Plot Thickens

Behind the Smile

Your POV

There were only 14  days until the big presentation.  You had met with what felt like anyone in SM even remotely connected with SHINee’s new album, Sherlock.  You had tea, or coffee, or some form of liquid as you sat down with President Lee Soo Man, the marketing/advertising executives, photographers, the album producers, the lyricists, the sound techs, the managers, all the SHINee boys, the style coordinators, and choreographers. You were pretty sure you had even taken an interview with a janitor. 

The only person you weren’t able to get in contact with was the previous designer, Mr. Baek.  You had really hoped to get some valuable advice or opinions on your ideas from him.  You respected his work & creativity immensely.  Somehow, he was always “unavailable”- maybe it was because he was rumored to be hard at work on his new Spring collection.  You were already looking forward to Fashion Week to see his brilliant ideas.

Amidst the whirlwind of consultations, you had been introduced to virtually every artist in the SM catalog.  It was amazing and surreal, especially since it seemed you might end up doing design work for these groups as well as SHINee.  You acted completely professional, of course, but you secretly admitted to Key that your heart was pounding as you met the handsome men of Super Junior, and that you may have started a new fan-crush on Changmin of TVXQ!  And the EXO boys were so hot! (Not that you would ever tell Onew)



Naturally, Key blackmailed you into buying lunch by threatening to let Onew in on your secret.   The girls of SNSD were thrilled to meet a female designer.  They LOVED your work outfit (, and were already hitting you up to take them shopping for some trendy clothes. 

Every instant not in a meeting was spent battling Time in the workroom.  Two of the three requested concepts had been completed.  You were slowly going insane.  Sure, you had worked under pressure before, and thanks to a) your impressive organizational skills, b) your support network of minions, c) the fine owners of Kona Beans (Sungmin got you a great discount), and d) the stupid amount of happiness having Lee Jinki as your boyfriend, you were managing to keep your head above water.  Barely.  

Moving rapidly from your drafting table to the forms to the sewing machines, you checked in with your wonderful assistants.  So far, they seemed on track.  All they needed was a quick word or two on seam placement or in finishing touches- where to place an embellishment, adjust the trim, or make a final decision on accessories. 

Sure, there had been a few little setbacks, nothing major.  Once, the wrong fabric order showed up.  An assistant had mistakenly cut the only length of an expensive cloth in the correct pattern but wrong size, forcing a design change.  There had been brief arguments, snapped tempers, and spilled coffee.  There had been sweat, tears, and even blood from pricked fingers (thankfully, none got on the fabric).  All in all, you figured it was going about as smoothly as could be expected.

Surveying the floor, you noted that everything seemed under control for the moment.  You wandered over to the mannequins grouped together in the two concepts you designed.  Crossing your arms, you tried to view the work critically.  It was difficult, because so much of your time and energy had gone into their production.   

Am I too close to this project?  Should I call on an outside eye?  I tried to take into account the general theme of the album, but I was more concerned with the guys being able to dance and move around.  I didn’t want to do anything too over-the-top, because I think the boys should wear the clothes, not the other way around.  I absolutely DON’T want the outfits to overwhelm them- they should be clothes that are noticed only as part of the guys looking handsome, almost after the fact.

You were deep in thought, so it wasn’t any surprise that you jerked when a loud CRASH sounded right behind you.  You whirled, hands spread wide ready to defend your creations, only to see Onew half-kneeling/half-sprawled on the floor.   Surrounding him was a disorderly corona comprised of a lunch tray, puddles of kimchi soup, clumps of rice, a water bottle (mercifully still capped), and utensils.

The room was still for the instant it took to understand the situation wasn’t life-threatening.  Quiet giggles and whispers broke the moment as your assistants returned to work, politely trying to ignore his blunder.  You were busy attempting to keep a straight face as you hurried to his side, crouching to avoid the scattered food.

“Onew-ssi, gwenchana?”

                “Mianhe, ____-ssi, I seem to have gotten tangled in some fabric,” he stated. 

His voice was quiet, and clearly embarrassed.  His face was still down, hidden by his slightly long hair as he slowly began gathering the spilled items back onto the tray.  

“I hope I didn’t cause any damage…”

“Ani…I think your foot just got caught in this because it was spilling out onto the floor.  It’s my fault really, for not having the place more tidy.  Are you sure nothing is injured?”


The level of noise had risen only to a low hum, nothing like the loud chatter before Onew’s unlucky accident.  You knew without looking that your conversation was drawing an audience.  everyone was listening in, so you had to be careful to keep everything professional.

