Tears, Fears, & Chocolate Cake

Behind the Smile

Your POV

It was all too much.  You were sobbing because you had reached your limit of emotional ups and downs for the day.  The funeral- God, was that only this morning- the job offer, the kiss-No don’t think about that right now- and this surprise party.  Plus the guys were so adorable, were being so dang sweet.  It’s as if you saw them just yesterday instead of nearly a year ago.

Taemin’s playful hug, Key’s kind eyes and diva-ish comments, Jonghyun’s hilarious attempts at flirting, and Minho’s calm support all reminded you how badly you had missed these friends.   But you were tired, your parents still weren’t far from your thoughts, and somehow (even though you knew it was ridiculous to feel this way) it just seemed wrong that you were so happy.   The frustration of it all came crashing down on you, gushing out of your eyes.

And the kiss-the kiss.  Oh my God, the kiss.   So many thoughts were swirling around, and you couldn’t seem to stop sobbing- even as embarrassed as you were to be breaking down like this in front of the boys.  


Of course it was Taemin who wedged himself in the tiny space between you and Jjong and patted your hair, it softly as he asked, ‘Noona, what’s wrong?  Tell us how to help you.”  

And it was Key who was rubbing your back, muttering “Ottokae?...how pitiful….stop crying, ____-ssi….”

You heard Jonghyun awkwardly say something about getting you a glass of water and you saw his combat boots tromp by in front of you, heading for the kitchen, you guessed.

Minho had set the chocolate cake on the ground behind himself.  Although you tried to resist, his hands were too strong as he forced yours away from your face holding them suspended in the air.  You childishly kept trying to hide your face by pressing it against your lap.

“_____-ah, stop that,” he told you.  His deep voice wasn’t unkind, but it was uncompromising.  You shook your head in a sloppy “no”.  He sighed.  “If you don’t stop you’ll be sick, and then we’d have to take care of you-do you really want to be a bother?”


You shook your head “no” again, your head rolling across your thighs.  Reluctantly (partly because you knew how horrible you looked while crying- all blotchy red and puffy), you lifted your head and sniffed.  You were hoping at least that your nose wasn’t running too badly, but really, at this point, what was one more indignity?  “N-no.  I don’t want to g-g-give you guys t-trouble…” you said, lips trembling.

Minho reached out and rubbed the tears off your cheeks with his thumbs.  “I thought that would work- you don’t have to hide from us-“

“Ne, noona- we love you and we don’t want you to be sad-,” Tae confirmed.

“And you know that Jjong will never let you take away his crybaby crown,” Key put in. 

“YAH- I heard that,” Jjong commented, holding out a glass of water for you to take.  “But he’s not wrong.”  Minho released your hands and you took the glass.  Gripping it with both hands, you gulped a couple of sips, taking the moment to glance over at Onew. 


He looked frozen in place; for once, no hint of a smile anywhere, not even in his eyes.  Why hasn’t he said anything?  He must be afraid to get tangled up any further with me and my emotions.


Seriously, _____, what’s going on?  Are you still upset about your parents?  Maybe we should have waited on the party, like I suggested, until you’ve had some time,” Key commented, shooting an “I told you so” look in Onew’s direction. 

“It’s not that,” you said leaning back until you rested on the cushion, “well, it’s kind of that.”  Now four people were throwing accusing looks at Onew. 

“Really, it’s just so much has happened today, and I think I’m just overwhelmed, and you were so nice, and it was good to see you all after so long, and I’m happy, really, but I feel like I should be sad…I…I’m just all mixed up.”  Your mini speech, interspersed with sniffles and eye rubbing, had all the guys looking at you with concern again.



You and Onew were standing outside the elevators; you were just about to go in when he grabbed your wrist.  Immediately your heart started beating double time.

“Mianhe. I…I..I’m not sure what happened, but please don’t be angry with me, I….I don’t want you to think that I…Mian,” he finished lamely.  Your face burned and a little part of your heart was crushed as you heard what you already suspected. 

