Couple Rings and Proposals

Perfect Place

"This is an excellent piece!" The music theory teacher exclaimed. "Good job."
"Thank you." Jonghyun smiled.
"I'm going to turn it in if you don't mind." The music theory teacher said.
"Sure I don't mind." Jonghyun answered.
"We'll since you're done with your project early you don't have to attend school anymore. We'll call you when you need to come back for graduation." The teacher said.
"Okay thank you." Jonghyun smiled and happily walked to his car.
"I'm turning this piece into my friend at SM Entertainment. I'm sure they'll like a talent like Jonghyun and his friends." She said to herself and called up her friend.


"Seungyeon!!" Jonghyun ran into the house. "I won't have to attend school anymore until graduation!!"
Seungyeon looked at Jonghyun surprised. "Really? Why not?"
"Because I finished my project early and he said that the piece I made is excellent!!" Jonghyun exclaimed happily.

"Great!!! Of course the piece was excellent because it was made by our Jjong!! I'm sure you will become a real musician one day!" Seungyeon said hugging him tightly.

"I can't believe I will graduate!! I'm so happy!!" he said and lifted Seungyeon up and rolled her in the air a few times.
"I'm happy for you Jonghyun!" Seungyeon smiled kissing his lips.

It's good to see him so happy after all the sadness he has gone through.

"Since we don't have work today let's go on a date. We've never gone on one." Jonghyun suggested.
"We never had?" Seungyeon thought about it. "I guess we haven't. Let's go."


"Wahh!!" Seungyeon said as they pulled up to the beach.
Jonghyun smiled at Seungyeon's cuteness.

They got out of the car and placed down their things on a mat in the sand.
"Let's go in." Seungyeon said pulling Jonghyun towards the water.
"Hold on a second." Jonghyun said sitting on the sand. "I wanna rest for a while from all the driving here."

Seungyeon sighed and walked deeper to the water. After a while bunch of guys ran to the water really close to Seungyeon. One of the guys approached Seungyeon. "Hey there." he smiled. Seungyeon glanced at the guy and smiled slightly. "Hi."

Jonghyun looked at the guy and Seungyeon and right away got up and ran to the water. He pulled Seungyeon further away from the guy and glared at him slightly. "Sorry. She's mine."

The guy shrugged and walked back to his friends.

"I thought you were tired?" Seungyeon chuckled looking at Jonghyun.
"Well not anymore." Jonghyun said as he placed his hands on her waist. "Let's go deeper to the water, I don't want those guys to see you." he whispered leading Seungyeon deeper.

"Hey!!" Seungyeon called Jonghyun.
"Huh?" Jonghyun turned around.

*Slash* Seungyeon splashed Jonghyun in the face.
"Yah!!" Jonghyun wiped his face and chased Seungyeon around the beach.


"I'm tired." Seunyeon laid on Jonghyun's stomach.
"Me too." Jonghyun played with Seungyeon's hair. "Should we go home now then?"
"No." Seungyeon turned around, so she was now on her stomach. "Let's do something else. What about we shop for rings?"
"Rings?" Jonghyun asked.
"Yup. Rings." Seungyeon pulled out a toy ring from the sand.
"I wanna have couple rings." Seungyeon smiled as she got up to pack their stuff.
"Araso, let's have them then." Jonghyun said and helped Seungyeon pack.


"Wahh, they're all so pretty!" Seungyeon exclaimed as she looked at all the rings. "How about that?" Seungyeon said pointing at a really expensive ring.
Jonghyun stared at the ring and the price.. "Uhh.. that one?"

Seungyeon grinned and nudged Jonghyun. "I'm just kidding, not that one. I know you have a students budget. Besides that's not the prettiest."
"Then what is the prettiest?" Jonghyun asked.

"Hmm.. I will let you choose." Seungyeon smiled.

Jonghyun took a look at the rings. "Seungyeon when you get married, what kind of ring do you want to have?"
"When I get married? Well.. I want just something simple, not big diamonds or anything.. maybe like that." She pointed at one ring. "maybe silver and those really small diamonds in it.."

Jonghyun nodded and started searching for the couple rings.
"Look at this!!!" Seungyeon shouted as she passed by a cart vendor. "Isn't it cute."

She pointed at a set of couple rings that looked like legos that interlocked with each other. The red for the girl and blank for the boy.

"It locks together like actual legos. It's also at a reasonable price. It it usually $15, but I'll give it to you for half price, so $8 because you to look like a lovely couple" The sales lady said.
"Thank you." Seungyeon replied then turned to Jonghyun. "What do you think?"
"It's nice, but don't you want something better?" Jonghyun asked not happy with the cheap ring.
"No its fine with me. Plus she said it locks together, so I can lock you with me." Seungyeon giggled, eyes not leaving the ring.
"Fine we'll buy it." Jonghyun bought the ring.
"Gomawo." Seungyeon hugged Jonghyun.

