
Perfect Place

"Alright. Let's go." CL said to her band mates Sandara, and Mizy.
"For Bommie!!" All of the girls said and went on stage just as Bom, GD, Eli and Seungeon arrived.

"Hey!!" GD called Seungyeon when he spotted her.
Seungyeon looked over. "Hi. What are you doing here?"
"We came to check it out. You too huh?" Seungyeon nodded. "Did you notice this guy looks like Jonghyun and this girl looks like Bom?" GD pointed out.
"They do." Seungyeon looked at the flier.

"Next up is 2NE1!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The MC voice wame through the speakers.

Everyone looked up at the stage.

CL grabbed the mic. "If you haven't noticed but one of our member, Bommie, is missing. She was unable to perform do to an accident, so we'll try out best for her."
"Bom get better!!!" The crowd screamed.
2NE1 member's stared tearing "2NE1 Fighting!!"

The crowd cheered. "2NE1!!!! CL!!! Dara!!! Minzy!!! Bom!!!"

The song began. They played "I Don't Care" and "Go Away."

During the performance CL nodded to the staff and nodded to the staff who brought up a life size poster of Bom during the chorus where it was supposed to be her solo. Sandara took over Bom's vocals.

"Bom!!!!" The crowd screamed.

"Doesn't that look like you? You have the same name too." GD asked Bom. "Bom?"

Bom stared at the stage at the familiar people as she listened to the familiar song. "2NE1" Bom mumbled. Bom walked to the front of the stage. GD, Eli, and Seungyeon followed her.


CL spotted Bom and motioned Jonghyun to bring her up. Jonghyun walked over to Bom.

"Let's go up." He grabbed her hand and brought her up onto the stage.
"Jonghyun?" The two boys and Seungyeon stared at Bom and Jonghyun who was up on stage.

CL grabbed Bom's hand and brought her center stage and handed her a mic. "Sing if you remember." CL whispered as the girls gathered around Bom.

Bom slowly started to get the beat. Bom comfortably put her hands on CL and Minzy's waist.

They seem familiar to me. I feel comfortable around them.
This song is familiar to me. Am I in a band?

Bom looked at the girls beside her on the stage.
Bom sang perfectly and remembered all the lyrics. The crowd cheered for her loudly.

Bom smiled widely as she sang the last notes. CL, Dara, and Minzy gathered around Bom and hugged her then bowed to the crowd that cheered even louder.

"2NE1!!! 2NE1!!! 2NE1!!!"

Seungyeon stared at Bom who was on the stage. She is doing what she always used to dream about.

"Next we have SHINee!!!!" the MC annouced as 2NE1 walked down the stage.

The crowd cheered wildly. "Taemin!!! Key!!! Jonghyun!!! Onew!!! Minho!!! SHINee!! SHINee!!"

Seungyeon looked up the stage and saw Jonghyun standing there smiling excited.

"Bom, look up there, that's your good friend Jonghyun!" CL said as she pointed on the stage. Maybe Bom will remember something when he sings.

Jonghyun... She looked down knowing that she really didn't know anything about him; even if she did know him before.

Bom smiled at CL and started to watch SHINee take the stage. The lights shut off and flashed.

"Soomeul gotdo chatji mot.hae naneun piharyeogo aesseo.bwado..."

"That's Onew." Dara implied towards Bom. CL pushed Bommie's side.

"Look! It's Jonghyun!!!" CL pointed towards the one dressed in black with his back exposed.

Jonghyun started to take his spotlight; "Sarang.eeyeot.damyeon..."

Bom stared in amazement. Whoa, their dancing is superb.

Bom noticed as she watched their opening dance. Later during the bridge of the song; Jonghyun held a long note as Minho rapped. Bom head jerked. She held her head with her hand flinching everytime Jonghyun sang. Blurred pictures started to come back to her:

Boy: "Bommie let's see who can hold out a note the longest!"
Bom: "Eh? Why?" She looked on confused.
Boy: "I watched on TV on the backstage of a singer's life. One of their exercises were to hold a note out long and loud!"
Bom: She nodded. "Okay! But I won't hold back!"
Boy: "I'll go first!...AHHHHHHHHH~"
Girl: "Whoa! ________sshi! That was pretty long!"
Bom: "Mine turn!...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH~"
Boy/Girl: "WHOA! BOMMIE!" *smiles and laughter*

The hurting stopped as well as SHINee's performance. CL, Dara and Minzy stood close by holding onto her. She didn't even notice what they were saying until now.

