Bus Ride

There's a Boy Under My Roof!


Jonghyun’s POV

Nooooo! I thought to myself in dismay as I saw that the bus was already at the stop, with passengers already getting off, with people already boarding the bus, with me still being a good 50 metres away.

“WAIT FOR ME!!” I yelled as I quickened my running pace, causing heads to turn in my direction. As much as I would hate to admit it, I was definitely not a runner. I could already feel the beginnings of a stitch form at the side of my stomach. But I must make the bus! I was only 20 metres away, and the bus had not gone. Please, please let the bus driver be a kind old lady who took would pity on poor old me and would sto-

The bus’s doors closed. NOOO!! I slowed down in defeat.

Why was I always so unlucky? The next bus probably came in an hour! And knowing my luck, it was probably going to be late!

Stupid bus driver, stupid passengers- couldn’t they see the obvious panic I was in to get to the bus!? Yet none of them had stopped for me! Hmph!

Hey, how come the bus wasn’t leaving yet? Oh my gosh, I might actually still have a chance! I began running again. As I drew closer to the old tin can of a bus, I caught sight of the back of a girl who was talking to the grouchy looking bus driver and waving her hand in my direction.

What a nice person, I thought as I clamber up the bus steps, “T-thanks!” I puff out noticing how now that I was closer, the girl looked very familiar. Very, very like-oh no.

Jung Hye turns around, “Hi!” she smiles brightly, her eyes crinkling up at the sides. Her whole face lit up as if she was actually glad to see me. She was still dressed in our school uniform, but nevertheless she still looked pre-

No, she does not! I quickly stopped my thoughts and averted my gaze from hers. I gulped, it wouldn’t look too weird if I just hopped off the bus now right? I could just be like, oopsie daisy, this is the wrong bus! Silly me, hohoho off I go now!  

I was just about to turn around and get off while feigning surprise when the doors behind me closed. “Hurry up kid, are you gonna pay or what?” The angry bus man spat out as he glared at me with his bushy eyebrows furrowed together so closely they nearly formed a monobrow.

Oh nooo. I was stuck. I gave an awkward smile and fumbled my pockets for change, “Y-yes, one student ticket to the city please.”

I thanked him as he handed me my ticket and he grunted in reply.

I turned my head away from the direction of Jung Hye’s to make sure I didn’t look at her as I stepped around her and walked to the empty seat furthest back in the bus.

Suddenly, and old woman plops her fat bum onto the seat I had wanted to sit on.

I groaned inwardly and turned around, hoping that there were some seats left.

It seemed that during the time I was turning my head around, all the old ladies plopped on the free seats with their fat bums.

Except for one.

There was one seat left.

One seat, that seemed to be next to a very familiar looking girl, looking dazed out the window and her iPod earphones in her ears.

Maybe- No. No, Jonghyun! What happened to all that effort of avoiding her!

So I grabbed the nearest pole and stood.

I groaned again. My bag was so heavy. My back was going to kill me – hey! I do work out! Just that a day of school is tiring, okay! Don’t judge me!

I stared at the empty seat next to Jung Hye.

It was a big space.

Since when was she so skinny?

Probably since always, because I’ve never noticed.

I stared – her eyes were now closed as she slightly bopped her head with probably what was the iPod music beats.

Maybe she’d be too dazed to realise someone was sitting next to her.

Yes, and of course, the only reason to sit next to her is because of my poor back, right? Nothing else.

So, I quietly tiptoed my way to her seat and sat down in the free space as silently as possible. Immediately – I sunk into the soft squishy seat.

“Ahhhh~ my back~…” I sighed in relief, before realising I had just said it aloud. Jung Hye whipped her head to me and looked me back in the eye.

Suddenly, her expression of shock turned into a kind smile (That smile – that’s the one.) My mouth dropped open a tiny millimetre- this was the closest I had been to Jung Hye for… a long time. Her face was only centimetres from mine.

I stared.

“Jonghyun?” I heard a soft voice from some outer conscience as I continued staring at Jung Hye. “Jong… Jonghyun?”

The voice sounded like… my mother. When she used to call in a soft, fluffy voice.


“Yes, mummy?” I mumbled. Jung Hye was making me nervous – somehow – and Mum was calling me…

“YAH! What mummy?” The soft voice disappeared and was replaced by a gruff one, as I felt my ribcage being elbowed. Now Jung Hye had her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she glared at me. “Jonghyun, I was calling you to get your heavyass bag off my leg.”


So it was Jung Hye.

Not my mum.

Embarrassed, I mumble some incoherent words as I shuffle around to lift my bag off her leg making sure that while doing so, I keep my eyes away from hers. This time, I make sure that I am perched on the edge of the seat, as far away from Jung Hye as I can possibly get without falling off the seat altogether.

Jung Hye POV

Alright. What on Earth is wrong with this stupid dinosaur?! Seriously, he never used to ignore me like this! Instead of giving me some smartass response, he just hangs his head and mumbles something before turning and moving away from me.

