Puppy Love

There's a Boy Under My Roof!

Jung Hye's POV

I start to giggle to myself, and I begin to take a photo on my phone.

In the photo, Jonghyun is bent over, petting the puppies. He is caught mid-laugh, wearing a dazzling smile that reaches his eyes, and I am almost mesmerized by his rarely shown joyful face. He’s scratching behind the ears of a Pomeranian with the fluffiest brown fur and its tongue hanging out playfully.

“Hey! You didn’t take a bad photo of me right?” Jonghyun calls from across the table, his attention is now away from the dogs.

“No! I took a reaaaaally cute one of you! Hmm… speaking of photos, we haven’t hand one together yet have we?”

I turn my phone into selca mode and stretch out my arms high above me, so that the camera is looking down on me. I motion Jonghyun to get in the screen, and I shift the angle so that the camera could also catch all the puppies on the floor.

“Hey, isn’t this a weird angle?” Jonghyun asks.

I scoff at him. ”This is a girl’s favourite angle. Now smile!”

“Wait, what-“


“Wait, hey I wasn’t ready!” protests Jonghyun. Sure enough, I look at the photo which had a blurry Jonghyun, and I could almost see the outline of a half-opened mouth, midway through talking, and closed eyes.

I burst out laughing at the unflattering photo, turning it around to show Jonghyun.

“Hey!” he calls out, and tries to swipe my phone from me but I pull my phone away, dodging his grab. It continues for about a minute or so until Jonghyun begins to kick my legs under the table. He takes advantage while I am distracted by the sudden contact and swipes the phone from my hands.

“No don’t delete it!” I begin to complain, until I get an idea and take Jonghyun’s phone. I instantly switch it to selca mode on his phone, and then I prop it up high.

“Hey, that’s cheating!”

“Whatever! Smile!”

This time, I wait for Jonghyun to get ready for the photo before I snap it. It’s a nice photo, with my hair looking silkier than it really was and my lips looking a little pink. Jonghyun is flashing another one of his bright grins, looking not like a bad boy but more of like a little boy who was genuinely having fun. Of course, fluffy puppies were in the background.

I set the photo as Jonghyun’s home page background. When we give our phones back to each other, I see that not only had he taken a crapload of selcas that now spammed my photo storage of him making the exact same face with maybe a rare raised eyebrow here and there (with his signature wannabe cocky smirk which would’ve probably made other girls faint but by now I am immune to his fake charms), but he had also set the photo of him petting the dogs as my new home screen background.

My heart warms up, instantly embarrassed but also a little excited that we did the exact same thing. Jonghyun notices the same thing, and flashes me a peace sign.

“Umm, guys?” Luhan the waiter suddenly appears at the side with a sheepish smile on his face, “I’ve been standing here for a few minutes now waiting for your order but none of you answered me when I asked…”

Jonghyun POV

Of course, smart me realized that on the way to the street markets, there were some photo booths, which seems to be an activity that the majority of the female species enjoy participating in, particularly on girl outings with each other and after school.

Although I wasn’t sure if Jung Hye would appreciate it at first (because after all, can she even be called a girl?! OK, I’m kidding) but I was glad that she probably did, after we took photos of ourselves in the dog café, which members of female species apparently dub this practice with the slang word ‘selca’.

The dogs eventually warmed up to Jung Hye, after her hard work of trying to play with them using toys. Her expression of success was so cute, I took a moment to marvel to myself, how did I get this amazing girl to be my girlfriend?


I shake the thoughts out of my head. I want today to be free of all bad thoughts.

“Mmmm! That was a good meal! The dogs were sooo cute!” Jung Hye coos once we leave the dog café. “And that waiter, you know the one called Luhan, he was so good with dogs!”

I gently elbow her on the ribs. “Hey, don’t tell me you’re falling in love with him?! Aren’t you forgetting someone here? Someone who is amazing with dogs?”

‘Yeeeeeeh…’ Jung Hye tilts her head as she drags out the word, ‘I guess you were pretty good with the dogs…’

I begin to nod in agreement.

But no, of course Jung Hye would not be satisfied with giving me a mere compliment.

There’s a mischievous glint in her eyes as she delivers her blow ‘...but you know, that was probably because you were more on their level than Luhan.’

I stop nodding and give her a mock glare ‘Hey! Fine, I guess somebody does not want to continue on this amazing date I have planned!’

Jung Hye grins, “you know I was just joking!’.

‘Besides,’ she reaches up to ruffle my hair, ‘you’re the perfect height for me!”

And even though Jung Hye had just single handedly ruined the hair I had taken great care into styling; I couldn’t help but grin back. 

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this is one of my fave fics :((