"Bommie? Are you okay?" Minzy asked. Bom nodded still feeling a blur where the pain was.

"Are you sure?" CL asked again. "We're going to be performing a dance off agaisnt them you know?"

"Yes, I'm okay." Bom replied. "I won't bring us down, I promise." She smiled gaining smiles back.


"And now everyone get ready for the 2010 'Switch' Dance Battle! 2NE1 VS SHINee~" The crowd roared in applause as 2NE1 took the stage first. Bom breathed in and out.

"Noona neomu yeppeo~" 2NE1 started dancing SHINee's song and recieved applause.

Whoa did I just do that? Bom smiled as she left the stage.

They passed SHINee and wished them luck. Bom felt someone grab her hand. She turned back to find them all lined on stage.

"Bommie!" She turned and saw GD coming towards her. She smiled and received a hug from him. "Good job!" He smiled.
"Thank you." They both stood from the side to watch SHINee's performance.
SHINee began dancing to 2NE1's Fire. The crowd screamed. SHINee danced to their own version of Fire. As the music played Bom had flashbacks.

Boy: "Put your hand here. Twist your hips to the side. Are you trying to look attractive, because that is not attractive. It's more like stupid."
Bom hit the boy.
Boy: "Yah!! Act like a girl. Don't hit people. That boy you've been crushing on, Jiyoung was it, won't like you if you keep hitting people."
Bom hit him again.
Boy: "Yah!!"
Bom: "Jong..."

Bom looked up at the familiar figure on stage. Jong... = Jonghyun??


The song ended and SHINee went down to greet 2NE1. Jonghyun went to get his belongings.

"You guys were awesome." Key hugged Minzy.
"No you were. I think you won." Minzy replied.
"Who care about winning let's eat. I want Chicken." Onew said loudly.
"Fine let's get some. Bom, are you and your friends coming." CL asked.
"Ummm," Bom looked at GD, who looked at Seungyeon and Eli.
GD nodded at Bom. "Yeah they're coming."
"Okay meet you at Chicken House down the street." Onew said to 2NE1 and left with the rest of SHINee to go find Jonghyun and get their belongings.
"Ah actually Eli and I, we gotta.." Seungyeon started but Eli blocked before she could finish.

"What did you say? " CL asked turning to Seungyeon and Eli. "What Seungyeon meant to say was that we gotta...have something to eat." Eli said.

"How do you know Bom?" Minzy asked Eli and Seungyeon.
Seungyeon glanced at Bom.
"Well I.. I'm Bom and Jonghyun's childhood friend." Seungyeon said.

"Really? How come I have never seen you before? I think Bom introduced all her friends to us." CL asked looking at Seungyeon closely.

"Well that must be because I just came back to Korea a while ago.. I lived in South America for many years." Seungyeon said and smiled slightly.
"Wahh.. really?" Dara said. "Hey, wait.. I think Bom mentioned you at some point.. the girl Jonghyun and Bom were waiting to come back.. wahh is that really you?"

Seungyeon nodded and looked at Bom. She was listening carefully what everyone was talking. My childhood friend?

"How about you?" Minzy asked Eli.
"I'm just Seungyeon's cousin." Eli said. CL tilted her head.. "I could swear I saw you somewhere before.."
"Ah.. you probably didn't." Eli said looking away.
"Are you sure??" CL asked again.
"Yeah." Eli replied.
"Hmmm. I swear you look like that player that was drooling over Bom. What's that guy's name? Eric? Elliott? Elisah? E something." CL said turning to Sandara. "Anyways let's go. We want to be there before SHINee don't we."

2NE1, Bom, GD, Eli and Seungyeon got to the Chicken House shortly after SHINee.

"Where were you? The chicken was calling." Onew looked at the group.

Bom, GD, Seungyeon, and Eli looked at Onew confused.

"Sorry he's always like that. It's Onew's Condition~!!" 2NE1 and SHINee sang at the same time.


