Prom - The Beginning

There's a Boy Under My Roof!


Jonghyun’s POV

I was so lost in the indescribable feeling of Jung Hye’s soft lips pressed on mine,that it wasn’t until ten seconds later did I realise. Ten whole seconds of Jung Hye;in such close proximity to me that she was almost pressed against me.Ten seconds of my lips on hers…did the full impact of what we were doing hit me.

I pulled away hurriedly, my hand dropping from where it was placed on her back. Jung Hye’s eyes fluttered open at the sudden movement.

“How can you do this?” I asked as I took a step back from her.

“Wh-what? You—I—what are you talking about?” She stuttered, her voice wavering as her eyes gazed at me questioningly.

Maybe I was making a big deal out of nothing? No. It just wasn’t right to just kiss Jung Hye when… “Jung Hye… what about Taemin?”

At the mention of his name, Jung Hye’s eyes widened and her lips fell into an O shape, “Oh my gosh, TAEMIN!” Instinctively, she glanced at her wrist, forgetting that her watch had been taken off after much pestering from Shin Hee. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what time is it Jonghyun? Oh my gosh, what am I going to do?” Jung Hye wrung her hands together as she paced around the room, “The prom! Taemin! He will be so heartbroken and I can’t even contact him and he’s probably waiting and we were meant to go together and OH MY GOSH I AM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON!” she groans, leaning against the locked door.

“So, it’sTaemin right?”

“What?” Jung Hye frowned at my words, “What did you say?”

“Taemin.” I repeat, “…you choose Taemin.”

Jung Hye quirks her eyebrow, “Uh…I really don’t know what you are talking about but I really need to get to the prom, like right now, so any idea on how to get out of here?” she says this in complete seriousness as she turns around and starts calling for Jenny and Kenny, not realising the way my voice seems to catch in my throat.

I steel my voice, “Jung Hye, I need to know this okay? You can’t just walk away and pretend that kiss never happened.”

She turns around to face me, eyes flashing. “What? I’m not going to do that!”

“So what are you going to do? Date Taemin and I at the same time? See which one is better?”

“No, I, what are you going on about? Why would I date Taemin?! He’s like my brother!”

“But you are going to the prom with him! Look at how worried you are because of him!”

Jung Hye briefly closed her eyes and drew a deep breath before walking towards me, “Listen. Jonghyun, I’m going to say this just this once and once only okay? I like you, I like how you try to act all tough and manly when you are actually a real softie inside, I like the way you value friendship, I like the way you smile, that big silly grin you give, I like the fact that you can cook, I like your voice, the sound of it as you sing and heck I don’t know why I like a complete and utter idiot like you... but I do.”

I stare at her as the silence of the room takes over, completely taken aback by her sudden confession.

“Say something…” Jung Hye mutters, clearly embarrassed by her outburst as she begins to turn around.

I grab onto her wrist and pull her into a hug, “Jung Hye, who knew you could be such a cheesy fluffy marshmallow?“ I grin at her, because she had just told me the words that I had been wanting to hear. She liked me. Me!

“Oh, shuddup and help me get out of this room!”

Taemin’s POV

I should’ve known this was coming. Starting from the very first day I met Jung Hye. I should’ve realised from the way Jung Hye would squish my cheeks, ruffle my hair and coo over me that she would never see me as anything more than just a friend.

Yet stupidly, I had continued to hang onto the hope that maybe not, maybe I could change the way she thought. Maybe I could mean something more to her.

Key’s words should have knocked some sense into me.  

“She treats him like a younger brother! Like a kid! All she sees in him is a friend! Can’t you see?

But I had forced them to the back of my mind and pretended I had never heard them. I deluded myself into thinking that I had a chance and I continued to let Key fawn over me like before, because really, what good would it do if I brought it up? I could just imagine the sympathetic look he would give me.

 (cause I’m just a pathetic boy chasing after a girl who’s already in love.)

I notice things.

Jonghyun’s furious glare that day Jung Hye walked into class, eyes red and head down.  The way the glare softened once he saw her.

The lost look in Jung Hye’s eyes as she tried blatantly to catch Jonghyun’s attention, only to have him ignore her. The longing gazes Jonghyun would give whenever he thought she wasn’t looking.

 The wistful looks Jonghyun shot in Jung Hye’s direction whenever I was with her.  The way his brows furrowed in jealousy and his teeth grinded at the sight.

The way Jonghyun would light up when he was with Jung Hye and the sound of laughter falling from Jung Hye’s lips whenever she was with Jonghyun.

I’m not stupid. I know, I know I’m intervening in their love story, but like the coward I am,I ran away from the obvious. I pretended to be oblivious just so that I could spend a bit more time with her, grasp onto that thin thread of hope.

