Sleep Together...

Girl In My Dreams...
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Yonghwa and Shin hye are back to hotel at 6.45 Pm..


they directly go to their each of room and take a bath..


Jonghyun, min hyuk and all of employees has gather on the big party room of hotels..


Yonghwa and shin hye arrive in there at 7.15 Pm. they hold hand in hand while walk in the room...


jonghyun and min hyuk see that..


shin hye then let go off her hand from yonnghwa with slowly..she go to in front of her employees while yonghwa go to jonghyun and min hyuk..


he smile sign of happy when he approach on them..


"hyung...I saw you smile now..don't tell me that you has confess your feeling of love to our boss, shin hye" said min hyuk..


yonghwa just smile...


"do you see I hold shin hye hand, right?? what do you think is happen before that??" ask yonghwa..


min hyuk and jonghyun look suprise..


"so, do you wanna said and shin hye has to be a couple and dating??" ask jonghyun..


"ne, jonghyun..just one hour ago..I confess my love to shin hye on the beach and she accept me as her boyfriend...I'm happy now.." said yonghwa while he smile..


"wwooowwwww.....wwoowwww....our hyung is dating now with our boss, shin hye...I can imagine what will happen next after this (kekeke)" said min hyuk while he day dreaming of something...something dirty...his eyes look close and his hand is raise to message....


yonghwa realize what min hyuk day dreaming. he hit min hyuk arms and make him out of reverie..


"appooo, hyung.." said min hyuk while he touch his hand which it's pain..


"min hyuk..don't think about's not good you know.." said yonghwa..


"I'm sorry hyung.." said min hyuk..


"min hyuk..sometimes, you make yonghwa is angry to must listen what he said.." said jonghyun..


"I know, jonghyun.." said min hyuk..


then they turn to look on shin hye..she take a mic and begin to talk..


"first..I just want sorry for late to come..there is something that I have to concern with someone..someone who's to be my boyfriend now...he just confess his feeling on me that he love me and I accept him.." said shin hye..


then she stare on yonghwa who look on her too with lovely eyes..


"come here honey...let them know that you are my boyfriend now" said shin hye with softly..


all of employess look curious with who is shin hye boyfriend..


yonghwa look afraid to come. but he brave his self..he walk with slowly to shin hye...


"wwooowww" said the employess in unision when they're see who is comes..


shin hye hold his hand and smile on him...


"all of you has know him right..yonghwa is my boyfriend now.." said shin hye..


"I love you, honey" said shin hye with softly while she stare on yonghwa..


"I love you too, honey.." said yonghwa..


then she turn to her employess again..


"let the party it's begin...enjoy the night...." shout shin hye...


"whuuuwwhhhhh.....yesssss" shout all of employess with happy..


then the music dance is heave hard in the room by the disk jockey. the light is dim..


the employess is enjoy the music..they move their body to follow the music...


shin hye and yonghwa are dance together too..


shin hye often jump together with yonghwa to follow the music dance..


"I having fun, honey.." shout shin hye. she shout to yonghwa for make him hear what she said because the music dance is loud hard..


"me too..shin..moreover I dance with my beautiful boss.." shout yonghwa..


then they talk with another topic and make shin h

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Wendy-1977 #1
Ohhhhh another yongshin story😍
Lolyandri2005 #2
Thanks god i found others yongshin story.... i thought the story so good...i will read until end..thanks authornim
Nelago #3
Chapter 19: Cuando actualizas la siguiente historia
Dewi21 #4
Chapter 2: Hope its complete story
klingz #5
Hi writter update please what happen next.... I'm excited
babelulu #6
Chapter 19: Arghhh!!cant help to dying of curiousness..the forwards is too update soon authornim..
Hawaali #7
Chapter 19: Interesting turned of events I can't wait to read next part
Daewon9397 #8
Chapter 18: update soon please !! im dying curiousness here !!
Starligthangelcnblue #9
Chapter 18: damm what happen oppa pallli update soon
Ibraheem #10
Chapter 18: Authornim please keep updating