“You can shower now Jonghyun… I think I’m going to go to sleep.” She blearily rubs her eyes. I’m about to make another mean joke about getting a goodnight kiss, but somehow when I open my mouth, the words just won’t come out.

“Hmmm? Is anything wrong?” she says, voice laced with worry. Before I realize, Jung Hye brushes my fringe from my eyes, and I almost flinch at her soft touch which always makes me feel a little weak.

“I-I…”I begin stammering, and the words that I want to stay remain hanging at the tip of my tongue. I imagine myself hugging her tight, and hanging onto her desperately for dear life. I imagine saying everything I want to say, Sorry Jung Hye, I’m sorry, I’m sorry about those broken promises, I’m sorry I made you angry, I’m sorry I ever called you a KFC man, I’m sorry I stole your jelly babies, I’m sorry, goodbye, I love-

If only that was enough to keep someone by your side.

“Jonghyun? Are you sick?”

I instantly snap out of it. I pull her hand away from my face, but I’m still tightly holding onto it. “Nope. Good night, sleep tight.” I say, and I break out into one of my trademark grins. Her facial expression relaxes a little in relief. Then I walk to the bathroom and I only let go of her hand at the last moment. I click the door shut behind me with her touch still lingering.

When I’m done showering, I check to make sure that Jung Hye’s fast asleep in bed. When I see that her limbs are recklessly splayed out in different directions, I stifle a chuckle. Hah! Typical Jung Hye.

Then, before I think about her anymore and I get sad, I take out my suitcase. I pack everything in quick succession.

Everything is set. Dr Park, Jung Hye’s father, had already arranged not only my extraction from school, but also from the country. I would never be able to handle it myself, but with Dr Park and his powers (rich man powers? Doctor powers? Authority powers? Aka bribery and some dodgy strings pulled? Who knows what shady business he’s involved with) he arranged some kind of visa for me to live in America to continue my schooling and to look over my father’s condition in life support. It was the best decision for my father, Dr Park said. My father was being sent to the best medical facility in America, he said, and when my father does wake up in hopefully due time, he would be administered with the highest quality care so that his health would no longer deteriorate, but instead would improve.

And it was the best decision for the both of us, Dr Park said. In America I could look after my father, and Dr Park would pay for my education. Not only my high school education, but my college education. All my life I had been restricted by four walls called Lack of Money. I had always been poor growing up, and it wasn’t going to change because poverty is a cycle. In fact it would get worse if I had to continue paying my fathers’ bills with odd part time jobs, and not even having enough time to get a college education, which would surely doom me to cleaning jobs even when I’m 50.

At the same time, Dr Park would be reveling in his success. Maybe he was laughing at me at this very moment. How great for Dr Park! No wait, maybe he was actually cackling to himself right now.

I swear when I see him next, if ever, I will sock him on the cheek and give him the biggest bruise that humanity has ever seen.

I quietly tiptoe into Jung Hye’s room. Creak! My heart lurches at the thought that I might wake her up, but of course when I check, she’s still sleeping like a sloth.

I crouch by her bed, on the side that her face is turned to. For a moment, I try to burn the image of her in my head, tracing the outline of her peaceful sleeping face. As if she didn’t have any worries in the world.

“Jung Hye,” I whisper tenderly.

She flinches. My heart stops for a moment, panicked. What am I going to do if she wakes up??? In horror, I watch as her arm starts moving up. Is she already up? Did I wake her up? Oh god, how am I going to explain why she caught me watching her sleep? Is she going to label me a ert? Crap!!! I’m not a ert, I swear!

Jung Hye reaches to scratch her nose. She groans a little, but then lays still again, her petite form rising and lowering from each breath in sleep.

Phew. Close!

“I’m really sorry.” I continue whispering. Although I know that this apology would never make up for what I was about to do.

“I know I’m a really huge jerk, I guess you’ve been right all along huh?” I chuckle softly to myself, suddenly remembering the time when we first met, and Jung Hye always yelled at me and called me a big fat jerk. But I knew, behind it all, was a tender girl inside that tough exterior.

“You know, you said you were glad we met but… I wish we hadn’t. I wish that stupid real estate agent actually did their job right, you know. Because what can I do to get rid of this pain right now? No I…” I laugh softly to myself again, shaking my head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You know Jung Hye, I made really good memories with you. Even though it was only a short time, what we have – had together is something I will never forget. I’ll always keep you close to my heart.”

“Ughh..” I groan in mock disgust, “it’s not like me to be this weirdly cheesy normally right? Isn’t this the time when you hit me for saying gross things?”

Jung Hye remains sleeping. Of course she can’t answer me.

“You know, this reminds me of the time when I was sleeping, well when I was pretending to sleep, and you were watching me, just like this as well….”

Still no answer. But her sleeping face was so peaceful.

Tentatively, in a rush of courage, I inch my face closer to hers. I almost feel her breath tickling my cheek. Then, I kiss her on the forehead. I savour the contact, one last time.

Before I shut her bedroom door, I whisper one last thing. “Goodbye, Jung Hye.”

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this is one of my fave fics :((