We Wait~

Face The Action!


Aron's PoV


At a time like this, I'd tell you I have feelings for you. But right now, everything is too crazy for me to confront my own feelings. I have to help Baekho, JR, and Ren right now” Minhyun whispered in my ear

I understand. When everything settles down, let's confront each other like this again, okay?”. I tried to smile but his words echoed inside my head. He likes me, but we are both boys. I guess I said that to be nice. Honestly, I'm afraid of having any feelings besides friendship for Minhyun since we're both guys and I'm not gay. I couldn't be since I've liked girls this whole time. I can't be gay since my family thinks that gay people don't have any morals (and my family made sure I knew right from wrong since I was little). I don't think Minhyun noticed how uncomfortable his words made me. I just...I really  want to be happy to hear them, rather than concerned...


The warning bell scared me and I jumped back, almost falling over. Minhyun laughed and helped me catch my balance. “Let's head to class” He said with a smile. His grin lasted the whole way to our classroom. We didn't talk. Just silently walked next to each other. It wasn't awkward or anything, we just didn't have anything to say right then. Before we entered our classroom, I peaked into class 3-B, where Ren and Baekho were. Baekho was talking to a guy sitting in front of them and it looked like Ren was going to sneak up and surprise them.


Minhyun and I sat down near the back, where we sat yesterday when the late bell rang. Everyone began to settle down as the homeroom teacher walked in. Suddenly Baekho's voice echoed in the hall, “Wait Ren! I...I didn't mean that!”


What in the world? I turned and met eyes with Minhyun. He looked down, checked his phone then asked to use the restroom. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't go with him, that'd look weird for us. I'd just have to wait and listen to this teacher act like he invented the English language (which he speaks very poorly by the way). I kinda laugh to myself because the most complex sentence he can say without looking in a book is, “Hello. My name is Mr. Kim. I work as (a) teacher. Nice to meet you.”


It took a couple of minuets before Minhyun returned. I could see concern written all over his face. He refused to answer my post-it note questions, asking what happened. He was really upset about whatever happened while he was gone. Now I couldn't joke with him about how badly Mr. Kim was butchering Robert Frost's “Fire and Ice” in English. I don't think everyone is meeting up for lunch today...


The end of homeroom bell rang and I finally got to ask, “Minhyun. What happened?”

They're going to be gone for a while until things blow over” he mumbled

What? Who?”

JR and Ren. So my step-mom doesn't try to threaten Ren, JR and Ren are going to hide out for a while”


She must've found out that they were dating. My step-mom hates Ren for some unknown reason. She'd probably kill him if it wasn't illegal...” Minhyun interrupted

But what about Baekho and Ren...”

Baekho and Ren are just a fling! Baekho isn't dating Ren, JR are is. If Baekho doesn't want Ren to get in trouble with JR, he should stay the hell away from him” Minhyun aggressively shouted at me

Dude CHILL!”

I'm...I'm sorry Aron. I...I just...I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that” He covered his face with his hands

Whatever dude. But the question is, what do we do now?”

We wait for them to return” he said staring out the transparent window.

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p