Play with Fireflies and the First Kiss...

Girl In My Dreams...
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CHAPTER 9.....


sunset it's almost over when shin hye open her eyes....


she look suprise for a while when she realize that she's sleep on yonghwa chest..


she raise her head from his chest and turn to saw yonghwa face..


he still sleep with peacefully...


she smile to see that and want to cuped his nose to make him wake up..


yonghwa move his face and open his eyes when he feel someone has cuped his nose..


he turn and look to shin hye. the girl is giggle while her beautiful eyes is stare to yonghwa..


he realize if shin hye has cuped his nose and make him wake up..


yonghwa then cuped her nose too..


"aapppooo" moan shin hye in pain for a little..


yonghwa look pity on her. he raise his hand and touch her face and nose..


shin hye is silent when yonghwa touch her face. her eyes stare on yonghwa..


"I'm's still pain, shin??" ask yonghwa with concern..


shin hye is smile slowly and shake her head..


"no,'s not pain anymore after you touch my face.." said shin hye..


"we must go back to hotel now, the party will begin at 7 Pm" said shin hye while she wake up and take on her shirt..


yonghwa take on his shirt too..


shin hye walk back to hotel, yonghwa will walk to follow her when he saw one fireflies is flying around him..


yonghwa look curious, then he saw another fireflies is flying on the beach..


"shin hye" shout yonghwa while he jump to catch the fireflies..


shin hye not listen yonghwa shout to her..


she keep going back to hotel..


yonghwa realize that, but he not want to miss play with the fireflies..


"heii, don't go away" said yonghwa while he run and jump for one fireflies..


but he failed..


"yahhh" said yonghwa with upset..


he keep busy to catch the fireflies..


the beach is shine with fireflies light..


shin hye keep going until she realize that yonghwa not follow her..


"yong" shout shin hye while her eyes looking for yonghwa..


but she can't find yonghwa..


"maybe he still on the beach.." said shin hye to her self..


she go back to the beach and suprise to see yonghwa..


he sit on the sand while the fireflies on his hair and his shoulder..


he's enjoy to play with fireflies until he not realize that shin hye has arrive to his place..


"yong" call shin hye with softly..


yonghwa saw her and smile on shin hye..


"come here shin!! with slowly so, the fireflies will not afraid on you" said yonghwa..

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Wendy-1977 #1
Ohhhhh another yongshin story😍
Lolyandri2005 #2
Thanks god i found others yongshin story.... i thought the story so good...i will read until end..thanks authornim
Nelago #3
Chapter 19: Cuando actualizas la siguiente historia
Dewi21 #4
Chapter 2: Hope its complete story
klingz #5
Hi writter update please what happen next.... I'm excited
babelulu #6
Chapter 19: Arghhh!!cant help to dying of curiousness..the forwards is too update soon authornim..
Hawaali #7
Chapter 19: Interesting turned of events I can't wait to read next part
Daewon9397 #8
Chapter 18: update soon please !! im dying curiousness here !!
Starligthangelcnblue #9
Chapter 18: damm what happen oppa pallli update soon
Ibraheem #10
Chapter 18: Authornim please keep updating