campus life.

enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Why can't she drink it herself?"

"Yeah, she's capable to do it herself."

"We already went through this. I'm her tank and she's still young."

Kierra repeated herself for the nth time to the two male opponents since playing beer pong when Sunoo and Jungwon dragged her and Serena inside the house due to Nakko and Megan. Kierra drank for Kana as the younger played with Haeyoon. There were three other tables with the pairs being Nakko and Linna, Megan and Melanie, and Serena with Jangmi, playing against male opponents. They were also students of Enha University High, but the quartet hardly interacted with them.

"That's not fair."

"Yeah, that's not fair."

Kierra was already done with this whole thing as she looked at the others seeing they were nearing the end and winning on their sides, too. The older pair had asked for the youngers' aid to finish the game quickly so they could leave together. Also, they needed more players to make a team of eight with Nakko, Megan, Haeyoon, Jangmi, as Kana was still too young to drink.

"Look, it's not my fault y'all don't remember, but it's set."

Kierra finished the drink and set the empty cup to the side before casting the other two with a bored look.

"I would be grateful if we could finish this as soon as possible. So you don't mind, right?"

Haeyoon and Kana nodded, understandingly. Even though there were still a few more cups left on both sides of the team. Kierra wished she and Serena had made their escape long ago.

"Yo, you cheated! Your elbow passed the line just now." One of the males accused Serena due to her ball making it in the cup.

"I did not. That was a clean shot."

"No. It doesn't count."

This pairing had a little too much and Serena just wanted it to end as quickly as possible.

"Look, if you're gonna be a sore loser, then you shouldn't be playing at all. What happened to all of the referees spectating all this?"

Serena looked around at the others who kept throwing in their two cents and calling out shots and penaties of sorts whenever their friends didn't make a shot or something. None of them answered her and she stared them all down done with this whole thing.

"Seriously? Now y'all wanna be quiet?"

"Hey, aren't you Ni-Ki's girlfriend?" One of them asked as Serena eyed him.

"Yeah, and so what?"

She was just done with this night and the pople. The group of males gasped with one of them bravely asking to make sure.


"No." She deadpanned with a shake of her head.

At that moment, Serena caught eyes with Kierra and silently understood what the other wanted to do.

"Ready?" The older cousins asked each other before nodding.

They glanced at their friends.

"Yo, we're ending this now."

"Oh, please, yes." Linna and Melanie agreed with a relieved tone.

"I don't think I handle more of their dumb questions and whining."

Megan and Nakko laughed with a nod.

"Alright, we had enough, too."

Jangmi shot the pair an OK sign with a nod. She also had enough of the game and the males' talking.

"Alright, let's do this."

Serena and Kierra joined together while collecting the other balls from their friends and started with Linna and Nakko's table.

"Yo, yo, hold up. What are you two doing?" One of the opponents asked as Serena answered.

"We're ending this."

Before he and his partner could respond, Kierra and Serena simultaneously aimed for the remaining cups and made them in. Melanie and Linna quickly collected the balls, washed them in the water cups, and returned them to their sisters. Nakko and Megan each collected the filled cups and poured them into two separate cups for the losing pair, happily.


Soon enough, Kierra and Serena moved through the games from Melanie and Megan's table to Haeyoon and Kana's before ending with Jangmi and Serena's table.




"We win!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Now, drink up!"

The opponents were flabbergasted about what had just happened and so instantly.

"Hold up."

"That's not right."


"That's cheating."


"So unfair."


More complaints came through as fast as they could while also refusing to drink the remaining liquid amongst them. Serena and Kierra cast a look at one another before shooting Megan and Nakko with a knowing look as they walked over to each set and took the cups from their hands. Before the males could question the pair, Kierra and Serena immediately down each cup one by one before placing them onto the table.

"Alright, we're out." Both Kierra and Serena chimed, nonchalantly.

"Let us know when the four of y'all get home!" Nakko and Megan called out to the cousins.

"Oh, us, too!" Haeyoon added with a wave.


"Will do!" The quartet called out as they waved at their friends before passing a group of familiar faces.

"Take care and maybe see y'all around school next week."

Each one flashed the group of seven a small smile and small wave, feeling a little friendlier than normal due to having a good time with their other five friends. The male group returned the same gestures and words while they wondered how Serena and Kierra had just beaten the best beer pong players amongst their group of friends in a matter of minutes.

"So, when did you give Jake a confession letter, Melanie?" Linna asked her cousin, joining her at the university's library.

"Like secretly over winter holiday or just two days ago?"

Melanie and Linna were at the library after their Thursday afternoon classes for tutoring sessions as school's been in session for three days now. Around this time, Seoyoung and Jaekyung discussed and decided to open up Simplistic only on Saturday and Sunday from early morning until early afternoon for the time being, allowing the quartet to have a stable job of sorts while attending school. Seoyoung was still overseas and it seemed that she wouldn't be returning home any time soon whereas Jaekyung worked on finding another job on the weekdays. Anyways, Melanie cast her cousin with a puzzled look.