Jonghyun slid the ring on Seungyeon's finger, than after that she slid the ring on his. She put her hand out to look at the ring. Jonghyun did the same and placed his hand next to hers.

"Doesn't it look pretty?" Seungyeon asked proudly examining it.
"Yeah, it does, but you look prettier." Jonghyun replied.

Seungyeon blushed and leaned on Jonghyun's shoulder.


The couple continued to walk around the mall.
As they passed a jewelry store something caught Jonghyun's eyes.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom wait here." Jonghyun said leaving Seungyeon sitting by the pink colored indoor fountain.

Jonghyun ran into the jewelry store.

"Can I buy this?" Jonghyun pointed to some rings.


"I'm back." Jonghyun ran towards Seungyeon.
"What took you so long?" Seungyeon asked.
"There was a line." Jonghyun sat next to Seungyeon.
"Line in the boys bathroom? That's awkward." Seungyeon said.
"Yeah it is isn't it." Jonghyun smiled. "Anyways, here. Open this."

Jonghyun handed Seungyeon a package. She opened the package slowly. Inside was a bear holding a box.

Seungyeon opened the box. "Omo!!"

Inside the box was a ring with heart with a cute pink gem in the middle of the heart.

Jonghyun took the box from her and looked genuinely into Seungyeon's eyes. "I never got to officially ask you, so... be my girl?"

Jonghyun held out the box to her. Waiting for a reply. Jonghyun's heart rate racing as each second pass by.

"Yes. I'll be your girl." Seungyeon smiled widely.

Jonghyun slipped the lego ring and placed it on her index finger. He took out the new ring and slipped it on her ring finger. "Perfect." Seungyeon did the same to Jonghyun's rings.

Jonghyun cupped Seungyeon's chin and brought it to up to his face. "I love you." Jonghyun kissed her lips.

"Congratulations!!" Two elderly couples nearby clapped their hands. "You two look good together."
"Thank you." Jonghyun and Seungyeon replied.
"If he asked you out like that imagine how he'll propose." One of the grandmas said making Jonghyun and Seungyeon blushed like crazy.

"Let's go home." Jonghyun laced his finger's into Seungyeon's.
Seungyeon looked at the rings in her fingers happily through the whole ride home. "You like them that much?" Jonghyun chuckled.
"Yeah!" Seungyeon said touching the rings.

"Who do you like more, the rings or me?" Jonghyun asked.
Seungyeon nudged him and laughed. "Yah, of course I like you more, you don't have to get jealous to rings pabo!"

"I never said I was jealous to them." Jonghyun laughed and the radio. He started humming along with the song coming from the radio.
"My man has much better voice than than guy who is singing that song." Seungyeon smiled.
"You think so?" Jonghyun grinned satisfied. Seungyeon nodded. "But you don't have to get all arrogant about that!"

"Araso." Jonghyun giggled and continued singing.

They soon reached the house and walked inside.

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sstormy #1
Chapter 15: I hope Bom gets her memories back or at least open up more to Jonghyun.
hopelesswriter #2
Chapter 14: Oh...Bom even remembered GD n ironically, they used to know each other too? but she doesn't remember Jonghyun n Seungyeon...i can understand how painful it must be...especially for Jonghyun who's always been there by her side n never left...she even said she doesn't like them...T^T...must be awkward for Eli n Jonghyun though, considering Eli's ambiguous relationship with Bom...Jonghyun listing out the guys Jessica cheated with though, somehow that made me LOL...i just started getting active back here n catching up on updates, thanks for all the updates n keep it up~!

Update soon ♡
Chapter 10: I hope Jonghyun gets to them soon.
GD~~! Yay hehe. Absolutely love him :3

Update soon <3
hopelesswriter #5
Chapter 9: Aww, poor Bom, she's been nothing but nice even when she lost memory...but the way Seungyeon reacted when Jonghyun denied what he said was a little dramatic...wouldn't it be natural to deny such a thing out of embarrassment/shy? haha...Eli got dumped i wonder who's the man Seungyeon met though...could it be the guy Bom met earlier or maybe not...anyway, Bom seems to be traumatized n had selective memory lost caused by it. looking forward to what happens next. things are a little angsty n dramatic...but i love their friendship. thanks for the updates, keep it up~
Chapter 9: Aw, she lost her memory.
Please update soon <3
hopelesswriter #7
Chapter 5: haven't done reading all chapters but...aww, this is so adorable and warm n fuzzy so far. i really like the unconventional mix of characters n pairings so far. it's refreshing. in fact, i'm not fan of kara-shinee pairing since i find the popular pairings boring. but this is a breathe of fresh air n i like it.
and especially love parkmama n her spaghettis. xD
i wonder about Eli n Bom's relationship though since Eli already has a girlfriend...
Thanks for writing this and keep it up~
Chapter 8: Awww, I'm glad the surgery was a success.
Please update soon <3
Chapter 7: What's wrong with jonggie??
Why did he said no??
Chapter 7: Aww, Jonghyun, you should've fessed up, pabo ahaha.
Update soon <3