
There's a Boy Under My Roof!


Jung Hye POV

“So? Jung Hye? What do you want me to win?” Jonghyun said proudly as we entered into the carnival games and stopped in front of the shooting darts stall. He gestured towards the big plushie toys that were hanging up at the top in all their glory.

“Uhhh what?” I asked.

“Come on!” he said, puffing his chest again proudly. “I’ll win something great for you!”

I giggled at how stupid he was looking like with this chest like that, and he was probably doing it without realizing. “Ummm...” I scanned across the big plushies. “How about that frog? It’s cute.”

Jonghyun scrunched up his facial expression. “No, pick something else. The frog looks like Minho so much that it scares me.”

I laughed at his expression, then I laughed at Minho’s face compared to the frog, because they did look very similar. “Hummm what about that dinosaur?”

Jonghyun’s expression lit up as his eyes followed my finger to see the big cute plushie dinosaur in display, the largest of the bunch. He gulped of uneasiness before he started puffing out his chest again.

“Okay!” he took a few coins from his pocket and offered it to the stall manager. “Can I buy a game please?”

Jonghyun ended up buying about five games, none of which had actually won anything other than small bouncy balls and dodgy stick hand toys. He was going towards his sixth one, before I grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from the store.

“That’s enough games for you!”

“Noooo!” Jonghyun started whining. “I need to win that!”

“Aishhhh you’re such a little boy. No, we won’t have enough money to buy lunch if you go on.”

“Oh.” said Jonghyun, as if he suddenly also realised it himself. “You’re right! We need to buy lunch!”

I sighed before playfully slapping him on the arm. “You’re such a derp. Derpppp Jonghyun. Derphyun! Oh my gosh, Jonghyun! DERPHYUN!”

I started pointing at him because it was the funniest thing ever, when I squished derp with Jonghyun. I was still pulling him by the wrist, but then he let go and intertwined our fingers together.

“What? Then you’re like, a Derphye for dating a Derphyun!”

It was his turn to laugh, then we started laughing at each others’ laugh, until we were just laughing about nothing at all, but still just having fun.

Jonghyun POV

There is something that I must never, ever admit to in this world.

Yes, I admit to being a derp sometimes. Just sometimes, okay?! Not all the time! I’m not actually that derpy! (You are, says Jung Hye in my mind... shut up Jung Hye!)

Yes, I admit to being a jerk sometimes, and an idiot, and sometimes acting cooler than I actually am but...

No, I will not admit that I am not a thrill-seeker and I am, in fact afraid of going on rollercoasters.

Wait... I just admitted that didn’t I?

Okay, I’ll revise that. I will not admit to Jung Hye.

And I guess this is just another one of my moments when I realise, why did I pick for us to go to the amusement park when obviously I cannot go on half the rides?

But Jung Hye doesn’t know this, so she unknowingly drags me towards the rollercoaster line while I knowingly dread looking at it.

“Uhhhhhh.” I start, as we stop to line up. I looked on uneasily. “Don’t you think the line is a little too long?”

“Nup!” she shrugs, still unknowing of my uneasiness, when she suddenly points out a person in a pikachu costume and laughs again.

“Noo! Don’t point, that’s rude!” I say as I swat her hand down but then she starts pointing out to the clown that was parading around the amusement park, and then I forget all my worries about the rollercoaster momentarily.

But of course, I am always unfortunate as I realise there’s only about 3 people left in the line in front of us, and all my worries come back crashing down on me.

“Jonghyun, is it just me or is your face green?” Jung Hye frowns as she peers closer to my face and brushes my fringe away.

“Uh.... no... not at... all...” I say, slowly while averting eye contact with Jung Hye and turn away.

“Oh wait no, you’re red now.” Jung Hye raises her eyebrow, but before I could think of anything to say, a staff member interrupts us.

“How many people?” he asks boredly, like it was a question he was asking all his life. Actually, wait, it was his job!

“Two!” Jung Hye smiles, a little too excitedly for the rollercoaster.

The next few seconds are a blur as we are pushed onto a cart and I feel my hands shaking.

Now, let me tell you a story.

The reason why am I so afraid of rollercoasters... other than the fact that they’re high and fast and speedy and take derp photos of you in the middle of the ride with all your hair up and you’re screaming and it feels like you’re going to fall...

Oh wait, that’s all the reasons why!

“Ahh!” I squeal in my highest voice (now that is HIGH!) as the bar pushes down onto me and I hold onto it for dear life. Jung Hye clips on my seat belt.

“Relax, Jjong!” says Jung Hye. Obviously it would be great for her to relax! She holds my shaking hand tightly, until they stop shaking.

Jung Hye POV

“Uhhhhhh... m-maybe w-w-we should g-get off now...” stammers Jonghyun as our cart wheels up the rollercoaster hill. Which was actually kind of a ridiculous thing to say, considering we were already going up the rollercoaster.

“That’s kinda weird to say you know, Jjong, we’re already up here and all... I mean I guess you could- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”


Suddenly I am interrupted by the stream of wind that rushes through my hair and instant adrenaline that speeds through my spine. Jonghyun is holding a little too tightly onto my hands, but still I laugh because – well, rollercoasters are exciting!

“Oh my GOSH-“ starts Jonghyun when the rollercoaster slows and is recovering from the long drop, “I am going to-oOOooOOoooOoOOOOOOOOOO-“ he gets cut of as the cart suddenly does a sharp turn.

I laugh against the wind. “BUY ME SOME ICE CREAM JJONG!!!”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Jonghyun continues screaming (like a girl).


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screams even higher (HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?) as the rollercoaster suddenly surges up into the circle and-

-  and all my hair drops down, the momentum and speed of the rollercoaster now lost.

It takes a while for me to register what is happening, and all I can do is utter – “Uh.”

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!” screams Jonghyun in his obnoxiously girly voice. “DID THE ROLLERCOASTER JUST STOP?”

Yes it did, Jonghyun. We are now hanging upside down on a rollercoaster.




if you still read this, thank you so much! <3 We're very sorry for the short and slightly bad update... but you may or may not be expecting another update later this week ;)

Fighting! <3

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this is one of my fave fics :((