
Perfect Place

"I gotta work tonight so I won't be back until after 10. You can help yourselves to anything in the kitchen." Jonghyun said sipping his water.
"Okay thank you. What time do you start?" Seunghyeon asked.
"I start at 5." Jonghyun replied.
"Do you want to eat dinner before you go?" Seungyeon asked looking at the clock, 3:30pm.
"It doesn't matter." Jonghyun replied.
"Then I'll start cooking now. We can have an early dinner." Seungyeon went into the kitchen.

As Seungyeon was cutting some vegetables she peeked at Eli and Jonghyun who were sitting there together without anything to say to each other.
She sighed.

I hope those two will get along.

"Jonghyun can you help me a little I can't find the rice" she yelled. "And Eli maybe you should unpack your stuff."

Both Eli and Jonghyun got up to do the things Seungyeon asked them to.

Jonghyun got the rice. "I'll make it."

Jonghyun washed the rice and put it in the rice cooker.

Jonghyun's phone rang.

"Yoboseyo... I don't have to work today, why?... Oh you heard about Bom... Okay, I'll see you in a month." Jonghyun put his phone down. "I don't have to work for a month thanks to Bom."

"Okay then. We could still have dinner early and maybe catch a movie or something." Seungyeon smiled at Jonghyun. "Wait a little food's almost done."

Jonghyun walked into the living room and sat in the couch across from Eli. What do I do now? Bom doesn't want to see me and I don't have to work. Maybe I should get close to Seungyeon again.
"Food is ready!" Seungyeon yelled as she was setting the table.

Jonghyun and Eli got up from the couch right away and rushed to the kitchen.

"Thanks." both the guys said as they sat down.

It was silent again as they started eating.

Eli suddenly stopped eating and stared at the food.
"Wae is something wrong Eli? Is it not good.." Seungyeon asked him as she saw his gloomy expression.

"No it's delicious, it's just that Eunjung.. she used to make me food like this all the time and... AISH IM SUCH A FOOL!" Eli said and got out of the table.

Jonghyun and Seungyeon looked at each other then started eating again.
"It seems to be hard for him too, his girlfriend dumped him you know.." Seungyeon said silently. "I'm sorry we have to bother you like this, I know it's really hard for you now...."

Seungyeon was having a hard time too but she wanted to try and stay strong.

"It's okay. " Jonghyun said.

Jonghyun and Seungyeon finished eating. Jonghyun helped Seungyeon with the dishes.

"What do you want to do now?" Jonghyun asked.
"I thought you had work." Seungyeon looked at Jonghyun.
"Not any more. My boss heard about Bom and gave me a month off. He know's how close Bom and I are." Jonghyun wiped a plate.
"Oh. Then how about a movie." Seungyeon smiled.
"TV or Theaters." Jonghyun finished the last plate.
"Theaters." Seungyeon hung the towels.


Jonghyun and Seungyeon went to the mall where the theater's were located.

"We have about 2 hours until the next showing. You wanna shop around?" Jonghyun looked at Seungyeon.
"Sure." They walked into a store.
"Let's go check out some cd's.." Seungyeon said and walked to the music section.

While Seungyeon was looking around Jonghyun went to listen to some music.

"Is it good?" Seungyeon tapped Jonghyuns shoulder. He took off the headphones and nodded. "Wanna listen?"

Seungyeon nodded and Jonghyun put the headphones on her ears. Seungyeon moved slightly along the music. Jonghyun looked at her smiling.

She took off the headphones and smiled. "It's nice to hear korean songs."
"Who are your favorite artists?" Seungyeon asked him.
"Come I'll show you." Jonghyun said and walked to find CD's from his favorite artists.

"Here." Jonghyun handed Seungyeon the CD.
"Michael Jackson?" Seungyeon looked at Jonghyun.
"Yeah great voice and awesome dance moves. I like Neyo too."
"Really." Seungyeon looked for some of her favorite CDs.

"Yup. I like to imitate them when I sing. We should go Norebang after the movies. I want to hear you sing since I haven't heard you in a while." Jonghyun smiled at Seungyeon.
"NO!!!" Seungyeon pouted. "I like this artist." Seungyeon grabbed a CD and handed it to Jonghyun trying to change the subject from Norebang.

"I like Beyonce." Seungyeon smiled.
"Oh you do?" Jonghyun asked looking at the CD.

Seungyeon nodded and looked around.. "Wah.. is that G.O.D! I used to love them when I was little!" Seungyeon exclaimed and grabbed a CD.

"Oh yeah, thats right I remember you crushing over them!" Jonghyun laughed.
"Aigoo its been ages I listened to any of their songs." Seungyeon laughed. "I think I will buy this." she said and walked to the counter.

"Are you gonna get anything?" she asked Jonghyun when she had bought it.
Jonghyun shook his head no.

