It's same with my dreams...

Girl In My Dreams...
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"I will go home now" said yonghwa to jonghyun and Min Hyuk after they sing in karaoke place..


"Hyung, let's go home together after we sing one hour again" said min hyuk while he hold the mic..


"I can't wait too long. my dog, pinky has not eat for tonight. usually pinky will eat at 7 Pm. but now is 8 Pm, and it's late to give her eating. I'm afraid my dog will sick" said yonghwa..


"min hyuk, let him to go home. he more care to his dog than us" said jonghyun..


"jonghyun, it's not like that. my dog has with me since I'm in college, and my dog always accompany when I lonely. you will know that if you have a dog" said yonghwa..


jonghyun realize if he is wrong..


"I'm sorry hyung" said jonghyun.. 


"ne, I will go home now. see you tomorrow" said yonghwa..


"ne, and don't be late yonghwa" said jonghyun..


"I will" said yonghwa while he get out from karaoke room..


after 10 minutes, he has out from the building..


yonghwa turn to right, and walk in hurry to his apartment..


when he will pass one store, suddenly he stop..


he saw from outside the bear that hang on near of the window..


"the bear is same with my dreams" said yonghwa to his self..


he look curious. he get inside to the store..


what he saw is same in his dreams..


"it same with my dreams. the people who inside. only the time is different, if in my dreams is afternoon, now is night" said yonghwa to his self..


"is the girl who appear in my dreams, is here too??" ask yonghwa to his self..


yonghwa then walk to the places where he saw the bear keychains..


he saw one pair of bear keychains. one bear keychains hold the guitar and one another hold the gayageum..


"it's same...." said yonghwa to his self..


he raise his hand to take the bear keychains hold the guitar. then one hand is raise to take another bear of keychains..


"I see the other hand who take a pair of gayageum. is the hand who take it, is the girl in my dreams?? ask yonghwa to his self.. 


slowly yonghwa turn to look who is have the hand..


then I saw her, the beautiful eyes and face..


"yes, is her. she is the girl in my dreams. but is it just my dreams again??" ask yonghwa while he cuped his cheek...


"it's hurt. so' this real. the girl is real" said yonghwa to his self..


she wear a headbands in her long hair and blue dress..

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Wendy-1977 #1
Ohhhhh another yongshin story😍
Lolyandri2005 #2
Thanks god i found others yongshin story.... i thought the story so good...i will read until end..thanks authornim
Nelago #3
Chapter 19: Cuando actualizas la siguiente historia
Dewi21 #4
Chapter 2: Hope its complete story
klingz #5
Hi writter update please what happen next.... I'm excited
babelulu #6
Chapter 19: Arghhh!!cant help to dying of curiousness..the forwards is too update soon authornim..
Hawaali #7
Chapter 19: Interesting turned of events I can't wait to read next part
Daewon9397 #8
Chapter 18: update soon please !! im dying curiousness here !!
Starligthangelcnblue #9
Chapter 18: damm what happen oppa pallli update soon
Ibraheem #10
Chapter 18: Authornim please keep updating