
enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Good morning, Yiseul." Sunghoon greeted Linna upon opening the door for her to enter their shared Monday and Wednesday morning class.


He flashed her a sweet smile, but she faked a similar one in return. Once, turned away from him, she dropped the smile. Linna could be civil, but that didn't mean she actually wanted to be around him in class. Before Sunghoon declared that the two of them were dating, Linna normally sat in the middle section and he had joined her after saying they were a couple to keep up with the facade. Now, since they had 'broken up' she would be sitting in a different spot to showcase that. She just didn't expect Sunghoon to follow after her though.


"No." She cut him off, pausing in mid-walk and pointed in a random direction without looking at him.

"Go sit over there and away from me."


"Don't care."


"No. Now, please leave me alone."

She faced him with a stoic expression.

"We've broken up, remember? There's no need for us to interact further."

Linna resumed her walk and quietly settled to the far side of the classroom, ignoring how he continued to stare after her. Sunghoon stood frozen where he was, the smile on his face disappearing. He ended up taking a seat closes to him when the professor entered the room. It didn't help when Jeonghee sat beside him, gifted him a packed lunch made by Ahra, and informed him that her friend wanted to eat lunch together with him later after classes were over.

"This is a lot harder than I expected." Linna said as she and the other three settled at the cafeteria table after classes ended for the day.

"Why? Is he bothering you?" Kierra questioned as Serena joined in.

"Yeah. Do you want me to take care of him?"

Melanie scoffed.

"Don't make it sound like you're gonna murder him or something."

"Why not?" Serena joked.

"It'll make for a great story."

"Yeah, a story, not real life."

"It's fine." Linna dismissed with another sigh.

"I'm sure Ahra will try to swoop in though."

Kierra scoffed.

"Yeah, right."

"What do you mean?"

Kierra looked over at Serena for an explanation as Serena chuckled before speaking.

"Well,like in any story or movie or drama, when the mean girl slash friend or what title the side character is that tries to get the attention of the male lead, he won't paid them any real attention. He'll be too busy hung up on the female lead, which is you."

This time Linna scoffed.

"I don't have time for that. Besides..."

She trailed off before resuming.

"It's just hard only because I liked him, then we became friends of sorts, after that we got into a fake relationship, and now we're here."

Kierra figured out what plagued her sister's mind the most.

"But despite all that has happened, you still like him, right?"

"Yeah and I don't know why."

Linna slumped onto the table's surface with a soft groan. The older pair left Linna aloned and focused on Melanie.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

Melanie remained cool and collect, but Serena knew her sister had mixed feelings, too.

"You and Jake."

"Nothing. I didn't like him like that as he was just a classmate and a tutor, but we got into a weird rumored relationship which in turn became a fake one later on, and just like Linna and Sunghoon, now Jake and I are here."


"Mmhmm. Also, I haven't seen him on campus yet and he hasn't contacted me since that night either."

"Yet, you'll definitely see him in class on Wednesday and when you have tutoring session on Thursday."

"Yes and yes, but I will try to remain civil with the guy unless I don't want to."

Kierra directed the topic to something else, not wanting to talk about their boy troubles.

"Alright, forget them. What do y'all wanna eat?"

"I wa-"

Serena was interrupted when a sudden meal tray filled with various food items was placed before her, unexpectedly. Serena swiftly looked over her shoulder to see Heeseung. He flashed her a smile when they made eye-contact.

"For sharing with me this morning."

Before she could even respond, Heeseung took off after greeting the other three, and returned to another table with his friends. Three others from the table glanced to check on the other three, but they ignored them and focused more on Serena. Linna didn't missed how Sunghoon still had Ahra's packed lunch she had made for him with him. She and the other two momentarily forgot their own troubles to deal with Serena's issues.

"So," Kierra began with a teasing look.

"What did you share with him this morning?"

"Yeah." Melanie cooed, joining in.

"And when did y'all even get this close that he even bought you lunch, hmm?"

"I think the fate answered our call and it's Serena's time." Linna mused.

Serena rolled her eyes with a ghost of a smile after giving Heeseung a head bow in 'thanks' and glanced at the trio.

"Just some desserts and drinks from 20 CUBE because Hyunkyung wanted to make up with Riae this morning." She answered nonchalantly.

"Also, I don't think we're like that either. Maybe he just felt obligated to get me something since I shared something with him."

"Yeah, right. It's not like it's the first time he's shared something of his with you." Melanie remarked as Linna recalled that moment.

"Oh, right, he did. The pink hoodie. How cute."

"It's not."

Serena glanced at the trio while pushing her tray in the middle of them to share.

"Y'all can have some, too."

"Oh, no, no, no."  Kierra declined in a teasing tone.

"That's clearly meant for you since Heeseung bought it for you."

She righted the tray back in front of Serena while looking at the younger two.

"The rest of us are gonna get something else."

