Making Up

There's a Boy Under My Roof!

Jonghyun POV

I feel horrible.

Absolutely horrible.

First of all Jung Hye's comment about me being a walking zombie day and night; that is actually the perfect representation of me. I had done absolutely nothing for her. I couldn't even do anything for myself. How pathetic am I? And not only that, I had left so suddenly and so brusquely. I had to leave quickly, otherwise I know I wouldn't be able to resist her anymore and show my weak side. But now, Jung Hye is hates me for sure. Why am I such a jerk?

I kick the ground as I get off the bus, again making the same journey to Dad's hospital room like I have been everyday.

As long as we're together, I will never leave you alone.

Dr Park was right. Jung Hye would push her limits and work as hard as she can for me.

"How are you, Jonghyun?" Dr Park's unmistakable voice rings through the empty hallway. He is kind of a creeper, and his echoing voice made him even creepier.

I offer a slight nod instead of a response. I wonder, how is it that Jung Hye and her father are so different from each other even though they are related?

"This may be hard, but I have some news about your father." His eyes remain cold and stern. My heart lunges - is it going to be bad news?

"Your father is not showing signs of recovery. Patients like your father, and I am talking about those in old age who suffer and enter into comas, usually have an unlikely chance of waking up due to complications of old age and weak bodies. This is the upcoming bill." Dr Park says solemnly and hands me the paper.

My heart drops even deeper.

"As you can see, the bills will continue to pile up every month because the hospital is making its most earnest effort to keep your father on life support. However, life support may possibly be not recommended anymore; due to the uncertainty of your father's waking up and also, unfortunately may I add, your financial situation."

"I am paying my bills." I say with cracks in my voice. Even I am unsure.

"Jonghyun. You are being impressive, but not impressive enough. You are starting to pile up debts as well. The debts will only get bigger, I will assure you. It will come to a point where you cannot afford to keep your father on life support."

My vision starts blurring, and black dots appear all over the hallway and on Dr Park's face. But I stay still and assertive, because no way am I letting Dr Park see me all trembling.

Before I lose my balance, Dr Park holds me by the shoulder with an iron grip. "But," he starts with his voice stern as ever. "I can help you. My deal still holds, Jonghyun."

Jung Hye POV

"Mmmpphmhmm...." I mumble into my pillow in a state of half-awake sleeptalk. I feel the sheets lift and a weight enter in my bed, but I'm in the realm between asleep and awake.

"Are you awake?" somebody whispers gently. Sounds like Jonghyun... stupid, stupid dumb gorilla Jonghyun. Stupid dumb flaring nostrils. I hope you know your hair looks like week-old expired lasagna.

He chuckles. "Are you sleeptalking?"

Hands start my hair. This feels nice... so nice...

"I'm sorry," he whispers into my hair. "I'm so sorry."

I turn to the source of the voice and find myself face to face with Jonghyun, his faces inches from mine.

Crap! I quickly rub eyes and the edges of my mouth, hoping I hadn’t drooled in my sleep.

Jonghyun chuckles at my actions, being so close, I can feel the vibrations of his laugh, ‘Don’t worry, you look fine.’

I narrow my eyes him as I remember our earlier conversation, ‘What do you want?’

‘I wanted to apologise,’ he hesitates and his lips (due to nerves! Not in a seductive manner…I hope…) ‘I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that, I know you want to help but it’s just…this is my problem okay? I don’t want you caught up in all this.’

‘I want to help! I care about you Jonghyun, I can’t just sit around and do nothing... doing your homework is the least I can do for you okay? I wish I could do more, I mean my dad—‘

I don’t get to finish my sentence because I’m suddenly enveloped in warmth as Jonghyun wraps his arms around me, ‘Thank you, Jung Hye…’

I feel my face reddening at his sudden hug, ‘What’s with all this mushiness…’ I mutter as I relax into his arms.

He doesn’t say anything for a while, but just as I’m drifting off to sleep again I hear him murmur quietly ‘tomorrow…tomorrow I’ll take you out on a date…and treat you like a proper boyfriend…’

Jonghyun POV

I was planning on letting Jung Hye sleep in and then take her out when she woke up as the last thing I wanted was for her to fall asleep or be tired while on the date.

But at 10am, she was still asleep.

At 11am she had turned the other way, but was still fast asleep.

And… yep, half an hour later she was still asleep.

By the time noon rolled around, I was starting to think Jung Hye had become Snorlax overnight… oops she would hate me if I compared her to Snorlax…more like Sleeping Beauty then.

At 12;30pm I decided that she had enough sleep.

‘YAH JUNG HYE WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEAD!’ Oops, so much for the super cool yet secretly nice, gentle, romantic, sweet, patient and loving boyfriend I was aiming for.

At the sound of my yelling, she jumps to an upright position, ‘What?? What happened?!’

‘It’s 12:30pm,’ I say, pointedly looking at my wrist before I realized that I had taken my watch off when I had showered this morning. I quickly avert my gaze and pretended that I was rubbing off some dirt on my hand.

Jung Hye yawns, ‘So?’

‘So!? So you’re still asleep! Did you forget what I said last night?’

‘Last night?’ she stares at me for a while and all of a sudden her usual pale skin had turned slightly pink.

I smirked. Was Jung Hye blushing?

‘What’s with that smirk?’ Jung Hye asks, narrowing her eyes at me as she sees the look on my face.

‘You just look cute when you’re blushing.’

‘I am not!’

‘Hmm, true, I think cute is too nice of a word, how about…you look like a tomato when you’re blushing?’

‘Jonghyun! Did you wake me up just to insult me?’

‘No, no, no, I have a date planned for today remember? Hurry up and get ready, I’ve been waiting hours for you to wake up!’

A/N: Thank you so much for all your kind comments!!!

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this is one of my fave fics :((