
enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Whoa, Sunghoon? Hi! It's been so long."

Sunghoon and Linna were in the midst of casually talking and waiting for their meal to arrive when another young woman came to their table. The stranger directed the greeting at Sunghoon as his face brightened upon seeing her.

"Oh, Eunsoo! Hi! Yeah, it has. Like four or five years now, right?"

Linna watched as the male greeted the other female, happily.

"Yeah and who is she?"

Eunsoo looked at Linna as Sunghoon motioned at Linna.

"She's just a classmate, Chae Yiseul."

Linna cocked a brow upon hearing those words. Usually Sunghoon would announced Linna as his girlfriend, but this time around he didn't.

"Oh, hi. I'm Lee Eunsoo. A childhood friend of Sunghoon." Eunsoo introduced herself as Linna politely smile.


"Yeah, I thought she was your girlfriend, Sunghoon."

Eunsoo focused back on Sunghoon with a chuckle as he laughed, too.

"Oh, no. She's not my girlfriend. We're just schoolmates."

Linna didn't know why it hurt to hear those words, but it did and maybe it was the fact that she was getting used to this whole fake relationship. She nodded slowly as she finally got her answer despite it being like a month later. Linna had wanted to discuss their situation, but thanks to Sunghoon's recent words, it made it easier to act now.

"Yeah, don't worry. We're just schoolmates."

"Oh, cool. Do you mind if I join the two of you then?"

"Not at all." Sunghoon readily agreed, causing Linna to questioned whether he liked this person instead.

"Yeah, Eunsoo, please join him. I was getting ready to go anyway."

This caught Sunghoon's attention.

"Wait, but we just ordered."

"It's okay."

She flashed him a smile.

"Y'all can share. Thanks though, classmate."

Linna stressed the 'classmate' part with a feign smile while gathering her things and standing up to leave. She faced Eunsoo with a polite look.

"It was nice meeting you. I hope you can catch up with Sunghoon though."

Linna briskly walked off just as Sunghoon caught up to her after exiting the building and telling Eunsoo to give him a minute.

"Wait, Yiseul."

Linna continued walking, ignoring him.

"Chae Yiseul, please, wait."

Sunghoon had gripped one of her elbows to prevent her from walking as he slightly forced her to turn around to face him. She shook his hold off of her as she watched him with a nonchalant demeanor.

"Oh, no, I'm not gonna wait. Please, don't let me interfer with the meeting with your friend."

"Oh, c'mon, I just haven't seen her in a long time."

"Apparently, because you didn't fake the dating in front of her. Yet you did in front of Ahra and them."

"It's because..."

Sunghoon didn't finished his sentence.

"Because what?" Linna probed, wanting him to explain it himself.

Yet the words wouldn't come. Linna shook her head.

"If you can't find an answer, then there's no need for us to keep up the act. Today marks the day we broke up if the others ask."

She motioned back at the restaurant they had exited from.

"Please, return to catch up with your friend, Park Sunghoon."

Linna flashed him a cynical smile.

"We're no longer associated as a couple and there's no need for your concern either. Now we can go back to just being classmates. Thanks for the memories, classmate."

She stressed 'classmate' once more as she swiftly her heels and walked off with quick and firm steps, leaving Sunghoon to stare after her with a worry expression.

Melanie had just stepped out of the batting range room when she overheard Jake's coversation with three others she's seen around campus, but didn't know them. With the way the four were talking it seemed like they were friends or at least knew one another well enough. Neither noticed her coming out as she wasn't aware there were others around before she went inside to bat.

"She's really not good at this, Jake."

"Yeah, Jake, like she couldn't even hit one."

"Sorry that you have a girlfriend like that, Jake."

The other three strangers were talking about Melanie not hitting any of the baseballs. This was the first time she's done something like this as she was used to having them actually thrown at her by a person and not thrown by a machine. Melanie deduced that the other three males were close with Jake and wondered if they went to a difference school or something.

"Oh, yeah, she's not my girlfriend, guys." Jake corrected them.

"She's just a classmate and someone I tutor for math."

"Oh, that's good. I can't see you dating a girl like her."

"Yeah, me either. I would prefer a girlfriend that's more lady-like than into sports and all that."

"Me, too. A girl that's into something I'm not is eaiser to deal with."

Jake laughed with a nod.

"Oh, yeah, don't worry. She's not my type at all. She's really just a classmate to me."

Melanie quirk a brow upon hearing their words, not amused about being talked like that. Melanie honestly didn't think that Jake would be like this, especially behind her back despite him being the one to invite her out in the first place. She remembered that it was him that got them into their position in the first place. Sure, she didn't think much of it, but Melanie noticed she started to slowly fall for him. Yet, with all that she has seen and heard right now, that went down the drain. Well, at least Melanie didn't have to discuss with Jake about their current situation now since he claimed they weren't a couple to his three friends.

"Yeah, we're just classmates." Melane interjected herself into the conversation startling the four males.

"We've never dated or would ever date due to our different preferences."

"Oh, Chaew-"

Just then, Melanie's phone rang, causing the four to jump upon hearing the sound and interrupting Jake from speaking. Melanie quickly grabbed her backpack from Jake. She ignored him to answer her phone, seeing Linna's name popped up.