 So really, when no one answered the door bell, I shouldn’t have been surprised. When my countless calls to her went unanswered, I shouldn’t have been upset.

It’s just that, I thought she would have at least told me she had chosen to go with Jonghyun, you know? So I wouldn’t look like such a fool, standing in front of an empty house, all dressed up with two tickets in my hand.

I couldn’t even return home now, not without my mum swooping down at me and demanding to know why I was home so early and where was that lovely Jung Hye girl? I couldn’t face her.

Instead, I find myself walking around the neighbourhood, eyes downcast. Who was I kidding? It’s always been like this.Everyone takes one look at my face and assumes I’m just a little smiley kid who is both oblivious and gullible. Except I was seventeen damnit. Seventeen.

Seventeen and I’m walking down the streets blinking rapidly to hold back the tears which are threatening to fall.

Jae Ri POV

“Soo Hyun? Are the curtains working fine? What about the voting ballots? And the projector? Is the projector all set up-”

“Yerrrrrp. Done a few million checks already. Chill, Jae Ri!” Soo Hyun laughs, interrupting me and my worry for tonight with his sunny attitude and a pat on the back.

There’s nothing else for me to do except to take a resigned look. “Okay. I trust you. Handle the Prom King and Queen and handle it well!”

He puts on a mock-stiff face and laughs. “Aye aye, captain!”

I tick off the last box in my checklist, signalling that all last minute checks were done. Time was up, and it was time to let everyone in. I walk to the entrance gate and take a peek at all the pre-prom buzz.

“Jae Ri! Hey~” Krystal greets, sitting behind the table where she would have to be the entrance ticket checker before letting everyone in.

“Krystal! All the checks have been done – and everyone can be let in now!”

She nods and looks at my dress, which was a random fluorescent pink hand-me-down that my mother modified – put a few buttons and frills and new fabric stitches here and there. Nothing special, so I’m taken aback when Krystal gasps, “Your dress! It’s so pretty!”

“Like you’re to talk,” I answer as my last comment and I was relieved that she couldn’t talk back as people had to start entering. Krystal was probably one of the prettiest girls in school.

My mind shifted back to all the girls in stylish, fashionable, new-bought and fluorescent dresses, tagging their dates along with them.

And me? I didn’t even have enough time to go dress shopping. Krystal hurriedly doing my makeup in the morning, before going back to the venue for more preparation. Not getting a date, either. Having my job, being a student council president… it was these things that you had to sacrifice.


He would have a pretty date too. The girl he was talking about. Cute, funny, nice… with an amazing date. Most probably has an amazing dress too, to boot.

I pinched myself hard on the arm. How dare I think that?! Whoever the girl is, she’s the girl Taemin’s chosen. The girl who he will dance with tonight, is the girl Taemin’s chosen. And me? I’m just Jae Ri. Jae Ri is Jae Ri, and Jae Ri does not have anything to do with Taemin and his girl.

 “JAE RI!!!” A loud voice startles me, and I jump back. There is no one around but Krystal, who sighs. “Earth to Jae Ri! I’ve been calling you for about 3 times already but you’re so dazed!”

Oops. Dazed thinking about Taemin, I think but I don’t say because that’s really embarrassing. “Sorry!”

“Anyways, since nearly everyone’s in, and I really need a toilet break right now – can you stay for a few more minutes? And then close the place?”

I nod and laugh, “Yeah sure! I would have to spend the whole of tonight doing jobs, anyways. Wonderful prom night, ey?”

Krystal looks disapprovingly. “Just have some fun, will you? I’m going to find and catch up with you and our group and we can have fun then, okay?”

I shrug, but smile anyways. “Yeah. Have fun peeing!”

She bursts into laughter, “YAH! That's crude! But you’d better be there when I find you!” she calls back before she runs off, and I’m by myself, sitting on the table and minding my own business when, suddenly, I see one lone figure coming down the pathway.

No, it can’t be… can it?

He forms an ever so slight smile when I come into his view and he stops in front of the table.

“H-Hi-“ I try my best to not let my voice get caught with my shock, “Welcome to our annual senior prom. Could you please present your ticket for entry?”

He shrugs, blonde hair glimmering in the darkness. “Can I buy my ticket at the door?”


A/N: Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for all new and old readers. ^^ For all those who have commented, subscribed, or even clicked on this story, thank you! It means so much to have everyone reading something that we had just thought about doing for fun on one September last last year... wow it was 2010 back then, and it's 2012 now. Omg time has passed so quickly!

And yes, it has been fun! So thank you everyone! I hope this year comes filled with many blessings and we wish you all a happy new year^^

Oh and... the prom night... is quite long HAHA the night only just started ;)

Also, deestar is now overseas! ^^

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this is one of my fave fics :((