12 Years

Perfect Place

"Do you really have to go?" A girl held Seungyeon's hand tightly.
Seungyeon nodded.

"You will come back right?" The girl asked again.
"I will, I promise." Seungyeon answered trying to hold the tears from falling.

"Seungyeon! I got something for you." A boy came running to the girls and stopped by a tree.
"What?" Seungyeon asked.
"Come here." He motioned to her.

Seungyeon and the girl stood up but the boy shouted. "Only Seungyeon can come!"
"Araso!" The other girl yelled and sat back down feeling upset.

Seungyeon walked to the boy and he led her behind the trees.

"What do you want to give me?" She asked.

The boy blushed slightly and then quickly gave kiss on Seungyeon's cheek. She looked at him surprised and blushed.

"Don't let anyone else kiss you okay? You can't forget us okay, you must come back for us. Promise me." The boy said.

Seungyeon nodded. "I promise you, I will come back."
"But if I find someone really, really handsome I will kiss him." Seungyeon smirked.
"Noo.. you can't. Because I’m the most handsome." The boy said.

They both laughed but inside they just wanted to cry. They then stepped out behind the tree slowly making their way towards the girl sitting down.

The girl ran to them. "What was it Seungyeon, tell me!"
Seungyeon shook her head. "It's a secret."

Her words made the boy beside her smile slightly.

"What if you forget us? If we are grown up when you come back then you can't remember us?" The girl said and looked down.
"No, I will come back soon." Seungyeon said and wiped the tear from the girl’s eye.

"SEUNGYEON, LET'S GO!" They heard Seungyeon's father shouting in the distance.

"I have to go... now." Seungyeon mumbled and looked at her two closest friends.
She then started running away from them. "Bye.. we will see again soon." She shouted at them and ran away leaving them standing there.

Seungyeon heard the voices of her friends calling her name but she kept on running.


12 years later, after living in South America Seungyeon was back in Korea again.
She was standing at the airport with her big luggage.

I’m back now, but it took me longer than I thought. Will they remember me, how do I find them again?

She took a photo from her pocket where she was smiling with her two friends from the past.
Seungyeon started walking along the airport looking for her cousin who was coming to pick her up.

Where is he?

She looked at all the people who were holding papers. She searched for her name.

"It's not there, what if he forgot to come?"

Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder lightly. She turned around and saw a girl she didn't know.

"Seungyeon-sshi?" She asked.
"Yes, who are you?" Seungyeon lifted her eyebrow.
"I am Eli's girlfriend Eunjung. Nice to meet you." The girl smiled.
"Oh hello, where is Eli?" Seungyeon smiled back.

"I'm here. " A voice said behind Seungyeon.
"Eli! It's so good to see you." Seungyeon said happily. Eli smirked and gave Seungyeon a high five. "Let's go girls!" He said and grabbed Seungyeon's luggage.

"Seungyeon it is okay that you stay at the living room right? Eunjung and I need the bedroom, you know." Eli said.
Eunjung poked him and blushed slightly.
Seungyeon laughed "It's okay, I will stay with you until I find a place to stay here. Thank you so much for letting me stay with you, I don't know anyone else in Korea anymore."

"Of course I will help my poor little cousin." Eli smirked.
"Hey, who is little, I’m older than you!" Seungyeon retorted.
"Great, now I have two noonas at the house to take care of me!" Eli smirked and put Seungyeon's luggage to the trunk.

"But Seungyeon, didn't you have some friends here, I remember you talking about them sometime." Eli asked.
"I had, but I doubt they will remember me anymore. It has been 12 years, we were little kids and we didn't stay in contact all these years. I don't know where they are now." She answered.

I wish I knew where they are...

Eli then looked at Seungyeon. "You look different than three years ago when we met last time, I could say you're even prettier now."

Seungyeon glanced at him. "You're saying I’m ugly?"
"No, no. By the way Seungyeon you should be careful our house is near Kizuna University and there's many players there. Don't let any fool trick you, okay?" Eli contunued as he started the car.
"Yeah yeah, I'm not that simple." Seungyeon said and looked out of the window as they drove outside.

I missed this place so much.


Jonghyun walked down the halls of Kizuna University. He got to his locker and tried to open the door but it was quickly slammed shut by the schools queenka, Jessica.

"Oppa, where were you last night? I called your cell a million times but you didn't pick up. I was bored." Jessica said leaning on his locker arms crossed.
"Sorry babe, I was working." Jonghyun replied.
"Again? When are you going to make time for me?" Jessica asked clinging on to his arm.
"Hmmm... We'll see if I can make time soon." Jonghyun replied.
"Thanks Oppa!" Jessica squealed then skipped off to her posse.

