What's Wrong With Me?~

Face The Action!


Ren's PoV


Aron and I were heading down the stairs when we realized Baekho and Minhyun weren't following us. About to turn around an approach them, Aron began up the stairs but I firmly grabbed his shoulder.

“We should leave them be for a bit, I'm sure they'll catch up soon.” I said with a calm smile.


I know that Minhyun's on to me. I really don't mean for my heart to beat faster every time I'm near Baekho, that's not my fault. It's probably something that'll fade away with time right? Minhyun's probably given Baekho a lecture about how JR and I are going out and that Minhyun will never forgive him if he messes with our relationship. I like JR a lot, but I feel so..confined to him. He is the first and only person I've liked this much. And now Baekho.....


“Hey, are you alright dude?” Aron concernedly asked. “You look really pale all of the sudden”

“No, don't worry. I have a small headache is all” I tried my best poker face.

It worked against him, Aron turned around and hurried to class. I was a plodding along compared to him. This afternoon, I'd be with everyone eating ice cream and reviewing the cursed satanic language called “Algebra 2” for this years math we'd be facing. But what about JR? I think he has work today, so he'll get left out. Maybe we should have dinner together or something...




My phone vibrated loudly in my pants. JR had texted me:
“Dinner 2nite? I have stakes and pork that need to b grilled :)”
Uh oh. JR never sends smiley-ies...what did I do?....
“MMMmmm sounds gr8. Text me time after school. U hav work 2day rite? In class, ttyl” I messaged back
I wonder how long I'll get to review with Baekho before dinner with JR. Maybe I should cancel our study session...gawh I feel like I'm double timing JR, but I'M NOT. I won't cancel the date....uh I meant study session, but I'll keep a good distance from him. That reminds me, I have martial arts tomorrow...crap. I hate fighting so I don't understand why JR insists on me taking this course. I know that he wants me to be able to defend myself if his wicked mom tries to attack me, but still.
“Neh Ren” Someone interrupted my train of thought.
“Hm? Oh Baekho, hi”
“I had a great time with everyone up there. I'm pretty sure JR was too.” He said happily
“Yeah, it's been a long time since hes ever smiled for other people, so I'm really thankful for you doing that” I smiled at him
“Oh by the way” Baekho hushed his tone so my ears could barely pick up what his lips were saying “Minhyun told me about you and JR. Congrats, and I promise not to tell anyone” He whispered.
...Minhyun told him... now he knows. I'm relieved so that we can keep our distance now that he knows but at the same time a turmoil of emotions just built themselves up like a pimple, ready to burst at any moment.
Baekho-hyung turned away and just made it inside the classroom before the late bell rang. Not only was I late to English, Baekho had turned his back as a small warm tear rolled down my face.
"What the hell is wrong with me?
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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p