
enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to CUBE4!"

The quartet politely waved at the somewhat small crowd in their new get-up and disguises as Kana and Jangmi introduced the four with another group name based on 20 CUBE. Melanie, Kierra, Serena, and Linna found themselves at the house of Haeyoon in celebration of her birthday. It seemed that Haeyoon had assumptions about the cousins turning up, but didn't think the quartet would show up due to it being White Day. She was half right as Simplistic was busy with lots of couples, but since they closed early, they were ready to get Haeyoon's party started.

"These lovely ladies here are our very special guests tonight and will be performing a few songs in celebration of Haeyoon's birthday, but also for today in being White Day! So happy White Day to everyone and a very happy birthday to Haeyoonie!"

Kana chuckled cutely while Jangmi spoke this time.

"As CUBE4 are also our honorable guests, please show respect to them and if there's any incidents, then I, Kana, and even Haeyoon, herself, will not hesitate to take care of it. Thank you. Now, take it away, CUBE4"

The duo walked off to the side to give the spotlight to the quartet as they were sitting on chairs this time around since they wouldn't actually be dancing for their stages. Haeyoon somehow dressed up the quartet in lovely outfits in no time like she has been waiting for this moment like previously. The four decided to sing instead of dance this time around as they wanted to set a different mood and feel.

"One, two..." Melanie led the greeting before introducing themselves as a group.

"We're CUBE4."

One by one they introduced themselves with another set of stage names in relations to the gifts given out on the White Day holiday. First with Melanie, second with Linna, third with Kierra, and lastly with Serena.

"I'm Marshmallow."

"I'm White Chocolate."

"I'm Polar Bear."

"And I'm White Peony."

The four were relieved to know this was another small gathering, but at a private residence than at a restaurant. Those in attendance consisted of both Haeyoon and Jangmi's families along with the duo's boyfriends. Also Kana and Riki along with the usual close four friends, Jake, Jay, Heeseung, and Sunghoon, too. The cousins hoped Riki wouldn't recognized them to stir up some fun and what not. Yet they were worried about how Jangmi and Haeyoon's boyfriends seemed awfully familiar to the two males that Serena and Kierra had run in with at the boys' house party, but dismissed it, hoping they had seen wrong.

"So," Melanie continued afterwards, "First off, happy birthday to the lovely birthday girl, Kim Haeyoon, and thank you for having us tonight."

"Yes! We're glad to be performing for y'all." Linna joined in afterwards with a smile.

"We have prepared four songs to sing for you tonight and we hope that you would all like them!"

Both Serena and Kierra interjected before cuing someone for the music.

"Please watch over us kindly."

"Music, cue."

Baby Steps played first, next came My Everything, followed by All Night, and lastly ending with Milky Way. The audience clapped warmly with some of them cheering and being a bit louder than most. During the performance, Haeyoon, Jangmi, and Kana placed four white medium gift sized bags and boxes each before the quartet yet neither of the cousins knew what it was for or what it even meant. The four discreetly cast one another a look as they continued singing. They completely ignored the eight packages as to not be too distracted by it. It seemed that the seven males wanted to return the favor for giving them chocolates back on Valentine's Day and the trio wanted to thank them as well.

"One, two..." Serena began the greeting before finishing as a group.

"This was CUBE4!"

Serena ended their segment as the quartet stood.

"Thank you so much for having us tonight."

The quartet bowed before standing up right and waving.

"Have a lovely night and take care!"

Just as the four were about to walk off, Kana, Haeyoon, and Jangmi hurriedly came on stage to stop them.

"Ah, wait!"

"Don't go yet."

"There's one more thing."

The quartet paused in mid-step as they watched as the trio motioned at the boxes and bags. Even though they saw it, but the quartet just didn't want to make a scene or fuss about it due to not knowing what they were for.

"These are a little 'thank you' gifts from us."

"Ah, it's okay." The four declined at the same time.

"It's also for returning the appreciation from last month on Valentine's Day."


"Each a bag and box for the four of you."


The quartet couldn't say 'no' to that as the White Day gifts were more out of courtesy and obligation for what they did last month on Valentine's Day. Besides, they weren't slick with trying to keep themselves on the down-low if Jangmi, Kana, and Haeyoon had already planned this.

"Thank you." The quartet thanked them while moving closer to the gifts.

Linna, Kierra, Melanie, and Serena quickly chose a set of gifts before excitedly opening them. The four were too focused on the items that the cousins weren't aware of the seven males watching them. Each bag contained a random lop rabbit plush, a random bear plush keychain, and two random scented candles. The box contained a large amount of different types of chocolates, cookies, candies, and marshmallows. The males were quite amused by the four's responses as they cooed at everything yet instantly began trading their items with one another. The quartet seemed quite happy and content with the gifts they had just received.

"Thank you so much for the gifts."

"It was really thoughtful of you."