Jonghyun was about to open his locker again but was blocked by another girl.

"You're still trying to keep up the player act?" The girl asked.
"Haha funny. Can you move I need to get my things." Jonghyun said then the girl moved to the side allowing Jonghyun to open his locker.
"You still have that picture? Was it from 12 years ago?" She asked looking at the picture of three children hanging in his locker.
"Be quiet." Jonghyun said slamming his locker shut. "Don't you need to go to class or something?"
"Don't you need a real girlfriend instead of those plastics?" The girl retorted. "Stop fooling yourself and get on a plane."

Jonghyun ignored her and walked away.

"Jjong don't forget my mom invited you for dinner tonight. Be at my house no later then 8." The girl shouted.

Jonghyun sent her an "OK" sign and continued walking.

The bell rang signaling that school was over.

Jonghyun quickly walked toward his back convertible where Jessica and her posse where waiting.

"Jonghyun, baby, there's a party down at the club tonight. We're going. Wanna come? We can play there." Jessica attempted to cling on Jonghyun, but he ducked into his car.
"Sorry. I have plans tonight." Jonghyun said then quickly drove off.
"Oppa!!" Jessica stomped her foot.
"Maybe he has another girl." One of the girls commented.
"He'd better not!" Jessica said then got into her own car.


Jonghyun was late to work so he sped past several cars.

Honk Honk

"Slow down! Watch where you're going!" Someone yelled from a car that Jonghyun over took.
"Sorry!" Jonghyun yelled back then continued to drive.


"Hey Jjong!" Welcomed Bom as he entered the cafe. "Interesting how I made it before you, but I left after you slammed your locker on me."

He ignored her and rushed towards the employee room. She quickly gathered the dirty dishes and walked into the kitchen. She placed the dishes in the sink and started washing them. Jonghyun came back fixing his uniform. Bom snickered.

"So what are you going to tell the boss now hotshot?" Bom asked playfully as she leaned against the counter.

He just shook his head and left out of the kitchen.

Geez...after we parted Jessica must've got on his nerves again... still it has been 12 years hasn't it?

Bom sighed and returned to her work.



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sstormy #1
Chapter 15: I hope Bom gets her memories back or at least open up more to Jonghyun.
hopelesswriter #2
Chapter 14: Oh...Bom even remembered GD n ironically, they used to know each other too? but she doesn't remember Jonghyun n Seungyeon...i can understand how painful it must be...especially for Jonghyun who's always been there by her side n never left...she even said she doesn't like them...T^T...must be awkward for Eli n Jonghyun though, considering Eli's ambiguous relationship with Bom...Jonghyun listing out the guys Jessica cheated with though, somehow that made me LOL...i just started getting active back here n catching up on updates, thanks for all the updates n keep it up~!

Update soon ♡
Chapter 10: I hope Jonghyun gets to them soon.
GD~~! Yay hehe. Absolutely love him :3

Update soon <3
hopelesswriter #5
Chapter 9: Aww, poor Bom, she's been nothing but nice even when she lost memory...but the way Seungyeon reacted when Jonghyun denied what he said was a little dramatic...wouldn't it be natural to deny such a thing out of embarrassment/shy? haha...Eli got dumped though...lol. i wonder who's the man Seungyeon met though...could it be the guy Bom met earlier or maybe not...anyway, Bom seems to be traumatized n had selective memory lost caused by it. looking forward to what happens next. things are a little angsty n dramatic...but i love their friendship. thanks for the updates, keep it up~
Chapter 9: Aw, she lost her memory.
Please update soon <3
hopelesswriter #7
Chapter 5: haven't done reading all chapters but...aww, this is so adorable and warm n fuzzy so far. i really like the unconventional mix of characters n pairings so far. it's refreshing. in fact, i'm not fan of kara-shinee pairing since i find the popular pairings boring. but this is a breathe of fresh air n i like it.
and especially love parkmama n her spaghettis. xD
i wonder about Eli n Bom's relationship though since Eli already has a girlfriend...
Thanks for writing this and keep it up~
Chapter 8: Awww, I'm glad the surgery was a success.
Please update soon <3
Chapter 7: What's wrong with jonggie??
Why did he said no??
Chapter 7: Aww, Jonghyun, you should've fessed up, pabo ahaha.
Update soon <3