He doesn’t want me to think that it meant anything. Naturally.  He knows so many other beautiful girls, and it was just a heat of the moment thing, he’s so sorry and awkward with it.  What was I thinking to give in and kiss him back like that.  But I have to tell him how I feel, at least once.  Then just bury it deep….

It’s alright, Onew-ssi.  It doesn’t mean anything to you, but it meant something to me, but we should just…let’s just go, okay.”  The elevator doors had closed somewhere in the middle of what you were saying, but he didn’t respond so you figured he was trying to think of a way to let you down easy.  You stabbed the call button again, and walked in after the doors opened. 

Turning, you plastered on a fake little smile, “Kaja, Onew.  We still need to have that discussion.”  He just smiled and followed you in.  Just as I thought- so relieved to avoid the subject.

-End Flashback-



You popped back to the present as Taemin spoke up again, leaning toward you with renewed enthusiasm.   “Noona, why don’t you stay here with us tonight- you’re exhausted, right?  We can finish your party tomorrow, and talk about anything you want, Ne?”  

Key nodded, taking the glass of water and handing it to Onew.  “Exactly, Tae has it right.  You’re too upset to go anywhere.”   

Jjong clapped his hands once, the sharp sound making you jump.  “And there is a spare bed in Onew’s room, that manager-hyung uses when he’s here, so that shouldn’t be a prob-“  

What you heard was:   Bed.  Onew. 


You leaped up, waving your hands in the “no way” gesture, saying, “Ani, ani- I couldn’t put you out-“   But your sudden movement had unexpected complications.

It caused Minho to jerk away from your flying knees and waving hands- the normally athletic man, still crouched in front of you, fell.  Right on his and into the (he now realized, very poorly placed) chocolate cake.

You blinked.  Double blinked.  So did everyone else.   The click of Jonghyun’s camera phone shattered the moment as he laughed, “This is so posted to Twitter.  Daebak!”   






A/N#1: LONG chapter- but it takes awhile to give everyone a chance to speak.  And the misunderstanding with the whole kiss!  Biggest problem in relationships- miscommunication!   Just a little something I learned from life. :D  This chap is also why i went back and added both "comedy" AND "angsty" tags. :)

A/N#2:   So, did you guys realize like I did when I was writing this chapter, that all this drama (and like 13 chapters) is all just ONE DAY?  I am going to have to start moving the plot along if I don’t want to end up with 93 chapters.   Unless  you guys wouldn’t mind reading 93 chapters, in which case, I will totally do it- because I <3 YOU.  Really, I’m sorry- but only sort of, because I love these little scenes.

A/N #3: Not to worry- I have storyline goodies in the works, and we will have drama, oh yes, drama indeed.  BTW- if you’ve liked this story so far, then recommend it around, and friend me- cause I find it sort of depressing to look at my profile and see “0 friends”.  So sad.   crying

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In the middle of the next chapter right now. This story has become my achilles heel people.


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Chapter 46: oh my . .
it's must be hard for her and jinki

update soon please^^
Chapter 46: Oh Em Gee!!! I've missed a lot and only mananged to finish reading uptodate today.

I feel sorry for myself. How much more pain can she bear? :'(
Shineegirl101 #3
Chapter 45: Cute a/n ;D glad to finally get an update! :D I'm really hoping for some happy Onew/you times soon! I miss those :(.... ;P jk. Any update is a great update! <3333
aegyoJellyprincess #4
Chapter 45: ah~ another nice update~ although depressing, it's getting better~ will be waiting for your next update~
VerOnew #5
Chapter 45: I hope we sort things out and end Happily Ever After soon.
Great to see you writing again, I really love this story, and it was worth waiting for an update. :) <3
Chapter 45: yayyyy an update^^
Chapter 45: It's heartbreaking to see them suffering. Please make them together again. Thanks for update <3<3
Shineegirl101 #9
Chapter 44: Holy crap I can't even.... But I'm so glad you updated! Definatly worth the wait! <3333
Chapter 44: this is so sad, hope that Onew can know the truth soon TT