Chapter 8

Jennie: Best of Me



The holiday spirit is all over Seoul. The majority of South Koreans have no formal affiliation with a religion, but for those who have, Protestantism and Buddhism are the most common religion. Elijah and his family are Christians, so Christmas is a big holiday for them. His grandparents host a dinner party every year on Christmas Eve and invite family friends to eat and celebrate with them. Jisoo's and Jennie's family are invited, as well as Chaeyoung's, who flew from Melbourne to celebrate Christmas with their daughter. Lisa's parents won't be coming as her stepdad, who is a top chef, needs to go to Italy with her mom.


Elijah is with Lisa talking about cameras when Jennie's parents arrived. Lisa laughs at him after seeing his face. "Relax, Oppa." She teases him endlessly.


I messed up her hair in response to her teases. "Go tease Chaeyoung-ah. Gotta go, kid." Lisa laughs and leaves me alone. I went out to welcome Jennie and her parents. This is the first time I'll be with Jennie's dad after visiting him in his clinic five years ago. Jennie's mom knows me well and is very fond of me.


"Merry Christmas, Eli-ya. It has been years since I last saw you." Jennie's mom greets me with a broad smile on her face.


I smile back at her after bowing and says, "I'm back after three years. How have you been, Eomeonim? You look stunning as ever."


"You know what to tell me, and that's why I like you." She smiled at me. "You haven't met my husband, right? He was with us a while ago." She calls her husband.


I bowed at him 90 degrees and shook his hand. "Sir, I am..."


The doctor cut me off and said, "Elijah Ellington. I remember your face." He smiles and taps me on the shoulder. Jennie and her mom look both at the doctor and me with confusion in their faces. The doctor laughs and saves me by saying, "Of course I know him. He is the Nation's favorite boy. His face was all over the news when he came back."


Jennie's mother laughs, "Yes, but this boy seems like a man now. You look more handsome, Eli-ya."


I laugh and return the compliment before leading them inside. I look at Jennie, who is laughing. "Ya! Kim Jennie! Stop laughing. Wait until you meet my Grandma." I whispered at her.


She smirked at me and said. "Ahjussi, you've been out of the picture for three long years. I already met your Grandma, and we even have lunch meetings regularly."


The smile on my face disappeared, and I look at her with my eyes wide open. It is Jennie's time to laugh, and she didn't waste the opportunity to tease me. Jennie sat beside her parents. They are in the same table with Chaeyoung's and Jisoo's families, together with Lisa.


About 50 people gathered in my grandparent's house, including board members of Yunjin Group of Companies and some people from YG Entertainment. Everyone stops talking when my grandfather stood up. They look at him, who is now starting his speech.


"Annyeonghaseyo! I hope everyone is having a great time spending Christmas Eve with my small family. My heart is full, seeing how this occasion gathered us all together. My family used to spend Christmas Eve only with few people, but now, I see a lot of new faces. It warms my heart to see how big my family is getting. We have been hosting a Christmas Eve dinner party every year for more than 40 years already, but this year is a special one for my family. My only grandson, Elijah, is back home after spending a three-year worth of paparazzi photos abroad and three liberating years to finish school." Everyone laughs after the older man points and eyes at me after making a joke about my stay abroad. The head of the family continues his speech. "The paparazzi and photo agency made a living out of this young man's life abroad, but the important thing is my grandson, the heir of all of my hard work is back home where he belongs. I beg you to look after my grandson as he starts to do his responsibilities to the Yunjin Group. Please, take good care of this young man's journey in the business world. That will be all for tonight, and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and good health in the coming years."


I meet my grandfather's eyes. We had a massive argument just today about me working in Yunjin Group in preparation for my future role in the company. I refused to work in Yunjin and asked my grandfather for more time, but he doesn't want to hear it.


"I'll do what I want to do from now on. I love and respect you, but this is my life we are talking. Allow me to do my passion, Grandpa." I kneeled in front of him, my face facing the floor.


"You want to make stupid music instead of helping me provide jobs to thousands of people?" His grandfather asks me angrily.


"I'll help you in the business, but not right now. All I ask is more time." I said calmly.


His grandfather returned to his chair and coldly said, "That is the exact thing my only son told me 15 years ago. I already lost him, and I can't lose you too. Don't try my patience, Elijah. This conversation is over."


Elijah stood up and said, "Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Elijah Ellington, and I want to welcome and thank each and everyone for coming. I want to make a toast for the board members of Yunjin Group, who is present right now, to the people from YG Entertainment and to our family friends who made an effort to spend the night with us. Lastly, to my friends from the press who loves to write about me, I would like to tell you my plans personally. My family and I decided that it's best if I'll start to train handling business by working at YG Entertainment. I'll be an official employee of YG Entertainment starting next week, handling the debut plans of YG's next girl group. I will personally take charge of this group that will debut next year. To all the fans not only in Korea but all around the world, please be patient with me while I work on the next girl group YG promised to debut four years ago. To the people in the entertainment business, please take good care of me. To my grandfather, I will always be grateful for everything you did for me, especially for always supporting me in everything I do. Kansahamnida!" I smiled and stared back at my grandfather's gaze, declaring war. I bowed to the people gathered around me and took my seat. The board members from Yunjin Group can't hide the disbelief, and tension suddenly filled the place. Yang Hyun-suk saves the atmosphere by making a quick speech and asks everyone to start eating.


