Friends United

Perfect Place

Seungyeon started to stand up and look around the room. She at first looked into the glass window but it was too dark to see so she turned the knob of the closet and switched on the light. There it wasn't a closest anymore; there in the center stood a mic, a stand with music and a chair. The walls were lined with carpet.

Whoa, a recording studio.

She started singing as if she was recording her own single. She noticed a picture with a necklace pinned on the wall.

While in the other room...

Bom scrabbled through her drawer of memories. She found old clothes, her first love letter, a book titled 'Beloved', even her baby bracelet, but not Seungyeon's gift.

"Where did I put it?" Frustrated she came out to find Seungyeon gone. "Seungyeon?"
Bom noticed that her closet light was on. She went on in, finding Seungyeon holding the picture and necklace with tears in her eyes.

"Seungyeon? What's wrong? Oh!" Bom grabbed the necklace opened it and put it around her neck. "That's your present." Bom smiled.

Seungyong looked at it seeing the words: '3Stars' in the front and the names '종현, 승연 , & 봄' engraved on the glass charm.

"You.. are you really my friend Bom? And Jonghyun.." Seungyeon's voice was shaking and she took the picture from her pocket and showed it to Bom.

Bom looked at the familiar photo where the three of them were sitting together. Bom nodded as the tears started to drop, she wiped them away and looked at Seungyeon.

"And you are our Seungyeon." Bom said.

Seungyeon nodded.

They both stood there looking at each other in disbelief.

I.. found them. This is real, I found them.

She looked at Bom, examining all her body.

She is still the same Bom, just older. She is my friend Bom!

Seungyeon felt overjoyed so did Bom. They couldn't hold it any longer and hugged each other tightly.

"Seungyeon we missed you so much! You came back for us!" Bom said hugging Seungyeon even tighter.
"You can't even guess how much I missed you! I thought you had forgotten about me." Seungyeon said, her tears just kept on flowing.
"How could we ever forget about you." Bom said and then dragged Seungyeon out of the door. "Let's go see Jonghyun."

Seungyeon wiped all the tears from her eyes on their way to the kitchen. Slowly Seungyeon walked inside the kitchen where Jonghyun was washing the dishes.

"Jonghyun." she said carefully.
"Hmmm." Jonghyun turned around with the plate and towel in his hands, drying them.

Seungyeon looked at Jonghyun, who was now muscular and handsome compared to the younger Jonghyun who was scrawny.

"Can I help you?" Jonghyun asked staring at Seungyeon.

She's so much more beautiful then before. I wonder if she remembered the last conversation we had together. Who am I kidding she probably has someone she likes.

Seungyeon stared at Jonghyun until he finished drying the plate and put it on the counter. Before Jonghyun could grab another wet plate she ran up to him and hugged him from behind.

"I missed you so much." Seungyeon said with tears in her eyes.
Jonghyun turned around. "I missed you too."
Jonghyun and Seungyeon hugged each other for a bit until Bom ran and hugged them both. "I missed you too."

They group hugged as Parkmama watched from the side.

Even though they are in college they still are my little babies. I missed the old days when they were in diapers.

"So it was you Seungyeon" Parkmama said and also came to hug Seungyeon.
"Mama, I can't believe I didn't recognize you at first today. I remember now how you took good care of me. I could always come to you when things got hard at home." Seungyeon said looking at Parkmama.
"Did I get that old you can't even remember my face?" Parkmama laughed. "Our Seungyeon grew up so much, you are a real beauty now."
Seungyeon blushed a bit. "I'm not.."
"How is your family doing? I sure remember you father, I'm sorry to say this but I didn't really like the way he treated you girls." Mama continued.
"Appa is still the same. Very strict and always busy. He still argues with mom a lot." Seungyeon sighed.
"What about your sister?" Bom asked.
"Unnie moved away right after she finished high school. Unnie had real hard time with appa and there were many conflicts between them, so she moved away as soon as she could. She runs her own business now in Chile. But let's not talk about them, I'm just so happy to see you all!" Seungyeon said hugging them all again.

"We should celebrate this somehow, since we got Seungyeon back!" Bom suggested excitedly.'
"More spaghetti anybody?" Parkmama asked.

Everyone's face dropped to the ground.

Parkmama laughed. "I'm kidding, but there's ice cream in the fridge!"

The faces brighten and went to crowd the kitchen for the creamy goodness.

"I scream for ice cream!" Bom laughed cheerfully.

She noticed Jonghyun and Seungyeon acting quite awkward towards each other but she let it pass because it maybe due to the fact that they haven't seen each other in years.

"So Seungyeon~" Bom called Seungyeon.

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sstormy #1
Chapter 15: I hope Bom gets her memories back or at least open up more to Jonghyun.
hopelesswriter #2
Chapter 14: Oh...Bom even remembered GD n ironically, they used to know each other too? but she doesn't remember Jonghyun n Seungyeon...i can understand how painful it must be...especially for Jonghyun who's always been there by her side n never left...she even said she doesn't like them...T^T...must be awkward for Eli n Jonghyun though, considering Eli's ambiguous relationship with Bom...Jonghyun listing out the guys Jessica cheated with though, somehow that made me LOL...i just started getting active back here n catching up on updates, thanks for all the updates n keep it up~!

Update soon ♡
Chapter 10: I hope Jonghyun gets to them soon.
GD~~! Yay hehe. Absolutely love him :3

Update soon <3
hopelesswriter #5
Chapter 9: Aww, poor Bom, she's been nothing but nice even when she lost memory...but the way Seungyeon reacted when Jonghyun denied what he said was a little dramatic...wouldn't it be natural to deny such a thing out of embarrassment/shy? haha...Eli got dumped i wonder who's the man Seungyeon met though...could it be the guy Bom met earlier or maybe not...anyway, Bom seems to be traumatized n had selective memory lost caused by it. looking forward to what happens next. things are a little angsty n dramatic...but i love their friendship. thanks for the updates, keep it up~
Chapter 9: Aw, she lost her memory.
Please update soon <3
hopelesswriter #7
Chapter 5: haven't done reading all chapters but...aww, this is so adorable and warm n fuzzy so far. i really like the unconventional mix of characters n pairings so far. it's refreshing. in fact, i'm not fan of kara-shinee pairing since i find the popular pairings boring. but this is a breathe of fresh air n i like it.
and especially love parkmama n her spaghettis. xD
i wonder about Eli n Bom's relationship though since Eli already has a girlfriend...
Thanks for writing this and keep it up~
Chapter 8: Awww, I'm glad the surgery was a success.
Please update soon <3
Chapter 7: What's wrong with jonggie??
Why did he said no??
Chapter 7: Aww, Jonghyun, you should've fessed up, pabo ahaha.
Update soon <3