Not an Update~

Face The Action!

Hai guys~ So you definatly haven't heard from me in like 2 months right? Bleh, I'm sorry >< I don't undstand WHY I didn't update, I think I just got kinda...stuck. Plus I've had these 2 new fics in mind that I've been DYING to write. I promise I didn't forget about my fellow L.O.V.E.'s <3 Thanks so much for supporting me and following along. This story is currently under reconstruction though :/ Infact, I created a new account XD I have no idea why, I just kinda wanted to. I'll be rewriting  reconstructing this story while working on a new piece. I PROMISE I WON'T CHANGE TOO MUCH, but so far Ren and Baekho have fallen for each other just as fast as Romeo and Juliet did and I feel I need to give'em more time. My goal is an update a week, maybe more if I get a lot of comments.

Lemme let you in on a hint:

Comments/Flattery/Bribery/Black-Mail= Faster Updates <3

I'm also thinking of having a little section at the bottom of every few chapters where Author-nim (me) gets to say a little bit about the chapter, future updates, or even about the weather XD

Have a great day everyone (It's 12:39am, I should probably get back on schedual because I'm going to have school again soon bleh)

Oh my other account! Haha, you thought I forget (because I almost did). Here is a link:

I'm going to start posting the reconstructed chapters on there. Please subcribe and take a look at my new fic "Titan", its for Exo~(I think I just tried to promote myself...). Or don't look at it if you don't like them, thats cool too. 

I love you all <3

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p