The group was seated after ten minutes since they didn't have a reservation. Everyone was having their own side conversations.

"Excuse me do we know you?" Seungyeon asked Jonghyun unsure if this was the Jonghyun she was staying with.
"I don't know." Jonghyun replied still upset at Seungyeon.
"Jonghyun!!" CL looked at Jonghyun. "Be nice. She's your friend."
Jonghyun sighed. "Yeah I'm the 'player' Jonghyun. Since I'm a player I want you two to move out asap. I need the bedrooms for my guests."

Seungyeon gasped.

"What's up with you?" CL looked at Jonghyun. "Since when did you do that sort of things. I thought you only played with girls. Not slept with them. Didn't you promise some girl something. Aren't you breaking her promise by sleeping with girls."
"Who cares anymore. The girl doesn't care." Jonghyun replied then called the waiter. "Give be one beer please."
"Jonghyun don't." Minzy said hearing Jonghyun ask for beer.
"Shhh. Leave him alone he must be having issues. He only drinks when he has problems. I'll take care of him if he get's drunk." Key said then touched Jonghyun's shoulder. "I got your back."

Seungyeon continued to stare at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun gulped down one beer. Girls. They always seem to hurt me and break my heart. First Bom forgetting me and now Sungyeon forgetting her promise and... aish

"Stop that Jonghyun! Don't drink!" Seungyeon said and took the beer away from him. Jonghyun glared at her and took it back.

"Fine, do whatever. We will move out tonight so you don't have to see us around anymore. Hope you have fun with your guests!" Seungyeon got up the table.

"Yah Seungyeon..don't do this.. we don't have anywhere to go." Eli said grabbing her hand. Seungyeon looked at him. "We will figure something out. Call me when you're done eating."

She looked at Bom and the others then walked out the restaurant.

I should've never came back here, it was a mistake! How could I even think things would be the same here, it's been years!

What did I promise to him, I don't remember... Is he like that because of something I promised? Why can't I remember?

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sstormy #1
Chapter 15: I hope Bom gets her memories back or at least open up more to Jonghyun.
hopelesswriter #2
Chapter 14: Oh...Bom even remembered GD n ironically, they used to know each other too? but she doesn't remember Jonghyun n Seungyeon...i can understand how painful it must be...especially for Jonghyun who's always been there by her side n never left...she even said she doesn't like them...T^T...must be awkward for Eli n Jonghyun though, considering Eli's ambiguous relationship with Bom...Jonghyun listing out the guys Jessica cheated with though, somehow that made me LOL...i just started getting active back here n catching up on updates, thanks for all the updates n keep it up~!

Update soon ♡
Chapter 10: I hope Jonghyun gets to them soon.
GD~~! Yay hehe. Absolutely love him :3

Update soon <3
hopelesswriter #5
Chapter 9: Aww, poor Bom, she's been nothing but nice even when she lost memory...but the way Seungyeon reacted when Jonghyun denied what he said was a little dramatic...wouldn't it be natural to deny such a thing out of embarrassment/shy? haha...Eli got dumped i wonder who's the man Seungyeon met though...could it be the guy Bom met earlier or maybe not...anyway, Bom seems to be traumatized n had selective memory lost caused by it. looking forward to what happens next. things are a little angsty n dramatic...but i love their friendship. thanks for the updates, keep it up~
Chapter 9: Aw, she lost her memory.
Please update soon <3
hopelesswriter #7
Chapter 5: haven't done reading all chapters but...aww, this is so adorable and warm n fuzzy so far. i really like the unconventional mix of characters n pairings so far. it's refreshing. in fact, i'm not fan of kara-shinee pairing since i find the popular pairings boring. but this is a breathe of fresh air n i like it.
and especially love parkmama n her spaghettis. xD
i wonder about Eli n Bom's relationship though since Eli already has a girlfriend...
Thanks for writing this and keep it up~
Chapter 8: Awww, I'm glad the surgery was a success.
Please update soon <3
Chapter 7: What's wrong with jonggie??
Why did he said no??
Chapter 7: Aww, Jonghyun, you should've fessed up, pabo ahaha.
Update soon <3