A Group?~

Face The Action!


Minhyun PoV


When I went to the “bathroom” today, to meet with JR, I had missed what the homework assignment was. So I took a short drive to Aron's place so he could tell me. When I climbed up the stairs I noticed some people standing outside their doorway. OHMYGOSH IS THAT SHINee?! You guys have no idea how hard I just fan-boyed. Unfortunately they left as soon as I got there...


So uh, what is this argument Taemin was talking about?” I turned to Baekho and JR, folding my arms

You know his name?” JR laughed

Of course I know his name. I'm a Shawol, I know ALL of their names” I smiles

Then who was the other blon--” Baekho started

That was Key.” I answered quickly

But you're missing the point, what argument was sunbae talking about?” I asked


Oh nothing. Baekho was being a boyfriend leech, but I can forgive him for your sakes” JR grinned

A leech?! Dude, I told ya--”

That's enough. Please, give a rest you two. Minhyun I'll tell you later if you'd like” Aron interrupted


Everyone was silent for a moment. I'm guessing they were fighting about Ren. I really wish they wouldn't since we're all trying to be friends here. I feel bad for saying this, but if Baekho knew his place JR wouldn't be mad at him and Ren might probably still be here. When I say it like that it sounds like Ren died. A little creepy to be thinking about that...


Ah, Aron. Did you put the tea on yet?” JR awkwardly asked to start conversation

Oh yeah. I'd better go check on it, I've made enough if you want some Minhyun” Aron shouted as he strolled toward the kitchen.

Sure” I entered their apartment finally


Hey...have you guys ever thought about what it'd be like to be in a group like that?” Baekho asked as we all sat at a rounded table. Aron and Baekho's apartment was more western, so their dinning table was elevated.

Yeah, Aron and I were actually talking about that yesterday afternoon” I said

We were? Oh yeah, we were talking about how nice it'd be if we could become as popular as SHINee is” Aron entered the dinning area with four cups of green tea

SHINee? PSH, let's go for something more realistic, like B1A4” JR said

Who?” I asked

Exactly my point.” JR drank a sip of tea

Dudes!” Baekho stood up, “With enough hard work and dedication we could become like TVXQ!”

We?” Aron and I asked


Yeah sure, why not? I say we should, if I'm leader we could be more sucessful” JR conceitedly stated

What in the world would we call ourselves?” I asked

Can all of us actually sing?” Aron added

Who would write the songs?” said Baekho


Guys. One thing at a time. It's just a suggestion. All in favor raise your hand” JR calmed everyone down

Well, what about Ren?” I asked and the room became silenced

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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p