Honestly, I have no idea what went wrong between us, but you know what? I’m not going to just sit around and let this go, I will find out why!

“Jonghyun.” I say in my serious ‘we need to talk’ voice.

He ignores me.  Great!

“Jonghyuuuuunnn~~” I draw out his name in an especially annoying way.

He shifts a bit more to his side.

“Jonghyun , if you do not talk to me you will regret it!!” I lowered my voice to what I hoped was a ‘dangerous’ sounding whisper.

No response.

Oh you asked for it. “YA, JONGHYUN-AH, HOW CAN YOU CHEAT ON ME!?!? WERE ALL YOUR PROMISES LIES?!’ I pretend sobbed as I gave his shoulder some good half hearted whacks.

Yes, I was a fabulous actor—no actress. Nearly everyone on the bus had turned their attention to us and most of them were giving Jonghyun disapproving glares. Hohoho, I am so cool.
Jonghyun swivelled around and stared at me with a classical shocked expression—eyebrows raised, large round eyes and a gaping mouth.

I continued on, “Don’t give me that look! I-I saw you with h-her!” I choke out as I rub at my eyes.

“Wait – what? WHAT?!” Jonghyun loudly asked, confused at what was happening. “Since when – WHAT?!”

I chuckled. “Finally you talk-“

“YAH! SHUT UP AND SORT YOUR LOVER QUARRELS ELSEWHERE!” Suddenly we were cut off by the booming voice of the busdriver, groaning and furrowing his eyebrows through the reflection we could see on the car window.

For a second, I could almost see fire huff out from his humungous nostrils.

Groaning in unison, Jonghyun and I turned away from each other.

Jonghyun POV

Suddenly, I heard giggles coming from Jung Hye.

I glanced at her.

What, did she finally go psychotic?

She was still giggling, which progressively became louder.

“What’s… so… funny?” I asked, slowly.

“Pffft! Huh, guess what Jonghyun?”

I raised my eyebrow. So she was talking to me like a friend? “…yeah?”

“Y-you look like that bus driver!”

I swivelled my head to look at the bus driver, mustache and beard lining his fat face.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “-what? WHAT, HEY?!!?!”

“I-it’s true! Hahaha- look at his nostrils!”

I looked at where she pointed; his humungous huffing nostrils.

“Oh my gosh. Jonghyun, they’re the same size as yours.”

The bus driver met eyes with me through the reflection and I flinched in shock, before he smirked at me in the annoying adult way. Which are so not what

“T-T-THEY ARE NOT THE SAME SIZE!” I complained, nearly stumbling on my words.

“YES THEY ARE!” She replied back immediately.









“ALRIGHT KIDDOS, I’M TAKING YOU OFF THIS BUS.” The bus driver roared again, sending the both of us into a stop of shock. His nostrils were huffing fire – how could my nostrils possibly be the same size as his?! Sure, they were a bit… fuller than average but – not how Jung Hye sees it!

Promptly, the bus pulls over to the pathway and the doors are opened. The bus driver glared with an evil glint in his eye. “Out. Now.” I glared back as I grabbed my bag and got out of my seat.

I looked towards Jung Hye’s direction as she was casually listening to her music. “Aren’t you getting out too?” I asked.

“Hmm?” She asked nonchalantly. “You were the one who got in trouble, not me!”

“NO, BOTH OF YOU, OUT! OR I WILL CHUCK YOU OFF PERSONALLY.” The fat, big-nostrilled-bus-driver-with-nostrils-that-are-not-like-mine hollered again, as Jung Hye rolled her eyes and stood up too. I smirked to myself in satisfaction as we both got off the bus. Soon, Jung Hye and I stood at the side of the footpath, watching the bus drive away.

“I.” Jung Hye starte, breaking the silence. “Cannot. Believe. We just got kicked out of a bus.”

I waited until the wind passed a few seconds later to create dramatic tension. “Me too.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “All because of you, monkey Jjong!”

“Hey! You were making all the noise! Anyways, guess we need to wait for the next bus.”

Jung Hye shook her head. “I’m going to the city. It’s only five minutes walk from here so I’ll just start walking. Where are you going?”

“City? Me too!”

“Great! Jonghyun, we can walk together!”

My eyes widened.

Walk… together with Jung Hye?


Jung Hye smiled at me expectantly, her eyes shining magically in this way I could not pinpoint. “So, Jjong? Yes?”

“I- uhh- I-“ I looked deep into her eyes, lost by them. “… yes.”



A/N We are so sorry guys TT

We have been very busy with school work and we just haven't had much time to write recently, hence the lack of updates. So we are very sorry. Our next update will probably be sometime in another two weeks so sorry :(

We don't want to put this story on haitus because there might be a chance that we will update within two weeks, but they aren't very high =\


But we hope you will continue to read and support us!! 

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this is one of my fave fics :((