Serena rolled her eyes as her sister and cousin got up to get their own meal with a laugh while she picked up the chopstick to dig into the food.

"Don't you have other friends that you can bother or something?" Serena asked Riki, more out of teasing than being serious.

The pair were chilling at the high school's cafeteria with Serena treating Riki to breakfast as the other three had their own thing to take care of this Tuesday morning. This left Serena the only one to entertain the young man.

"I do, but you're the only one that doesn't charge me."

He flashed her a knowing smile as Serena rolled her eyes.

"Wow. Maybe I should start charging you then."

"Nah. You like me too much."


The two share a laugh as Serena glanced around the area.

"Where's Kana? She usually hangs out for a while."

"Had to talk to her teacher about her grade."

"Oh, I see. Well, make sure she gets the fruits sandwich before classes start."

"I will. I won't forget like last time."

"Better not. I don't want to get blamed again on why your backpack and books got damaged."

"It was like one time."

"Right. Says you, but I for sure know that it was more than once."

"I don't remember."

"Mmhmm. Anyways, what about your friends? Where are they? Can't they entertain you this morning?"

"Around and a majority attend the university campus."

"Oh, yeah, that's right."

Riki remained nonchalant as he continued to eat his meal whereas Serena sipped on her apple juice. Riki looked over at her.

"Do you want to share some of my food?"

"Nah. Not hungry."

The comfortable silence fell between them before Riki spoke again.

"Did something happen between Yiyeon, Chaewon, and Yiseul between Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon?"

Serena remained cool, but gave no answer as she replied with another question instead.

"Why do you ask?"

Riki shrugged.

"I dunno, but those three have been acting weird for the past few days."

"Can't really say. You'll have to ask them yourself though."

"But you do know something."

"I do, but it's not my place to explain. Why so curious about it? Are you worried?"

Riki didn't commented as he directed the topic elsewhere.

"Will you and the other three be celebrating Nakko's birthday tonight with Kana, Jangmi, and Haeyoon, too?"

Serena allowed the change of topics, not really caring if he answered or not.

"Mmhmm. Nakko insisted since it'll be at their home instead of going to a restaurant."

She cast him with a playful look while leaning forward more.

"Why? You and your buddies wanna crash the party, too?"

"No." He denied.

"Just asking."


"I'm really just asking."

"Yeah, sure you are."

Riki rolled his eyes while finishing up his meal as Serena checked her phone for the time.

"Anyways, I gotta get going."

She stood from her seat and slung her backpack onto her back.

"Have fun with your classes today and don't forget to give Kana her sandwich."

"Yes, yes. See you later."

"At the party tonight?" She teased as Riki shook his head with a roll of his eyes.


Serena chuckled before giving him a small wave.

"Alright, alright. See ya."


"Okay, okay. We'll do a total of four performances. Just two dance routines for each day." Serena informed the group after a heavy discussion amongst the cousins.

The quartet were celebrating Nakko's birthday at her home which was also a sharehouse that was much larger and more accommodating for the residents. Nakko resided alongside Kana, Megan, Jangmi, Mind, Haeyoon, Chaeyoung, and several other girls with some being members of the dance team, too.

"No more, no less. That's it because we have something planned on both days later those same nights that we definitely cannot miss."

Somehow the conversation had shifted to the dance event happening in a few weeks and the focus moved onto the cousins jokingly joining them for said event. In turn, this conversation extended to a discussion about the four being included in one of the performances. Eventually, this turned to the large group persuading the quartet to join the existing lineup or to include additional acts for more 'umph' where they would have to learn more routines for it.

"Yay! I get my birthday wish!" Nakko cheered as she ran towards the quartet to give them a hug.

"I'll take whatever I can get outta you four."

"Yeah, yeah."

Two of the dance team members, Rosie and Aeji, were eager to get started.

"Oh, then let's decide on the songs before figuring out the choreography."

"Then after that we can decide the dance placements for the show."

"Shouldn't y'all inform the other members about this first?" Haeyoon reasoned with a chuckled as Mind agreed.

"Yeah, and then decide on how many members will actually participate alongside them four in the four additional dances, too?"

Jangmi looked at the large party with an amused expression.

"I'm pretty sure it's a first come, first serve sort of situation now.

Chaeyoung nodded as she also raised a hand.

"Most definitely because I'm ready to join in."

She glanced at the others, intrigued.

"Who else is interested amongst us to join Chaewon, Yiyeon, Yiseul, and Chaejin in four more units?"

"Oh, me! Please! I want to join for sure!" Kana volunteered as she cast the four with a bright smile.

"This is gonna be so amazing and I can't wait!"

"Oh, me, too." Another, Romi, agreed while glancing at the quartet, raising her arm.

"I was hoping they'll actually join the dance team after helping us back in March."

"Oh, yeah, me, too!" Another, Seori, chimed in before pouting while facing the cousins.

"But they k

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