different stories.

enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Don't you think it's a little rude to leave without actually saying anything?" Melanie had mentioned as they walked down the stairs quietly.

The quartet had packed up their belongings and changed back into their regular clothes when the trio ended up wanting to talk to their brothers and their four friends. Before that, the cousins had cleaned up the kitchen before gathering their things as to at least do their part so the others wouldn't have to worry about it. Serena and Linna never actually told the trio about the boys being over, but their sisters found out about their brothers anyway on their way to use the bathroom. Still, the four agreed to returned home and end the sleepover due to the circumstances.

"No, not really as we're gonna tell them that the situation is different now and that we're gonna go." Serena responded befre glancing them a bit uneasy.

"And honestly, I just feel weird, too."

"I dunno. It still feels wrong though." Linna said with slight hesitation.

"I'm with Melanie on this."

"I'm more on board with Serena though."

Kierra sighed while running a hand through her hair.

"I feel weird, too, and makes me a little bit uncomfortable."

Serena agreed with Kierra.

"Yeah, it's just uncomfortable with them here at someone's house."

The younger two still felt that it was wrong to just leave while Kierra cast the two younger women with a knowing look.

"Well, it is what it is. If anything we could explain more with a longer message in the group chat."

"But it just seems to make our relationship a little more awkward, no?" Melanie asked as Serena shrugged.

"I guess, but I would rather do it when others aren't involve. We can do this another time though."

When they reached the main floor and entered the living room where the other ten were with the young men's heads hung low and the female trio slightly scolding them, Serena loudly cleared to get their attention. Before she could excuse herself and the other three, Haeyoon Kana, and Jangmi took noticed of their change in appearances and baggages.

"Are you really leaving?" They inquired a second later.

"Uh, yes." Serena confirmed while casting them with a polite smile.

"Thank you for having us over even if it wasn't that long."

"Are you leaving because of us?" Jungwon inquired a second later.

The quartet briefly glanced at the group swiftly gazing at one another.

"Not entirely." Kierra responded a moment later.

"But, we think it's better for us to go though."

"We didn't mean to ruin the mood. We're sorry." Sunoo apologized on behalf of himself and his friends.

"No really, it's okay." Linna reassured them with a small laugh as she realized something.

"We had fun, but um, I guess we just need a little more time it seems."

Melanie agreed with her cousin, wanting to ease the overall situation.

"Yeah, we're just trying to get use to this whole thing. That's about it. We just need a little more time. We hope you understand."

"We're okay with that." Kana assured them all.

"We'll definitely try another time.'

Jangmi and Haeyoon agreed and would let them know of future plans.

"Anyways," Serena directed the attention elsewhere.

"We'll get going now. Take care."

"Ah, wait." Heeseung interjected while standing up.

"Do you want us to accompanied you home?"

"Or to the bus stop at least?" Jay offered right after as he, too, stood up.

"It's pretty late out."

Both Jay and Heeseung caught eyes with Kierra and Serena, respectively as the others also stood upon witnessing the older males doing it.

"Or call y'all a cab or something?" Sunghoon suggested another option as his eyes landed on Linna with a small smile.

"Just like what Jay had said, it is pretty late."

"We're aware and thank you, but no." Linna declined with the same smile, but directed her eyes elsewhere.

"We'll be totally fine."

"Are you sure?" Jake asked although his eyes lingered on Melanie with a soft smile on his face.

"We really don't mind taking y'all home."

She shot him a gentle smile in return.

"Yeah, we're sure. We'll be fine on our own. Thanks though."

"I mean, we really don't mind." Jungwon reasoned as Sunoo nodded.

'Yeah, we really don't mind. It kinda is our fault."

"They're not gonna change their minds. These four are pretty stubborn." Riki informed the party with a small chuckle.

"He's right. They are pretty stubborn." Kana confirmed, chuckling.

"But aren-" Both Haeyoon and Jangmi spoke up, but decided against it with the others looking at them, curiously.

"Still thank you for offering and worrying about our well-being." Kierra thanked the group before looking at her sister and cousins.

"Okay, buh-bye!" The quartet bid the group with a cheery tone as they rushed off.

Riki stared after them with a small smile and a laugh escaped shortly afterwards. His friends looked at him weirdly, but he paid them no mind. The only thing crossing his mind was if he could continued to keep their identity a secret for much longer, but he'll keep trying for now.

"Looks good, Chaewon." Jake said as he handed Melanie back her paper.

"Thanks, Jake."

She let out a deep breath, feeling slightly relieved.

"I really thought I wouldn't get it in the end."

Jake chuckled.

"Like I keep saying, you're a fast learner and easy to teach."

"I still think I'll fail the finals in June though."

"No worries. Just keep doing what you've been doing all this time. Honestly, Chaewon, you should have more confidence in yourself."

A small smile graced her lips.

"Thanks and I'll try."

