summer holidays.

enha uni high. [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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The female cousins crashed onto the sofas of their brothers slash cousins' home after being picked up from the airport. Both sets of brothers actually lived right next door to one another which came in handy from time to time. Linna and Kierra, Serena and Melanie, still lived with their parents whenever they returned home which oddly enough, also lived next door to one another. Currenly their parents were visiting their mothers' side of the family up north and wouldn't be home for another few days. So, the quartet decided to stay in town for those few days before actually going home which left the twelve cousins to hang out for a while.

"Yo, where's the snacks?" Manny asked, coming from out of his room due to playing a football game with one Timothy online.

"In Brian and Calvin's cars." The quartet answered, too tired to move.

"They're the two bigger suitcasese. The two boys should still be out there."

"So lazy." Manny commented with a laugh as he exited the house with a shake of his head.

The quartet didn't care as they continued lying on the couch.

"Yo, Carson and Kenton wants to eat sushi for lunch when they both go on break for lunch together." Phillip said with his phone in hand and his headset on as he, too, came out of his room also playing an online game with Franklin.

"Okay." The quartet did the OK sign, resting.

"Y'all okay? How was the flight?"

"No and long."

The quartet left it at that, not wanting to talk further while Phillip looked at them, but grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and returned to his room. Serena suddenly recalled something.

"Hey, we never had that talk with the other boys."

"Good." The trio commented as Serena chuckled.

"Did y'all forget about us leaving the stuffed rabbits behind?"

"Because of you."

"What? We didn't have room."

"Don't care."

Serena rolled her eyes at how the trio were responding similarily.

"Y'know, eventually we're gonna have to have a talk with them when we get back."

"No, we don't." The three chimed in sync once again.

Serena continued.

"I'm pretty sure we will."

The other three didn't respond as Serena sighed.

"This just runs in the family and it isn't healthy to have this sort of miscommunication."

"We're just gonna ignore them. Works for me." Kierra commented.

"Or we'll get to it when we do." Linna suggested as Melanie threw a small pillow at her sister.

"Be quiet and go to sleep before lunch time. I don't wanna hear any more unless we're gonna talk about you and Heeseung."

"There isn't anything between him and I."

"Yeah, right." The other three counter.

Serena didn't bother to defend herself from the pillow attack.

"Honestly there isn't compared to the three of you."

"Shut up."

Serena got hit by three pillows and she dropped the subject.

"Okay, okay. Fine. Sheesh. Just saying."

"So, you four found a K-Pop boyfriend yet?"

"Or a Korean boyfriend or something like that?"

The large group of cousins sat around a large table, enjoying their selection of sushi, when Carson and Kenton directed the question at their sisters.

"No." The quartet answered as Timothy pried a little more.

"Then who was all the boys in the pictures y'all shared and in Snapchat and Instagram stories?"


"And y'all not even dating one of them?"


"Liar." The others disagreed.

The quartet were not gonna tell their brothers or cousins about what had occurred during the Spring semester. They didn't want them to know about such things when it wasn't even concrete to begin with. So, Melanie changed topics.

"Oh, but Miss Hyebin's pregnant. She's due in December."

"That's hot." Franklin and Phillip chimed in with a laugh.

The female quartet rolled their eyes in good-nature.

"Dang, it's been a minute since we talked to her." Timothy said.

"Can't believe she's pregnant now."


"Y'all gonna stay in Seoul again to see her baby then?" Manny inquired with a knowing look.

"The parents weren't happy that y'all stay behind and couldn't come back home for winter break."

"Yeah, they got worried." Calvin added with an annoyed look as Brian agreed.

"Mmhmm. Wouldn't stop blowing up our phones, asking if we knew something."

"Yeah, even asking us if y'all stayed behind because of a guy or something." Phillip chimed in which the quartet figured was the cause of their parents checking in on them lately.

"Yeah, we know and no, not for a gu." Kierra answered, dismissing the subject.

"We'll make sure to settle that if it happens again."

"Anyways, we're gonna do a barbecue later tonight with the others." Carson brought up a second later.

"Others?" The four females echoed.

"Like who?"

"Evan, David, Justin, Kenny, Tommy, Daniel, Simon, and Jeffrey." Kenton explained.

"The're driving down here for the night before driving to Vegas tomorrow afternoon when they learned y'all were coming back today."

"Oh, is that why Franklin called us that day." Melanie assumed as Franklin shook his head.

"Nah, but it just happened though since we were gonna meet up with them the day after."

"Then y'all may wanna warn the neighbors now as it's gonna look like a car meet at both houses since you know what happened last time when one of the neighbor's kid couldn't park because we all drove our own cars last Christmas." Linna suggested with a laugh as Serena agreed.

"For reals. It already seemed like one a while ago when we rolled up in four cars for all twelve of us."

" them."

All eight males grumbled.

"Yeah, them."

"Let them call the cops."

"Not like they can do anything about it."

"Yeah, that's part of our property anyway."

"The're just jealous we have more parking spaces than they do."

"I was this close on throwing hands when that dumb kid moved my side mirrors the other day."

"Alright, alright." Kierra and Melanie intervened.

"Let's decide who buys what and set things up for later tonight."

"Wha, who's that guy with Yiyeon?"

"Wait a minute who's that guy with Chaejin?"

"Now who are those two with Yiseul and Chaewon?"

"Why are there so many boys with them?"

