I Like Girls~

Face The Action!


Baekho's PoV


The sudden ringing of the lunch bell nearly made me fall over. JR left early due to class duties, so the rest of us were packing up. I wasn't going to say anything, but I've caught Ren looking at me in my peripheral vision numerous times. Sometimes the others would catch us staring at each other. He was doing that in class today as well and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm mean, not that I mind that much but people might think he likes boys...


Yo Baekho, stop staring off into space and help us pack up. The warning bell is going to ring soon” Aron shouted at me

Oh hey guys, I almost forgot, are we still going to go out for ice cream?” Minhyun said shyly.

Yeah, but Ren and I were supposed to have a study date to refresh our math skills” I reminded myself

A date?” Minhyun said very confused

No, no, not a date. A study session” Ren corrected me

Psh, same thing” I brushed off the subject because I kept feeling this uncomfortable mood emitting from Minhyun and Ren. “So who is ready for the final round before we get to go home?”

Ugh, man. School is wwaayyy to long here in Korean. In America we got two months off for summer break.” Aron complained.


With reluctance, we all started heading downstairs when Minhyun grabbed my shirt from behind.

Neh, Baekho, could I borrow you for a sec?” Minhyun said in a hushed tone

Borrow me for a sec?” I was kinda weird-ed out by what he meant.

Ya, I have something to tell you” Minhyun wouldn't look me in the eyes. OH GOD what if he was confessing, I've heard strange stories about all boys schools. Ohmygosh what am I going to do?...

Ren is going out with JR” he finally said after a long pause


Ren is gay...and JR is my step-brother, so I'd appreciate if you stayed out of their relationship” He mumbled.

What are you talking about all of the sudden Minhyun-ah” I tried to say calmly

Minhyun sighed but finally replied “I see both of you looking at each other. I don't mean to sound rude, but JR gets hurt easily, so if Ren left him for you....I'd have to hate you...” He said


NO, nooo, no. Don't worry dude; I like girls. There is no way I'd like Ren like that. Seriously, I'm not gay.” I assured him

Alrighty” He had a relieved smile. “So...um...what about Aron, is he?” Minhyun asked

Dude, we're both straight as boards. You have no need to worry” I confirmed

Oh...okay. Well, I'll see you after school right? We're all getting ice cream together” Minhyun said

I'll probably go with you guys, but I'm temporarily taking care of a bird so I'll probably leave early. Also I gotta my off to learn Algebra before we start the first chapter in our math textbooks”

Haha okay, see you later” Minhyun started toward the staircase.


Oh hey Baekho?”


This conversation never happened.”

Uhmm, okay.” That was kinda strange...in my two years of coming here, I didn't expect that...I wonder what the S.I.N.G. Boy's College is going to be like...

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p