"Let's go buy some snacks to eat at the movie." he said.

"No really Seungyeon lets go to noraebang after the movie.. it's been ages we went together." Jonghyun said holding the popcorn.

"Hm.. let's think about that after the movie." Seungyeon said.
Jonghyun and Seungyeon were walking around when someone caught Jonghyun's eyes.

"Crap! It's Jessica." Jonghyun grabbed Seungyeon's hand and tried to run into one o the stores but Jessica had spotted them.

"Oppa!! I was looking all over for... who's this." Jessica said noticing Jonghyun and Seungyeon were holding hands.
"Ahh.... Hi Jessica." Jonghyun managed to say with out stuttering.
"Ah.. this is my old friend." Jonghyun said letting go of Seungyeon's hand.

Seungyeon tilted her head looking at Jessica.

Jonghyun scratched his head. "Seungyeon this is Jessica, from my school."
"Anyway Jessica, we need to go now.. our movie will start soon." Jonghyun said and turned to leave.

"A movie, why you never take me to the movies oppa? And what friend is that, I have never seen her around you.. are you cheating on me?" Jessica yelled after him.
"Your girlfriend?" Seungyeon asked Jonghyun feeling slightly disappointed.

Crap being a Playboy finally kicked me in the like Bom said.

"Jessica we need to talk. I don't think we should talk here so wait until tomorrow." Jonghyun said trying to lead Seungyeon out but Jessica stopped them.
"What? Talk? Let's talk now." Jessica crossed her arms.

Seungyeon began to feel uncomfortable.

"Okay." Jonghyun took a deep breath, "We should break up. We hardly ever talk or do anything together. When we do you only talk about your girls or your hair. There was never a connection." Jonghyun said.

"Excuse me. Connection? You cheated on me with her. Some connection." Jessica countered.
"I didn't cheat on you. You cheated on me with Donghae, Jaejoong, Se7en, and Taecyeon. Wait there's more like Joon and half the school." Jonghyun raised his voice.
"I... I..." Jessica stuttered.

"This is funny. School's number one player and school's number one fighting over who cheated on who." Some girls gossiped.
”Jonghyun's a player?” Seungyeon overheard the girls.

As Jonghyun was arguing with Jessica, Seungyeon was walking away from them toward the theater.

I never thought Jonghyun would be a player, did he change that much?

Jonghyun glanced at where Seungyeon had been standing but didn't see her there. "Seungyeon!"

"Your new girl left you already!" Jessica snorted.
"Aishh.. just stay away from me from now on." Jonghyun said and ran after Seungyeon.

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sstormy #1
Chapter 15: I hope Bom gets her memories back or at least open up more to Jonghyun.
hopelesswriter #2
Chapter 14: Oh...Bom even remembered GD n ironically, they used to know each other too? but she doesn't remember Jonghyun n Seungyeon...i can understand how painful it must be...especially for Jonghyun who's always been there by her side n never left...she even said she doesn't like them...T^T...must be awkward for Eli n Jonghyun though, considering Eli's ambiguous relationship with Bom...Jonghyun listing out the guys Jessica cheated with though, somehow that made me LOL...i just started getting active back here n catching up on updates, thanks for all the updates n keep it up~!

Update soon ♡
Chapter 10: I hope Jonghyun gets to them soon.
GD~~! Yay hehe. Absolutely love him :3

Update soon <3
hopelesswriter #5
Chapter 9: Aww, poor Bom, she's been nothing but nice even when she lost memory...but the way Seungyeon reacted when Jonghyun denied what he said was a little dramatic...wouldn't it be natural to deny such a thing out of embarrassment/shy? haha...Eli got dumped i wonder who's the man Seungyeon met though...could it be the guy Bom met earlier or maybe not...anyway, Bom seems to be traumatized n had selective memory lost caused by it. looking forward to what happens next. things are a little angsty n dramatic...but i love their friendship. thanks for the updates, keep it up~
Chapter 9: Aw, she lost her memory.
Please update soon <3
hopelesswriter #7
Chapter 5: haven't done reading all chapters but...aww, this is so adorable and warm n fuzzy so far. i really like the unconventional mix of characters n pairings so far. it's refreshing. in fact, i'm not fan of kara-shinee pairing since i find the popular pairings boring. but this is a breathe of fresh air n i like it.
and especially love parkmama n her spaghettis. xD
i wonder about Eli n Bom's relationship though since Eli already has a girlfriend...
Thanks for writing this and keep it up~
Chapter 8: Awww, I'm glad the surgery was a success.
Please update soon <3
Chapter 7: What's wrong with jonggie??
Why did he said no??
Chapter 7: Aww, Jonghyun, you should've fessed up, pabo ahaha.
Update soon <3