Mystery Guy

There's a Boy Under My Roof!


Yoo Mi POV

“Here,” he says, holding out a tissue. “Use this.”

As I look at him, there are sun rays behind him as he emerges from the brightness. The light shines behind him, but it’s also as if he is the light.


I keep on staring at him.

“Umm, here’s a tissue.”

I break out of my trance and meekly take the tissue, placing it over my nose. Preparing to sneeze, I send a glance at Onew. “Thanks,” I mumble under the tissue.

“Huh? What did you say?”

I glance away in embarrassment. “Thanks.” I mumble again before blowing my nose.

And sadly, I blew really loudly.

I drop my head down in even more embarrassment. Here was a classmate of mine, who I rarely even talk to and I’m so embarrassing and gross! Just because I have a lot of snot!


 I turn my face even more further from Onew as I hear him giggle.

So! Embarrassing!

“I have more tissues... if you want more!” He says. I hear some shuffling from him before he drops a packet of tissues next to me on the desk.

I glance at it. It’s my favourite brand of tissues. (not like anyone cares)

Then, I slowly look at him. “...Thanks.”

At a snail’s pace, I took a tissue from the packet, being aware of Onew’s stare above me. This time, I blow my nose quietly.

Onew laughs again, and this time, I look up at him. The ends of his mouth are brought up, his eyes are slits as they crease.



As his smile fades, so does my trance, so I instantly turn back down and blow on my nose again.

“It’s after school, maybe you should go home,” I heard Onew’s voice as he sits down on the desk next to me.

Yeah. I should go home.

So why aren’t I home yet?

I stare at one of the scribbles on the desk. It was written in bright blue highlighter and crudely decorated with hearts around: SUPER JUNIOR OPPAS FOREVER!!!! I smile at the brief memory, it was what I dared Jung Hye to write on a game one day.

Oh right.

Jung Hye.


I turn around to him again, holding the tissue hiding my face. As much as I like his company, I force myself to say, “You should go home too, don’t settle down already.”

He smiles; a small smile. But he ignores what I say. “I won’t go until you stop crying.”

And it’s then I realize that the tears came back again. “But that’s going to take a long time.” I sniff.

“Then I’ll be here for a long time.” He takes out the chair next to mine and sits down.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask as I try to wipe away the tears as best as I can.

“Why not?”

“You don’t even know me.”

“So I’ll get to know you. My name is Lee Jinki, but everyone calls me Onew. An interesting fact about me is that I love chicken. Okay, your turn.”

Despite my tears, I smile a little at his fact, “You love chicken? That’s not interesting!”

He remains silent for a while. Uh oh, did I say something wrong?

“NOT INTERESTING!? How can chicken be not interesting! Chicken is such an interesting specimen! There are so many interesting dishes around that contain chicken! Chicken come in so many types, colours, flavours and textures! Chicken-“ Onew pauses when he sees my perplexed face. “- there’s so much more I can say about chicken, but that’s not what I’m here for, I’m here to get to know you.”

I smile a bit more at his thoughtfulness, “My name is Lee Yoo Mi and an interesting fact is…well…nothing. I’m not interesting.”

“That can’t be true! Everyone has their own unique personalities and traits, I’m sure you must have something.”

“Personality? I have a terrible personality. I’m nasty, mean and my best friend hates me. There, that’s the interesting fact. So really, you don’t want to know me. Just leave please.” I say miserably as I think back to Jung Hye’s words.

He stays silent again, probably thinking about how utterly weird I sounded. But instead, he simply says “I can’t.”

I rub my eyes and turn to look at him blankly.

“I can’t leave, because you’re still crying.” He says matter-of-factly, as if it made perfect sense to him.

“No one LIKES me, you don’t want to stay with me!”

“That’s wrong, cause I like you.”

I stare at him blankly again. No guy has ever told my outright that he liked me. Never.

“B-but, you don’t know me! I’m bad! I cause trouble!” I say again.

“I don’t think so, if you were really bad, then you won’t be crying over what you’ve done.”

“I... if you knew what I did, you won’t speak to me anymore.”

“How do you know?” He raises an eyebrow in question.

