Accidentally Mistaken and Run...

Girl In My Dreams...
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Yonghwa and shin hye has arrive in thailand. they are going to the hotel and continue with eat for a lunch..


"yong, I want to walking around the city and saw the town..please accompany me" said shin hye after they're eat for a lunch time...


"I can't shin, sorry..I'm bit if one hour later after I take a nap??" ask yonghwa..


"it's too long, yong.I want to walking now" said shin hye..


"I'm sorry, shin..later I will follow you, okey?? I need to sleep, now" said yonghwa..


"alright, yonghwa..I'm not mad at you..I understand that you're tired and maybe have a jetlag" said shin hye while she's stand up..


"I'll go now" said shin hye..


"ne, shin..I will call you when I wake up later" said yonghwa..


"ne" said shin hye shortly while she's go away to walking around city.


meanhwile yonghwa go to his room and take a rest for a bit..


but until 20 minutes later, he can't to sleep and feel restless...


"it's strange, I can't mind just thinking about park shin hye..." said yonghwa to his self..


then he decided to take his handphone and call shin hye..


"shin hye, where are you now??" ask yonghwa..


"I'm in a market accesories of necklace, ring, and so many things" said shin hye..


"wait me there, shin..I can't sleep" said yonghwa while he stand up and go out of his room..


"ne, yong.." said shin hye with shortly..


yonghwa then cut the conversation..


shin hye then continue to look the kind of accesories..


"this is good..." said shin hye while she wear a necklace and look her self on the mirror..


"I'm beauty, with this necklace" said shin hye to her self..


"how much this necklace, sir??" ask shin hye..


"20 baht, young lady" said the seller..


"it's too expensive, sir..can you give a cheaper price for this necklace please" said shin hye..


"hmm, because you are beautiful..I will give 18 baht for the necklace..I can't give more cheaper than that" said the seller..


"aisshh.." grumbled shin hye to her self while she look carefully to the necklace..


she very consider to buy the necklace..


"I will buy it sir, here you're money" said shin hye while she give 50 baht to the seller..


the seller take the money and go to inside store to change the money and give back the rest money to shin hye..


shin hye still enjoy her self to looking the kind of accesories when suddenly...


shin hye nudging the big cerramics with accidentally...


"praangggg" the big cerramics fall down and broken into a pieces..


shin hye look shock to see that...


the seller who's inside the store saw and hear that too..


"heiii, young lady you must pay 1 million baht because you has make my cerramics is broken.." shout the seller while he walk out from the store with angry..


she's panic, her money is very not enough to pay million baht..


the seller just a few step from get to shin hye when she feel her hand is hold by someone..


"run shin and follow me"

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Wendy-1977 #1
Ohhhhh another yongshin story😍
Lolyandri2005 #2
Thanks god i found others yongshin story.... i thought the story so good...i will read until end..thanks authornim
Nelago #3
Chapter 19: Cuando actualizas la siguiente historia
Dewi21 #4
Chapter 2: Hope its complete story
klingz #5
Hi writter update please what happen next.... I'm excited
babelulu #6
Chapter 19: Arghhh!!cant help to dying of curiousness..the forwards is too update soon authornim..
Hawaali #7
Chapter 19: Interesting turned of events I can't wait to read next part
Daewon9397 #8
Chapter 18: update soon please !! im dying curiousness here !!
Starligthangelcnblue #9
Chapter 18: damm what happen oppa pallli update soon
Ibraheem #10
Chapter 18: Authornim please keep updating