
Face The Action!


Baekho's PoV


While I was finishing up the last problem for math, Ren fell over onto my shoulder. He was out like a light. A smile grew on Ren's face when I started singing to myself. He must've heard it in his dream. I couldn't help but think that Ren must like to sleep a lot. When I met him this morning, he was sleeping then too. I heard footsteps up the stairs to our place. I kinda wished we could've stayed like this for a while longer. Suddenly the door flew open. Minhyun and Aron followed JR into our apartment; JR looked pissed. He grabbed Ren's arm in a tight grip and dragged him out of the room. Ren, still half-asleep was stumbling to follow and waved good bye to us.


What was that about” I asked Minhyun and Aron who had been violently pushed out of the doorway.

Uh, JR is just upset. He should calm down quickly” Minhyun was looking down at his untied shoe

Upset? About what?”

Well...uh...I didn't mean for him to hear...” Minhyun trailed off

While we were walking out of Minhyun's room, I guess JR was behind us and heard us. He thinks Ren likes you even though they are dating” Aron blurted

Ren likes me?” I couldn't help but reveal how shocked I was in my voice.

Maybe... I mean he might not so JR shouldn't be mad. I just thought about the way he acts around you” Minhyun added


Oh okay, well shoudn't we follow them and explain that to JR” I asked

Nah, we should leave them be for now. Besides, butting could make things worse” Minhyun replied

True” I was kinda upset I couldn't go help Ren.

Anyway, I'm going home. If anything happens, here is my number” Minhyun scribbled down his cell phone number on scratch paper.

Alright, I'll send you my number now” Aron pulled out his phone, “Text me if anything bad happens”


With that, Minhyun slowly headed out and down the stairs. I was worried for Ren. JR didn't seem like a nice guy when he is angry. Maybe it would've been better if we went after them. The situation had caused everyone to become so tense even the bird we're taking care of stopped chirping.


Did you and Ren have dinner yet?” Aron asked suddenly

No, we didn't. He helped me with review stuff the whole time” I answered

Oh, so do you want anything?”

Pssshhh, you don't know how to cook” I joked

Sorry, I meant: Will you make food for me?” he laughed


We continued a light-hearted conversation over what to eat for dinner. He kept saying that stir fry sounded good, but we didn't have the ingrediants so one of us would have to run to the store. Eventually I convinced him pork noodles were the best option because I should make what I want right? In the back of my mind I was still scared that JR might beat Ren up or something and I couldn't stop thinking about him. Kinda wished he was here. I didn't want to worry Aron though, so I made dinner that I probably wasn't going to eat much of anyway.

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p