“If you’ve been hurt, there are quite a few people that will shortly be wanting to murder me…your album release is so close, we can’t afford to have you out due to a broken ankle!”

Onew finally looked up, his face flushed. 

“Ne. I’m alright.  Please don’t concern yourself.  The rest of the guys voted and I was selected to bring you a lunch.  We all know how hard you’ve been working, and we heard that you were skipping food too often.  Key COMMANDED that you eat, but as you can see…,” he trailed off with a sheepish shrug.

“That’s okay.  how about I give everyone a lunch break and invite you and the other guys to eat with me at a really good noodle shop,” you asked.  Your tone was deliberately casual.  “Now that you mention it, I am really hungry.” 

You said it with a concealed wink, and your lips in slow motion.  His eyes were glued to the movement of your tongue.    

Message received. *giggle*

God, I hope none of them pick up that we’re dating!  It’s so hard not kissing that adorable face- especially when he’s acting all shy like now.  Mmmmmm….so glad that I’m the only one who knows how this beautiful man’s mouth tastes….ahem, ahem.  This is so NOT the moment to be distracted- not with all these people around.  I can grabcaresstake a bite out of…. hug him later.

Onew smiled in a very good imitation of relief, trying to disguise the y look that leaked into his eyes.  “I think the guys would enjoy that.  Meet you in the lobby in 15 minutes?”  After receiving your confirmation he gingerly picked his way back through the workroom, tray and ruined food in careful hands.

You clapped your hands together sharply, sending your assistants an amused glance.  “Well, now that the show’s over, how about we all break for lunch?  Let’s make it a generous one- you’ve worked hard- so three hours?” 

An excited cheer rang out as all your assistants scrambled for their personal bags and stampeded out the door, arguing loudly over what to eat. 

Cheerfully looking forward to spending time with your boyfriend and best friends, you made sure your computer was locked down, grabbed your purse and headed out, absentmindedly humming a cut from one SHINee’s new songs.





Finally.  Thought she’d never leave.  I can’t believe she’s actually going, and will stay gone for three.  whole.  hours.  I must’ve done something amazing in my past life, like saving the freaking country or something.   She didn’t even notice I was still here…such an idiot.

Cautiously the figure moved out from the racks of clothing in the corner.  Alone at last.  Now to earn my freedom from the bastard (whoever it is).  Who knew blackmail still existed in this day and age?   Unfolding the plain white paper, quiet sounds began echoing as the typed instructions were followed to the letter. 

Oh, this will most definitely cause pandemonium.  So much work, so long to create, gone so soon. 

A shiver crawled down the figure’s spine and caused the paper to tremble. 

I’m just glad that whoever it is doesn’t really care about me.  I think I would run far and fast to escape the kind of hatred that does THIS.






A/N: Well, what d'ya think?  Gosh, I hope the mysterious figure didn't do anything BAD-*mwhaha*  Thanks for all the awesome comments- glad to know you are still liking it :D  Hope to give you some more lovely Onew moments in the near future.

A/N#2:  Ne, I am keeping you in the dark about what the concepts look like, because I'm putting it in the chapter of the presentation- IF you can recover in time to make it to the presentation at guarantees!

And because I love you (and I miss the full DBSK):  GIF ATTACK!

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In the middle of the next chapter right now. This story has become my achilles heel people.


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Chapter 46: oh my . .
it's must be hard for her and jinki

update soon please^^
Chapter 46: Oh Em Gee!!! I've missed a lot and only mananged to finish reading uptodate today.

I feel sorry for myself. How much more pain can she bear? :'(
Shineegirl101 #3
Chapter 45: Cute a/n ;D glad to finally get an update! :D I'm really hoping for some happy Onew/you times soon! I miss those :(.... ;P jk. Any update is a great update! <3333
aegyoJellyprincess #4
Chapter 45: ah~ another nice update~ although depressing, it's getting better~ will be waiting for your next update~
VerOnew #5
Chapter 45: I hope we sort things out and end Happily Ever After soon.
Great to see you writing again, I really love this story, and it was worth waiting for an update. :) <3
Chapter 45: yayyyy an update^^
Chapter 45: It's heartbreaking to see them suffering. Please make them together again. Thanks for update <3<3
Shineegirl101 #9
Chapter 44: Holy crap I can't even.... But I'm so glad you updated! Definatly worth the wait! <3333
Chapter 44: this is so sad, hope that Onew can know the truth soon TT