Melanie happily scanned the paper while Jake quietly observed her. The pair were nearing the end of their math tutoring despite a mishap from earlier. Gaeul happened to followed Melanie to the library in hopes of seeking Jake's help with her own mathematic studies just the two of them. Of course, Jake politely declined his assistance as he was scheduled to tutor Melanie and not with her. Gaeul persisted, stating that he could always teach and study with Melanie another time as they were boyfriend and girlfriend. As for her, she needed the extra help that was until her boyfriend came to drag her away. Sangwook was not pleased while roughly pulling Gaeul away and staring daggers at Jake.

"Hmm, maybe I'll definitely be ready for the finals coming up." Melanie commented unaware of Jake watching her.

Another smile graced Jake's face.

"Hey, when our session ends, Chaewon, do you, perhaps, want to get something to eat or drink?"

Melanie surprisingly looked up from her paper at Jake.


It was more out of curiosity than suspicion.

"Don't you have dance practice after this though?"

Despite the two just going with the flow with their overall situation even though Melanie recalled how things have been since late last year and even at the start of the new school term, they were coridal with one another. Still, Melanie felt weirded out at times as this definitely would be something her sister would write about and how she and Linna seemed to be in the same boat, but the two would brush those thoughts aside and just go on about their day since it didn't really impact their lives all that much. Still, the only issue she and Linna had amongst one another was Gaeul and her friends which became slightly annoying over time, but not too alarming as of yet to call for help.

"I did, but I thought we could get to know one another better outside of school and without the others just the two of us instead."

A slow smile brightened Jake's features once again. He leaned closer and spoke in a whisper-like manner.

"Besides, Park Gaeul is kinda scaring me with her persistence and that boyfriend of hers."

Melanie laughed as Jake continued, enjoying the fact he made Melanie laughed.

"Of course, despite her telling me the other day that she was the one that wrote that letter and not you. I knew it wasn't you based on your handwriting, but I didn't think things would turn out like this at all. Also, I figured we can help each other out for sure with our current situation."

He flashed her that same charming smile of his at her.

"What do you say?"

Melanie laughed again before nodding.

"Sure, I guess."

She recalled something.

"Wait, but aren't y'all supposed to practice for that event next month though?"

Jake shrugged.

"We do, but it's not gonna be that bad if I skip out on one day of practice."

"Are you sure?"


He grinned as she slowly nodded, accepting his answer. Maybe Melanie could ask him about their current relationship and see if they'll actually get that 'later' talk since he was the one that brought it up in the first place today.

"Great, because there's this cool place nearby with a batting cage and we can go there."

"Oh, I see."

Her response didn't sound all that positive to Jake.

"Um, did you want to do something else?"

"Oh, no, no. It's all godo and I don't mind. It sounds like a nice place so let's go with your idea."

Melanie flashed him a reassuring smile despite not being into the physicality of sports all that much in general. Still, having dealt with brothers, male cousins, and even Serena and Kierra over the years while growing up and forced into playing with Linna as her one and only companion, she didn't mind.

"Jinah was right about you, Kangmin." Linna commented to her new tutor with a giggle.

The male laughed with a disbelief tone.

"What do you mean, Yiseul?"

"I only ever trusted Jinah to tutor me, and so I was hesistant to accept you as a subsitute for tutoring today."

"Oh, that. Ha, yeah, no worries, Yiseul. Glad to know."

He dismissed it with a good-nature attitude.

"She informed me about you, and I did my best to follow through with how she teaches you. Surprisingly, you make things a whole lot easier."

He flashed her a friendly smile.

"And honestly, you're a lot nicer than the others and actually pay attention to what I'm teaching you."

"I could say the same thing about you, too, Kangmin."

The two shared a laugh as Linna handed him her paper.

"I hope I'm ready for finals next month though."

She sighed, deeply.

"I mean, I did okay on my midterms, but I feel like I could've gotten a better score."

Kangmin nodded as he went over the problems he had given her before speaking.

"Jinah did mentioned that before midterms she couldn't tutor you due to her accident."


"So how did you get along before then without her?"

"I basically self taught myself or ask my sister, cousins, and close friends for help when possible. I mean, of course it wasn't the same as being with Jinah, but it was better than nothing. Also, I didn't trust the other tutors to teach me due to past experiences. So I didn't want to bother Jinah in her condition. I wanted her to recover and worry less on working with me."

"I see. Fair enough."

Kangmin nodded as he continued to grade her work before marking something on the paper and handing it back to her.

"Don't worry, Yiseul. You're doing well so far and Jinah's a great tutor because it shows in your work."

He flashed her another smile.

"Just keep doing what you're doing right now like reviewing your notes, keep going through problems, and you'll be ready for the finals."

"Thanks a lot, Kangmin."

"You're welcome. If you do need further help, then don't hesitate to contact me."

The two shared another smile as Linna made a suggestion.

"Do you think you'll be free to tutor me more often leading to finals week though?"

"Yeah of cou-"

Just as Kangmin was about to agree to it in a nonchalant manner, but his eyes happened to catch something from behind her and he stopped in mid-sentence. His expression quickly shifted and he kindly declined her suggestion.

"Actually, I would, Yiseul, but I don't think I'll be able to do that."

Linna's brows furr

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