
There's a Boy Under My Roof!


Jung Hye POV

“Ah – Jung Hye, I need to go soon.” Taemin says as he bites his lips. It’s not a surprise – after all he had been checking his watch for the past ten minutes.

“Awww! What, now? Already?”

“No no no! In about half an hour, maybe. We can probably do one or two more rides?” he asks hopefully.

I nod, “Well the problem is we’ve been on every single ride already...”

“Hmmmm... will – will you go with me to the ferris wheel then?” He asks, a little hesitantly as he glances towards his toes. So cute!

I grin and ruffle his hair. “Yeah, let’s go!”

We go over and buy some ice cream together first and Taemin insists that he would pay because he was a man. Of course, I insist in turn that, yes of course Taemin is a man and I respect all his manliness but we are friends and therefore he doesn’t need to pay for everything. In the end, he still insists that he pay and I share a good laugh and teasing over his power ranger wallet.

In no time, we’re sitting in the ferris wheel carriage, sitting across from each other and finishing off our ice creams.

“Thanks Taemin,” I start, “for today. I had sooo much fun!”

Taemin POV

I cast her a small smile that I could muster. “It’s okay. I’m sorry –I’m sorry for - uhhh -”

Jung Hye stays silent as she has a worried expression on her face.

“Haha? I mean, hahahahahaha!!!” I start laughing awkwardly to try and save this awkward silence.

Unfortunately, she just raises her eyebrow.

I sigh softly and look out of the ferris wheel. My heart had a similar ache to the prom; I still felt... sad and regretful, that Jung Hye doesn’t see me as a man. But now, I tell myself, this is my chance for a new start. To throw all the regrets away and have thoughts of better things.

The sun was starting to set; and as we got higher, I could see parts of a beautiful horizon forming.

Ahhhh. It’s sooo pretty. Just like Jung Hye.

“What? Did you say something?” Jung Hye asks innocently.

Crap! Did I just think aloud?

“Uhhh...” I shift my eyes awkwardly. “Uhhh... the horizon’s pretty isn’t it?”

She smirks, “Yeah I heard that, did you say anything about me?”

Ohhhh dammit, she heard that! I shrug in response, but then she giggles.

“Yeah, it’s really pretty. This ferris wheel is so relaxing.”

The ferris wheel rolled to a stop when our carriage was right at the top. The sun was quickly setting and dark hues were showering the amusement park; neon lights becoming more distinct.

“Jung Hye...”

“Mmm?” she asks, so casually.

“I’ve always wanted to bring a girl up with me on a ferris wheel.” I look her in the eye. “You know, a special girl. So I can look at all these pretty sights with her, and be relaxed...”

Jung Hye’s expression is confused, before it changes to a frown. “Taemin, I’m... I’m sorry.”


She fiddles with her thumbs and looks down to the floor. “You must’ve had a girl in mind. It shouldn’t be me sitting here right?”

I try to be sad, I try to be even more regretful, but instead I smile and lean over to her side. I lift her chin up and she looks at me. Then, I stand up and bend my body over while pressing her head to my chest into a comforting embrace. She lets out a surprise gasp before she slowly slides her arms around me.

I don’t realise it, but I must be pretty unstable, because my body shakes and trembles and Jung Hye hugs me a bit tighter.

“It’s okay Taemin, it’s okay. No matter what’s happening, I’ll always be with you alright? Every step of the way.” She whispers.

Ahhh. How ironic, if only she knew why I was doing this.

 “I really like you, Jung Hye.” I whisper, quietly against her ear.

She gives me a single pat on the back; she doesn't understand that I just confessed. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be your friend, Taeminnie.”

I will myself not to cry. “Okay, always.”

 “You have to be the first to tell me when you bring a special girl back to the ferris wheel, okay?” Jung Hye chuckles.

You’re special.


Watch me, Jung Hye. Watch me. Once we get off this ferris wheel, I’ll have no regrets. I’ll be a man. I won’t break down in front of you again. I’ll be your best friend forever.

Jonghyun POV

I flick through the TV channels boredly as I lie on my bed in the living room. In my peripheral vision, I watch the clock tick and wonder when exactly Jung Hye is going to return home.

Okay. Now!

I flip my head towards the door, and waited for a second.

Nooooo. Jung Hye still isn’t here!

I stare blankly at the soccer game playing.

This is it. Jung Hye must be coming in – now!

I sighed at the door in frustration and continued staring.

She must come... Now!

I whip my head towards the door again, but she doesn’t come. Why?! Is my intuition not working?

At the moment, I hear the doorknob turning.

Oh no.

Oh my gosh. Jung Hye is here.

How should I act?

No, I must act cool and indifferent. I may have screamed like a girl and fainted after the rollercoaster, but I am also a very civilized and cool boyfriend who is scared of nothing so I will act cool.

“Hey Jonghyun,” I hear Jung Hye mutter. “I’m back!”

“Welcome back.” I answer robotically, before I realised I sounded way too indifferent. “I mean,” I squeaked, “Welcome back home! I MEAN- AHEM-“ I cleared my throat and sadly my voice dropped a few octaves lower than I intended it. “Welcome back.”

 In that time, Jung Hye had already reached me and smirked. “I’m home, Mr. I’m-a-sissy-and-I--faint-in-the-middle-of-rollercoasters.”

I instantly shoved my pillow to her face.

“Yah! No violence!” she complained and smacked me back with the pillow.

“You provoked me!” I taunted back.

Jung Hye POV

“Aishhhh. You’ve been watching TV after you got home? Key brought you home? You lazy , why are you watching TV?”

 “I’m not laaazzyyy~! Look, I made dinner okay. I made dinner with my awesome lackey aka sidekick aka servant Key.” Jonghyun pouted and pointed at all the food sitting steaming on the dinner table.


“Hah, more like you were his servant.” I replied.

“Noooooooo~! I did make it! I can cook, remember?” Jonghyun continued whining. I stood over him, my face looming directly over his, and I smiled.

 “Thanks, Jonghyun. Let’s go eat now?”

I started turning, about to walk away, but I felt Jonghyun grip my arm and I was pulled down. He pecked me on the lips before scrambling out from under me and escaped like a mischievous child.

I stood frozen, and felt all the blood rush to my face to the tips of my ears. Jonghyun was chuckling to himself in his seat on the dinner table.

“H-Hey! What was that?” I stammered, flushed and I tried to hide my face from him as I settled on my own seat.

“I just wanted some entrée.” Jonghyun said confidently, as he stood up and leaned over to my side. I smiled and fluttered my eyelids close, expecting the kiss...

... which wasn’t coming yet...

I abruptly open my eyes and find Jonghyun stealing some rice from my bowl.

“UGHHHH!” I groan to myself and put my head in my hands, draining in embarrassment while Jonghyun’s musical laughter rings through the room.



A/N: Hi everyone! First of all, thank you all who subscribed and commented, we really do read all your comments and we really do appreciate anybody who's still reading this fic! If it wasn't for all of you guys, we would've probably abandoned this story a looooooooong time ago. Of course, there were times when we were bored with this story, but because of all of you, we will keep on writing until we finish, so we won't be like those fics which stop updating in the middle T_T

So... this is Taemin's real closure as he starts to come to terms with his rejection. In this story... he's probably the most mature character ^^

One of you had asked us if this story was going to end soon and the answer is yes!

We already have the ending in mind and we are planning on ending the story in about 10 or so chapters ^^

Tell us your thoughts and thank you for reading, you!

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this is one of my fave fics :((