"There's like twenty of them."

"Could one of them be their boyfriends?!"

On the other side of the hemisphere, Haeyoon, Jangmi, and Kana gushed with excitement and curiosity upon seeing updates on their friends' SNS accounts with their own mobile phones. The female trio along with the seven males were hanging out at Haeyoon's home with it being almost two in the afternoon on  Saturday, lazying around and watching a random movie.

"Rena, I love you."

The males were surprised to hear a male voice suddenly speaking from Kana's phone as she had clicked on Serena's account to watch a new story that got posted to her Snapchat story. The update wasn't from Serena herself, but from another male that had taken Serena's phone and shared the recorded clip. It seemed that the four were hanging out at someone's house like a small gathering of sorts. A party or a barbecue, the trio couldn't really tell for sure. The group could more or less understand what was being said in the uploaded clips.

"Love you, Serena. Why won't you pay attention to me? Serena. I haven't seen you in like a whole year. C'mon, pay attention to me." The male, Evan, whined as Serena shot him a look.

"I saw you last summer and we did a video call the other day."

"That's not the same."

Evan hit one of the buttons to change it to the front view camera to film himself instead.

"She's such a jerk, isn't she, David?"

The person named David suddenly came into view as James filmed the other male instead. David nodded while pouting playfully in Serena's direction as he spoke.

"She said that she would always love me, too, but she left me behind and moved halfway around the world to speak a different language than what I taught her. Now she acts like I don't matter or even exist when you, Jeffrey, and I were the ones that taught her and Kierra how to speak Mandarin in the first place."

"Y'all confused me and Kierra more than teaching us."

"That's because you two thought you were cooler than us and always made us pay for y'all's boba fix." A third voice, Jeffrey, interjected with the other two laughing.

"Because we were and y'all always offered to pay."

Kierra's voice could be heard in the background as she countered Jeffrey's words. Laughter from others could be heard as well as the clip soon ended when Serena tried to take back her phone from Evan and it cut-off with her in mid-sentence as Evan stopped recording to block Serena from getting her mobile device back.

"I swear y'all are so anno-"

Kana looked up at Haeyoon and Jangmi, surprised as her eyes widened, shocked. Before she could speak, Kierra's story popped up with a new update as well and Kana focused on the new clip when another male voice spoke. This one belonged to Kenny.

"Hey, beautiful, stop hiding your beautiful self from me and the whole world." Kenny spoke with a laugh and the other seven males wondered if it was the same guy as before.

"Kierra, my love, is this the thanks I get for teaching you and Serena Japanese, but go and live in South Korea instead?"

Kierra ignored him when another male joined in, the voice belonging to Tommy as Kenny started filming the pair when Tommy got into the shot.

"Yo, Kierra, please look at me instead of Kenny. I know you love me more than that fool. C'mon. I thought you loved me the most."

"Yeah, right." Kierra scoffed.

"You always stole Linna's candy while Kenny stole Melanie's and the two of y'all would put the blame on me and Serena."

"For real?" Both Melanie and Linna questioned, unaware of this face.

"No wonder they be laughing with our brothers when grandma scolded the two of you."

"It's lies." Both Tommy and Kenny denied.

"Lies, my ."

The clip ended abruptly when Kierra faced the phone with a glare while speaking and pushing Tommy's face away from her while she tried to get her phone back from a laughing Kenny.

"Seriously, y'all are so annoying. I don't know why you guys get like this every time we come back. Now, give m-"

"Is Chaejin's real name, Serena? And Yiyeon's real name is Kierra?" Kana asked, puzzled.

It dawned on the younger female a second later.

"Wait a minute? Do they have other names?"

The female pair shrugged just as confused..

"Dunno." They both responded as Jangmi spoke further.

"I never asked. I've always called them by the names they introduced themselves as."


Haeyoon nodded as she scrolled through her phone.

"Even their Instagram and Snapchat handles don't reveal an actual name either."

Kana ran a hand through her hair.

"I honestly never questioned where they were from or how Yiyeon and Chaejin also spoke Japanese and Mandarin."

She stared at her phone, bewildered.

"Then again, they do hang out with Mind and Hanbin a lot from time to time. Wow, I can't believe I never thought about it."

Neither did the others as the males continued to eavesdrop on the conversation while barely paying attention to the movie. The female trio hadn't noticed as they were still trying to figure out the stories themselves. They looked at one another while Jangmi and Kana faced Haeyoon.

"You call them to see what's up."

"Me? Why?"

"You have better speaking skills than Kana and I." Jangmi clarified as Kana nodding in agreement.

"Mmhmm. True."

Haeyoon gave in.

"Okay, fine. Who should I call?"

"Uh, Yiseul or Chaewon since they don't have any issues with their phones. It's only because Chaejin and Yiyeon don't have possession of their phones from what we can see at the moment, too." Jangmi reasoned with Kana nodding again.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Alright. Hopefully, one of them answer then."

Haeyoon ended up FaceTiming Melanie as her Korean name appeared first than Linna's. Melanie answered a few seconds later while speaking in Korean.

"Hey, Haeyoon. What's up?"

Haeyoon could see that it was dark out on Melanie's side.

"Hi. Nothing much. The girls and I just wanted to check in on you."

Jangmi and Kana appeared in the frame and greeted Melanie.


"Hi, you two."

"So, wow was the flight?"

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