What Happened?~

Face The Action!


Aron's PoV


When Minhyun left, I still feel a lingering tension hanging in the air. Baekho looked really worried. Maybe if I try to distract him with something else?


Did you and Ren have dinner yet?” I asked him

No, we didn't. He helped me with review stuff the whole time” Baekho said in a straight tone

Oh, so do you want anything?”

Pssshhh, you don't know how to cook” he joked

Sorry, I meant: Will you make food for me?” I laughed


Alrighty, what will it be?” Baekho inquired

How about stir fry? We haven't had that in a long time” I suggested to him

Nah, we don't have the ingredients”

Come on dude” I begged

Unless you want to run to the store and get everything be my guest”

Would you make then? Haha”

Let's have pork noodles” He said more like a statement rather than a suggestion

Whaaaa no, we had those not too long ago” I argued

Dude, I'm making it so I'll make what I want. Plus stir fry takes time to prepare”

Fine, pork noodles it is, you win” We laughed together


Baekho made dinner quickly but still seems distracted. I tried making small talk about how his day was and what the classrooms are like, but he still seems distant. I'm starting to get really worried about Ren and Baekho. What if Ren actually likes Baekho, what will happen between them? And what about JR?


Neh Aron”


Let's act like something didn't happen” He stared deep into my eyes

Um, okay. But uh what happened? Did I miss something” I pretended. He just smiled and left for his room. If we all keep worrying like this, our hair will fall out. Maybe I should play some COD to distract myself.


*Next Morning


I'm guessing I fell asleep on the couch last night 'cause that is were I woke up when Baekho's alarm went off. Last time I checked the clock it was like 3, now it's like 6. Ugh I don't want to get up yet, but Baekho was gently shaking my arm, asking me if I wanted jam on my toast. I waved him off, nodding my head and rolled over to go back to sleep. In a few minuets Baekho shook me a little harder, I guess it is time to get up. So begins my morning routine: eat breakfast, go to the bathroom, wash my face, acne cream (since lucky full Asians don't get acne. EVER!), brush my teeth then hair, get dressed, and leave.


Both of us were still a little groggy from lack of sleep so we walked much slower than usual. A head of us, I thought I saw Ren. I wasn't sure since I was still half-asleep. Baekho seemed to have been thinking the same thing and looked over at me for confirmation. I'm pretty sure that is him, so Baekho and I sped up our pace to catch up.


Good morning Ren” Baekho and I called as we caught up with him

Good morning'” He said half-heartedly

Honestly, I didn't get that much sleep last night. What about you?” Baekho asked

No...not real..ly” Ren mummble. It was hard to hear him because he kept his head down

Dude, why is school so early? I wish they could push it back an hour or something” I complained


Ren are you okay?” Baekho asked

Yeah, I'm fine” he muttered


Baekho suddenly grabbed Ren by his shoulders to look at his face. Ren put up his hands to block his face, but even from behind them I could see Ren's wrists had a purple tint to them. Baekho's expression was suddenly shocked. He let go of Ren and stormed off to schoool. Ren turned to me and said innocently, “This isn't what it looks like.”. Oh my gosh. JR gave Ren a black eye...I started tailing Baekho to catch up. Ren kept telling us that it wasn't what it looked like and to slow down so he could explain. He didn't have to explain anything, JR was in for it now.


Baekho and I saw JR standing at the front gate waiting for Ren. He had a slight red mark on his cheek where Ren probably slapped him. That bastard think he can go around doing as he pleases. Baekho ran up and swung at him but barely missed. I wanted to jump in to, but two against one is unfair.


What the hell!” JR shouted at him

I'm asking you the same question! Look at Ren!” Baekho pointed, “Look at his black eye and the bruises on his wrist!” Baekho yelled

Yeah seriously dude, what is your problem!” I added

JR came very close to Baekho's face and both of them began shoving each other.

Look “dude”, I don't know what your doing sticking your nose into our business but stop” JR glared at him

You can just hit him though! All he did was fall asleep, that’s it!” Baekho argued


Guys wait! STOP!” Ren shouted

I'll make you regret getting involved with us” JR pulled back for a punch


NO!” Ren wedged himself between them, pushing both Baekho and JR back. Even I was shocked.

JR realized the bruise and put his hand under Ren's eye, “What happened?”

My dad, he was upset since I came home late. We argued a bit, but nothing to worry about. He doesn't remember since he was really drunk.” Ren looked downward, “But still you two shouldn't fight like this”

What did JR do to your wrists then?” Baekho asked

JR grabbed Ren's arm carefully avoiding the bruised part and dragged him away again. Ren turned back and mouthed, “I'm sorry” to us. I wonder what happened between JR and Ren. Also, why would Ren's dad hit him? I looked over at Baekho who seemed really upset. I felt bad because we couldn't protect Ren.


So uh...are we going to act like that didn't happen either?” I asked him

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p