The dinner party ended peacefully without any problem, and guests already left the place. I know that I'll have another argument with my grandfather, but to my surprise, my grandfather went straight to his bedroom. My grandfather never backs out from a war, but today he did.


"I'll go to bed now." I was about to make my way out when my uncle slaps me hard in the face. He never laid a hand on me before.


"Is that how you will repay all the things your grandfather did for you? How dare you disrespect him? How dare you disrespect this family?" My uncle yelled to me furiously.


I look at him with an empty look in my eyes. "I am no longer the puppet this family used to have. It's time for me to become someone I always wanted to be, not someone this family wants me to be."


Yang Hyun-suk answers back with disgust on his face. "You have all the things you need because of us. Everything you are right now is all because of this family."


"Maybe if I don't have your money, I'm happier. Maybe if I'm not me, I'm so much better." I turned my back from him, ready to leave.


I was surprised when he pulled my arm and punched me in the face before pinning me in the wall. "You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know the feeling of an empty stomach. You will never know the feeling of uncertainty if you will survive the next day without money in your pocket. You knew nothing about the life you keep on wishing you have." He pushed me hard on the ground before leaving the room.


I locate my car keys and leaves the house. I've been driving for an hour now without any location in mind. When the last song on my playlist ended, that's when I realized I'm on my way to Jennie's house. I parked my car in front of the house and went outside the vehicle without minding the cold weather. I was staring at the neighborhood where Jennie spent her childhood.




Jennie is in bed, now preparing to sleep. We got home from Elijah's family dinner around midnight. I checked my phone, no message from El. I texted him goodnight to check if he is still awake, but I received a call from El right away after just a few seconds.


"Are you going to bed now, Ni?" His deep voice is music to my ears.


I answer him back. "I'm in bed now. How about you? I thought you're already asleep since I didn't receive a call from you."


"I'm outside your house right now. Would you like to take a walk and freeze to death with me?" I heard a soft chuckle from him.


I wore a coat and went outside quickly after making sure he is not kidding. I opened the gate and saw a tall man sitting in the hood of the car in the dark corner of the road. He gave me a wide smile. "Why are you here? You should have at least told me your coming." I asked him.


"I want to see you. Come here. Hug me." I stood right in front of Elijah, who is still sitting in the car hood. He reached for my body and hugged me. He rests his chin on my shoulder while hugging me, and his warm breath fanned the side of my neck, lips brushing off my tender skin. They were in that position for several minutes, not minding the ice-cold weather of the winter season. He pulls away and removes his scarf and place it around my neck before staring at my eyes. "Thank you for always making me feel better."


I put my arms around his waist. "Did something happen?" I asked Elijah while resting my chin on his chest and looks up to him, catching his eyes.




I look at the beautiful face staring at me. "Did I save a country in my past life to deserve someone as amazing as you in this lifetime?"


Jennie rolls her eyes and hides her face in my chest. "Let's go inside. I want to see your face more clearly. It's too dark here." She said, while her face is still buried in my chest.


I laughed and lifted her chin before leaning in to drop a soft kiss on her lips. "As much as I want to spend the rest of the night with you, I can't. It's freezing right now, and I don't want you to get sick. Go back in, and I'll see you later."


Jennie pouts, unhappy to part ways with me. "Spend the night here. No one will notice, anyway." She looked at me and noticed a trace of blood on the side of my lips. "What happened to your lips?"


I look at her worried face. "I'm alright. It's nothing. I need to go. It's getting late."


"Come in, even just for a few minutes. Let me at least get some ice and ointment for your lips. Please, El." She said, still worried.


I gave in and agreed to go in. I sat in one of the chairs in the dining area. I wait for Jennie as she looks for an ointment. I was looking around when Jennie came in with a medicine box and some ice cubes. I look at her face while she starts to put some ice on the side of my lips. She is ao focused while cleaning the wound on the side of my lips. I smiled upon seeing her serious face when she carefully put some ointment on it. She looked back at me when she noticed the smile formed in my lips. "What?" She snapped.


I held her hand and kissed the back of it. "I'm just amazed by how beautiful you are."


"Tss." She looks away after rolling her eyes to hide her blushing face.


"Why are you looking away?" I laugh and . I held her face and looked at her face. "I love you."


She pulls me into a hug and whispered, "I love you. Don't ever leave me again."


"I'm always with you as long as I'm in your heart." I kiss her forehead. "It's late, Hun. I need to go."


She pulls away from my hug. "Stay over the night. I missed you."


"You know I can't. What if instead of staying over, let's go out and spend time together all day later. How's that sound?" Elijah tried to compromise.


"Like a real date?" She looks at me, waiting." Her eyes beamed with happiness as I nod at her. "Okay, I'll see you later. Try to break your promise like last time, and I promise to kill you from this life to another." Jennie threatened me.


I laugh and hug her tight. "I'll see you later."


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1189 streak #1
Chapter 6: I'm confused?
Chapter 5: The POV's so confusing. First and Third person in one sentence.