"I didn't, Linna."

"That's what I've been hearing all around campus all day today."

"From who?"

The two settled at one of the tables.

"Some girls from my class. Saying that a girl named Chaewon confessed, but he didn't accept or deny it. Jake just returned the letter to her."

Melanie rolled her eyes.

"This school really likes to gossip."

"So, you didn't give him one and he didn't return it?" Linna probed further, feeling like she knew what her cousin's answer will be.

"I did give him one, but I didn't write it. It was another girl in my class."

"I knew it."

Linna grinned as she leaned closer to Melanie.

"Okay, Melanie, explain."

Melanie chuckled with a shake of her head, but proceeded to explain how the situation came to be.

"This girl, Park Gaeul, from my Tuesday and Thursday class insisted I give her letter to Jake as she was too shy and scare to give it to him."

"Mmhmm, but why you?"

"Because I seemed closer to him or something as we have tutoring sessions on Thursday and a class on Wednesday."

"Ooh la la."

Melanie eyed Linna who just smiled at her.

"Anyways, I gave the letter to Jake the same day she gave it to me on Tuesday, but apparently, Park Gaeul, didn't identify who she was in the letter. So that left him to gave it back to me yesterday since I was the one that gave it to him."

Linna quietly laughed at the whole thing as Melanie just rolled her eyes.

"It's not that funny."

"It kinda is. Anyways, you returned the letter to the rightful owner and now people are thinking you like him?"

"I guess so."

"So is this Park Gaeul person mad at you?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Linna stopped laughing.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Apparently, Jake just corrected her grammatical errors and she's blaming me."



"Does that mean you read it?"

"Well, yeah. I thought it was something else as the letter was in a different envelope. Then I realized it was her love letter to him a little too late."

"How little too late?"

"I basically skimmed it, thinking it was math notes or something to give me a head start."

"Oh, that's too funny."

Linna burst into another fit of quiet giggles as Melanie nudged her playfully.

"It's not that funny, but I'm not doing that ever again. Anyways, what about you?"

"What about me what?"

Linna eyed her weirdly.

"You and Sunghoon."

"There's nothing going on."

"Don't lie."

"I dunno. I just feel weird about it."

"Well, you do have a crush on Park Sunghoon."

"I don't like him."

"Yeah, right. You're teasing me when you actually have a crush on someone."

Linna groaned before nodding.

"I may have a slight crush on him, but that doesn't explain why you avoid Jake though."

"Me either, but I think it's because it's outside of school."

"Yet you're okay with Riki?"

"He's a different story."

"That's true."

An idea popped into Linna's head.

"Hey, Jake and Sunghoon are friends, maybe we can have a double date."

Melanie was not amused.

"I don't like Jake like that and you have to confess to Sunghoon first."

"I take it back."

"Good. Anyways, shouldn't you be with your science tutor or something by now?"

"Jinah has other things to do. We'll have a session tomorrow evening instead."

"Must be nice."

"This means I have to get tutored tomorrow instead. Besides, don't be like that. You'll get tutored by that new crush of yours."

Melanie frowned as she swatted at a fleeing Linna.

"He isn't my new crush and he's just helping me with what I don't get. Higher math is so hard."

"I know, yet I think you have fun with Jake though." Linna cooed Jake's name causing Melanie to roll her eyes.

"Stop. Do I need to bring up Sunghoon for you."

"Fine. Anyways, I'll come back once you're done and we can meet the other two at 20 CUBE later."

"Where are they? I didn't see anything in the chat."

Linna chuckled before replying.

"They told me before I got here, but they're helping their favorite person with an art assignment."

"I did not sign up for this." Serena grumbled while painting.

"This isn't even my own homework to do."

"For reals. Why are we even here?" Kierra inquired as she, too, was painting.

"We could've just said 'no'."

The pair were helping Riki with his art banner that was due next Friday as he resorted in asking the two for assistance. Besides wanting to get it done and over with, Riki will be busy with the dance team after school, too. The trio were in one of the high school's art rooms and it's been less than an hour since they started.

"Why didn't you bother the other two to help, too?" Serena asked out loud, not really expecting an answer.

"Both Yiseul and Chaewon have tutoring while the both of you are free."

"Don't you have other friends that can help you?" Kierra questioned despite enjoying herself.

"Even though this isn't due until next week and you definitely could ask them instead."

"I do, but they're busy and you two are never busy."

"What makes you think that?" Serena asked, pausing in mid-coloring.

Riki didn't look up as he continued to draw his main character in the center of the banner.

"Because the two of you have no life besides work and school."

"Yeah, that's true." The female pair agreed.

The trio continued to work until Riki got bored and ended up fingerpainting onto his two friends.

"Yah! Nishimura Riki?!"

Both Kierra and Serena wiped off the colored paint from their cheeks and glared at the younger male. He laughed with a cheeky expression, clearly enjoying what he had just done. Just as the pair were about to retaliate and Riki was about to make a run for it, both of the classroom's doors opened revealing two others, Heeseung and Jay.

"Yo, Ni

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