Acting for a Princess~

Face The Action!

JR's PoV


This is ridiculous” I mutter to my mom as she patted down my suit

“You look handsome~ You should wear suits more often” She smiled

“Just one date, that's all mom. And I can't promise to be nice”


“I know dear. She's a nice girl though, you guys would look like a cute couple” She led me to the front door of the Nam family. I've been on a few arranged dates before to keep my mom happy, but this one was my punishment. She handed me a bouquet (Obviously to give to Bora, the girl I'm arranged to go on a “date” with) and I rung the door bell.


The man who answered the door was a butler and he led us to their elegant dinning room. Most of the room was either white or crystal. They must be pretty rich to afford a crystal table and pure white silk curtains. A older gentleman sat at the end of the table and welcomed us (Her father with her mother sitting next to him)


“Ah, it's so nice to finally meet you Mr. Kim Jonghyun” he stood up to shake my hand

“Please call me JR sir” I said with a fake smile, feeling my mother elbow my side

“We're delighted as well” She added

“Joon-ah, please call Bora down” Mr. Nam said to a younger butler stand behind him


This one couldn't be more than a few years older than me and had decent looks. The thing that surprised me most was that they allowed him to keep his bright red hair. It looked good on him, it's just very uncommon. The butler returned followed by a pale girl wearing a little white dress. She smiled shyly at me while finding her seat across from me. I stood up quickly to hand over the bouquet, which a got a quiet “thank you” for.


“As you can see, Bora is my little princess. She's pretty and intelligent. Oh and she is very shy, so it will take some time for her to open up you” said the father

“I see. I look forward to our relationship.” What a boring girl...

“Would you two like to go off on your date now? I'd like to discuss a few things with you Mrs. Kim”

“I would, if you don't mind” I walked around to offer my hand to her, like a prince. Ah, I'm so good at acting~


“Okay” She took my hand and I led her to my car. I wonder where we should go, maybe a garden or beach. Somewhere that a prince would take a princess. Too bad she isn't my princess though, because she is a really pretty girl. Hehe, my princess is lock away in a tower right now. My princess is a boy.


“Neh, JR-ah” She quietly spoke


“Where are we going?”

“Wherever you'd like” I grinned. Wow, I'm incredibly good at this. I should be an actor~


“How about an amusement park?” She suggested, her large eyes locked on me


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porcelain96 #1
Please update
Omg omg.... I love this story!!!!! Stupid Ren :( :p