"Yeah, I definitely loved the plushies!"

"Mmhmm. I definitely love the candles!"

The cousins thanked them with another bow after standing up again while gathering their belongings into their arms. The on-lookers chuckled at their reactions and enjoyed the scene before them.

"Okay, buh-bye!"

Upon hearing those words, Riki became alert while watching the female quartet leave. Just like last time he tilted his head in thought, wondering why it sounded so familiar. He observed the four a little more as something formed in his head, but dismissed the thought when Haeyoon mentioned 'cake'. The cousins changed back into their own clothes, received some to-go slices of cake without being noticed by the others, and returned home more than satisfied and happier.

Kierra rested her head on her backpack while waiting for Jay to arrive at the school's cafeteria the next day. He had Kakao called her late last night to help him with some of his sketches that were due on Tuesday. At first, Kierra was gonna ignored his calls, but after reading some of the messages, she ended up picking up his call. She didn't know why he needed the help or even waited this long to work on it in the first place, but here she was. Then again, these sketches were related to being each other muses and felt she had to help him out.

"Good morning."

Just as she had drifted off to sleep, Kierra heard a familiar voice greet her softly while hearing something being placed onto the table. Her eyes fluttered opened as she slowly lifted her head to spot an earl grey milk tea in front of her. Her eyes shifted over to Jay, comfortably sitting across from her with a notebook in hand and his own earl grey tea in the other.

"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything."

"I don't mind. I was getting something for myself anyway."

"Oh, I see. Um, how much was it? I'll pay you back."

Kierra reached to grab her wallet out of her backpack, but Jay declined.

"You don't have to pay me back, Yiyeon. Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Um, just think of it as for meeting me so early."

Kierra quietly backed off from the topic.

"Oh, okay. Well, um, thank you."

"Welcome. Now, thank you for agreeing to meet me so early."

"Yeah, you're welcome, too."

He flashed her with a smile before noticing something familiar attached to her backpack.

"Where did you get that?"

"Get what?" She responded after taking a sip of the iced drink.

"The bear on your backpack."

Jay pointed to the mini green-eyed white bear plush keychain hanging from Kierra's backpack. Kierra eyed the stuffed toy she had clipped on to her backpack last night. Despite it being too early in the morning for her, but Kierra grew aware and alert of her surrounding and the situation at hand. She played it off with a nonchalant tone.

"Ah, this. Yeah, a friend gave it to be as a gift the other day."


Jay seemed slightly dejected about Kierra's response, but she didn't want to reveal the truth that it was from him and the others from yesterday. Kierra didn't want him to think otherwise and she knew she shouldn't have attached it to her backpack, but it was too cute to not use in the first place. Plus, Kierra and the others assumed that the group would have never noticed it in the first place due to not really hanging out with one another or running in the same social circle. Of course that seemed wrong as here she was with Jay and he noticed it off the bat.

"Why do you ask?"

Jay cast her with a cool look.

"It just looked familiar. That's all."

"I see. My friend did mentioned that these were quite popular and that she almost coudn't buy it, but was able to at the last second."

"Oh, that's good to know."


She directed the attention elsewhere.

"So, um, about the sketches you wanted me to brush up for you. What do you need help with exactly?"

"Oh, right."

This brought Jay to focus on why the two were meeting up in the first place. He flipped open his sketchbook to show Kierra the drawings he had done these past few weeks.

"Is there any way you can help me make these more presentable?"

Kierra stared at them before taking another long sip of her drink while slowly nodding tentatively.

"Um, yeah, I think so."

Honestly, they were horrendous, but she didn't want to be too mean as they were already here to deal with it. Kierra just hoped that she could help him out with her skills.

"Do you want a bagel or a sandwich?" Linna asked her cousin as she and Melanie had gotten ready for school.

"Um, a bagel, please. Thanks" Melanie answered while opening the fridge to grab the bottle of orange juice.

"Do you want juice or milk?"

"Apple juice, please. Welcome and thanks."

"Okay, welcome."

Linna went about making them breakfast as Melanie poured them a glass of juice. They each realized their sisters weren't around as by now they would have been making double the meal.

"I'm gonna check on the other two." Melanie said as she set the glasses onto the small dining table.

Linna nodded as she finished spreading cream cheese onto the bagels while making herself a sandwich. Melanie returned shortly afterwards.

"Well, Serena's not feeling well and is skipping school for today. She made me light one of those candles for her that we got yesterday."

"Oh, nice. The small candle smelled nice when I lit my last night."

"Ah, so that's what I smelled then."

"Mmhmm. By the way, maybe we should make Serena some soup before we leave then. Yeah?"

"Nah, she said she's just gonna sleep it off and see how she feels when she wakes up."

"Hopefully nothing happens with the candle then."

"Nah, I got her window slightly opened to help air it out and left the door ajar, too. All just in case something does happen once we leave. Anyways, Miss Hyebin

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