Onew POV

I watch Yoo Mi as she cries and recalls all that has happened to her. I listen as she spills her story, reluctantly at first.

Then, at the end of her story, she stares at me expectantly before looking away from me again.

She’s starting to do that a lot; giving me an unsure expression first before looking away.

“So you should go now.” Yoo Mi sniffles quietly.

“So you made a mistake.” I say, taking in the words. I don’t hear a reply from her, before I continue, “but it’s not a big one!”

“Yes it is. I lost my best friend.” She sniffles again.

“She shouldn’t even be your best friend if she can’t accept a mistake.”

“But I really really really like her! I can’t let our friendship be nothing!”

“Then... you should do what she said. Apologise to Jonghyun, then apologise to her. Problem solved!”

She instantly turns to me and stares with swollen eyes. “It’s not that simple.”

“That’s just because you’re not confident.”

Yoo Mi opens , as if she was about to say something, but she instantly shuts it again before averting her gaze to the floor. “... I know... I know I’m not... I’ve done so many things wrong, I’m so scared...”

I look at her as she breaks down again; looking so beat-down and fragile... I gently stood up from my seat, and took a step towards her, eager to bring her out of her-


I felt the impact of my toes hit with the table as my body comes falling down, too fast and sudden for me to save my fall. I take a glance at Yoo Mi’s shocked face before I shut my eyes to ready myself for the impact, hearing the table fall down too. But then I feel a strong tug at my arm as I’m pulled back, balanced by a palm under my back.

I blink, Yoo Mi’s face is above me, she just caught me from my fall and I’m in her arms.

Now, if this was a cute drama and if I was the girl and she was the guy then it would be really romantic.

But no. That is not so.

Which is really sad you know, how everything was going along absolutely wonderfully then I just had to go and trip and fall.

Into the arms of Yoo Mi.

Who looks like she is trying hard not to laugh. “Uh… Onew? I don’t think I can hold onto you much longer…”

Oh. Right. “AHAHA!!! THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!” I try to laugh it off as I attempt to quickly stand back up. “So… lets just pretend that never happened.”


WHY! TELL ME WHY I ALWAYS END UP MAKING A FOOL OF MYSELF IN FRONT OF GIRLS!? “Hehe, well, at least you’re laughing now!”

She stops laughing and sighs, “I really don’t know what to do though, do you think apologizing is the answer?”

I nod my head, “Yes! Try to do it as soon as possible, I’m sure your best friend will forgive you!”

“But… what do I say? Oh hi Jonghyun! I’m the one who spread all the rumours about you not my friend?”

“There isn’t a nicer way to do it you know.”

She sighs again and wipes her eyes, “Alright then, I’ll apologise the first thing tomorrow.”


“What?” She looks at me with wide eyes and a confused look, “No?”

“Not tomorrow, apologise now, “ I take her hand and begin leading her out of the classroom, “I’ll take you to his place now to apologise.’

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean what if-“

“Don’t try to get out of it Yoo Mi, the sooner you get it done the better!” I begin walking again when I feel a sudden pull from Yoo Mi, stopping me from walking, “What is it?” I say as I turn around to see why she had stopped.

“Um…” She’s mumbles as she stares at her hand, which was in mine.

I feel like slapping myself. WHY DID YOU HOLD HER HAND ONEW!? “Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ I begin to say as I let go of her hand, but to my surprise she holds onto my hand.

“No, no, no… I didn’t mean that! I just wanted to say…” She pauses again before looking up at me, “Thank you.”

Oh phew. “Is that all!? You had me worried there! This is what friends do right? Come on, let’s go! We can even get some chicken on the way!” I laugh as I hold onto her hand and begin walking out, but this time with Yoo Mi beside me.



A/N: SORRY GUYS !! >< it's all my (dinomyte's) fault for dragging off writing this chapter ><

hehe so onew is the mysterious guy? a new couple is born? hehehe!!

BUT WE'RE REALLY THANKFUL FOR ALL THE SUPPORT WE ARE RECEIVING!!!!! 300 SUBBERS?? OMGSHHH :O ok when we started this fic we were like WE'LL BE LUCKY WITH 100 but omg guys THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!

shinee loves you all he he he !!!!!

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this is one of my fave fics :((