"Yo, Linna, what's up?"

Melanie spoke in English, not caring if Jake found out or not. She had no reason to play nice with him now.

"Nah, I'm not busy."

She glanced at Jake, seeing how surprised he looked.

"I don't have anything to do right now or any other plans for later."

Melanie briefly glanced at the other three as they watched her, shocked themselves.

"Hey, are you okay because you don't sound like it?"

A frown settled on Melanie's face as Jake became worried about why she made that expression.


"Hold on, Linna."

Melanie moved the phone from her ear to her chest so that she could focus on Jake as she spoke to him in English instead of Korean.

"Our fake relationship ends here and so does any further interactions unless it's school related. Just tell everyone that we broke up today, too."

She flashed Jake a vague smile before turning away and walking off, not even bothering to acknowledged the other three males.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but I'll pick up some choux creams on my way home for sure."

Jake just stared after Melanie, too stunned to react as were his friends.


"Go, Enha!"

Both Kierra and Serena cheered on their fellow schoolmates while watching go through their many routines for the upcoming event in June. After bringing the team snacks and drinks the older cousins stayed within the dance building after a few of the members asked for the duo to watch them practice. At the moment, the pair were watching the team that included Riki, Heeseung, Sunoo, Jungwon, Jay, and several others.

"Woot, woot!"


The pair cheered once more in a calm and chill manner while sitting off to the side of the room. The duo softly laughed against one another after as it was all too amusing not to do so. Serena heard the buzzing of her phone and went to check it. The smile on her face disappeared after reading Linna's message and deepened further as she read her sister's message right after.

"Hey, I guess you won't have to go on that dinner after all." Serena muttered as she leaned closer to her cousin.

Kierra's brows furrowed before leaning over to stare at Serena's phone with the message. The smile on her face disappeared, too.

"I guess so, but I honestly don't mind."

"Of course you wouldn't mind."


"Are you sure though?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's not like him and I are dating or have feelings for one another."

"Yeah, but still."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. So don't worry, I'll message him to arrange for another day. Anyways, let's go. Our sisters need the support more."

Serena nodded, sighing a bit.

"Very true, but..." Serena trailed off while thinking of the younger pair.

"Like although I do know that it was all fake to begin with, but still, like all the stories I've read and even have written before using that theme or plot, and the same with dramas and movies, it ends up the same way of sorts. Of course, the reactions are different and how each person plays it out to make sense for them."

"How so?"

"Because regardless of how it gets found out or settled or whatever, real feelings were involved and you can't really go back to how you and the other person once were when something like that happens to you both. Like, you could pretend all you want to think that nothing happened, but something did happen whether you like it or not. Which I think is why they're just a bit numb right now until we actually talk about it or not."

"Yeah, true, but let's grab some boba, too. I'm sure they need to vent and boba does us all good with all that without thinking about it."

"Hell yeah, it does. Also, I think we should go grocery shopping to make something substancial, too. I mean, Melanie's getting the puff pastries and maybe we should get some other food, too. Like baked sweets on top of boba sweets, that's too sweet and sugary."

"Hmm, true. We could make something simple and easy tonight."

"Yeah, as we always find comfort in that since being so far away from home."

"Oh, yeah, mmhmm, definitely. Probably some burgers or something."

"Burgers for sure. We all crave fries in general."

The pair softly laughed as they quietly got to their feet while trying to be as discreet as possible. Kierra and Serena waved a small goodbye to those that caught the movement without distracting them too much from their own focus. Serena signaled that she'll call or text Riki later on about why they had suddenly left with a vague answer. He didn't need to know the real reason. As for Kierra, she caught eyes with Jay while motioning at her phone for him to check it for her response. She ended up messaging him a few minutes later that she couldn't make it and she wouldn't know when her schedule would allow for a rain check to have dinner with him.

"Good evening, everyone." Kierra greeted the customers of 20 CUBE after they did their usual greeting and introductions.

"Tonight, we're taking it easy and so will just be singing for y'all instead of actually performing fully."

There were some disappointing comments as Serena continued the ment.

"We know that y'all look forward to that, but something came up and we decided it this way."

Serena glanced at her sister and cousins before facing the crowd again.

"So, before any of y'all get the wrong idea about us getting dumped or whatever, this segment is due to a few friends of ours that got their hearts broken a while ago, and tonight we felt like we should convey that in tribute to those that have been wronged or just lost a love one."

The comment did hint at Melanie and Linna's feeling of a break-up, but due to the whole thing being a lie, going this route will help with getting it done and over with. Kierra took over once more as the older two knew that the younger two didn't feel like talking due to their own feelings. The quartet decided to go the route of break-up and sad songs to help them get over this feeling and mood.

"So yeah, if you know the songs, then sing along, if you don't, we're sorry if we brought down the mood."

Serena chimed in soon after.

"But don't worry, we have other wonderful acts after us that will bring up the mood once more! So, please watch over us kindly."

Serena glanced at the other three as they nodded to indicate they were ready.

"Now, let's begin with the first song of our stage, Good Night Like Yesterday."

The quartet motioned with their hands in front of them.

"Music, cue!"

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