Sangtae Strikes Again

Behind the Smile

The car ride was filled with stubborn silence.  You refused to let Onew off the hook until you had time to really think through the crazy situation into which you had been plunged.  It was like you were pitched into a freezing cold swimming pool- the shock of it all was so strong you could barely think- you just reacted in the kitchen. 


Now, other thoughts had starting creeping in.  Thoughts of all kinds.  You were pretty sure that Onew hadn’t really considered all the possible problems with his idea.  Yep-he probably had some kind of “plan” in mind, which made perfect sense & worked out perfectly- in his mind. 

Once again, he was acting the brother and good friend.    He was always looking out for other people- in Onew’s mind, no one he cares for should be hurt or even inconvenienced.  Sure, it made him a good leader and a kind person, you thought, but so often his plans go slightly awry and end up in a mess...


OH, it was sure to be something like this (you had heard all about his “brilliant ideas” for other people before):

1.       She’s like a sister to me- I need to protect her from further pain.

2.       She has to take care of arranging her parent’s business affairs now they’ve passed away.

 3.       If she hangs around with nothing to do but finish going through her parent’s estate, she’ll constantly be

           sad-reminded of their deaths.

4.       She needs something to keep her from falling into depression.

5.       What keeps a person busy? AHA- a job!

6.       What better than to get her a job where I can keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t do

          something stupid, like get drunk or something.



Hmmph.” you muttered, looking at the passing city.  The SHINee dorm was across town from your neighborhood of large family homes, the building one of a long block of similar places filled with high-rise apartments and rented out by SM Entertainment. 

The small sound seemed to bellow in the abnormally quiet vehicle. 


Ah, are you cold,” he questioned, “because I can turn up the heater more…or maybe some music?”  He coughed nervously, fiddling with the dials in the dashboard.  The radio blared to life, the driving beat of Troublemaker  throbbing so hard the windows buzzed.

When I look into your eyes, I’m a Trouble Maker
When I stand next to you, I’m a Trouble Maker
Little by little, more more more
As we go on, more more more
Now I can’t help my heart either

“ACK!  TURN IT DOWN- MY HEAD, MY HEAD-DO IT, PABO!”  You screamed, hands over your ears and face scrunched up in agony.   Onew was frantically trying to get the volume down, so flustered that he wasn’t really thinking and began pushing buttons instead of simply rotating the volume dial. 

The GPS navigation device . *BEEP* *Please speak your destination* 

“NO, UMMM.  ERRR..WHAT THE…,” he wailed.  The car swerved as Onew’s attention wavered.


*Destination unknown* *BEEP*  *Please say again* *BEEP*

I’ll keep being in front of you so you can’t forget me
I’ll keep shaking your heart so you can’t escape me

“JINKI!  WATCH THE ROAD,” you yelped, reaching over to steady the wheel, bumping into his shoulder, both your heads colliding with a resounding THUNK

I will steal your lips and run far away
I’m a Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!

You fell back toward your own seat, hissing with pain, even as the car swerved more wildly.  The windshield wipers started slashing madly, dragging across the dry surface with horrid screeches.


“AICHH.  That HURT- gah..” Onew moaned.  His elbow had hit the wiper lever as he swung his hand up to grab his head.   

The slight skinship – your eyes on your face say you can’t take it anymore
As I go on, you’ll fall even deeper – I like you the more I get to know you baby
I think I am drunk with thoughts of you Lady

*Destination unknown*>scccRRRRiipppLLLL< *BEEP* *Please say-* >scccRRRRiipppLLLL<*-gain*

I never never never stop!


Other vehicles honked and swerved out of the way of your suddenly erratic driving. Pedestrians stumbled away from the crazy car as it jumped the curb. 

Trouble Maker!
Trouble Maker!

You guessed they were cursing, but you couldn’t hear it over the demented noise- plus you were a bit busy watching your life flash before your eyes!


*Dest-Trouble Maker!>scccRRRRiipppLLLL< *BEEP* Trouble >scccRRR*Please say-Maker!*


Onew stomped on the brakes, his hands slapping back to the wheel, guiding the car off the curb to a shuddering stop at the side of the road.  He flicked the wiper lever, shutting them off mid-screech.

 “sorry,sorry!  can’t find the rig-HT BUTTON TO SHUT THIS UP!”.

At that moment, he clued in and turned down the volume dial, resulting in that awkward situation where you’ve been screaming to be heard, and all the noise drops out, leaving you screaming by yourself.  How embarrassing.



o__o  There was towering silence  o__o



With exaggerated slow motion, you unclamped the death grip one hand had on your seatbelt, and turned your head to glare at Onew from underneath your other hand (still rubbing at the tender spot).  His expression was one of panic/extreme annoyance.  Just then-


*BEEP* *Destination unknown* *Please say again.* *BEEP*


HELL!  Onew yelled, disgusted.  He punched the GPS “off” button with unnecessary force.

*mmph.  he.  hehe. ha hah- BWHAHAHAHAHAHA-“


You couldn’t help yourself- the whole thing was just too funny.  Once again, you were laughing like a loon, so hard you were crying and gasping for air.  Onew still looked ticked off, but the angry look twisted to an embarrassed smile, then he joined in laughing just as crazily as you.

Every time you thought you had it under control, you’d meet gazes and start giggling.  You felt your bad mood dissolve.  You never could stay righteously angry at him anyway.  


Finally you grinned and thumped him on the shoulder.

“YAH- Jinki-ah, don’t ever frighten me like that again!  I really will become your Noona, with all the gray hairs you’re giving me,” you mock-threatened.

“Mianhe,” he mumbled, puffing out his cheeks in an unconscious aegyo.  “Sangtae strikes again.”

He shook his head, resigned to the fact that he would always be a bit of the klutz.  “How’s your head, it doesn’t hurt too badly, does it?  Here- bring your head over so I can see if we need to go to the hospital…”


You rolled your eyes, at both the aegyo and his nagging, but being such a good person, you went ahead and leaned over.  One of his hands came up and cupped your right cheek, while he used the other to brush away your bangs from the spot you rubbed.

He closed the gap, peering at the exposed skin and noting the red blotch that marked the hit.  You blushed at his closeness, closing your eyes as you felt his warm breath on your forehead.

“Hmmm…,“ he murmured brushing over the abused area lightly with his thumb, “doesn’t look like permanent damage.”  Your eyes opened the tiniest bit, and he glanced down, locking your gazes.

“How could it be---with a head as hard as yours,” he whispered gently.  It took you a second to get the insult.   Your eyes widened, and you parted your mouth to shoot off a snappy comeback--- but it never passed your lips. 




Because Lee Jinki was kissing them- and stealing all your breath.





A/N: Whew!  Is it hot in here?  I was totally going to skip the car ride and get straight to the dorm & the rest of SHINee.  BUT- I wrote two sentences about being in the car, and just kept going.  Who knew it would be the first kiss scene?  I can’t wait to see how you’re going to react in the next chapter!  WHO KNOWS? 

*exit with fading evil laugh*

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In the middle of the next chapter right now. This story has become my achilles heel people.


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Chapter 46: oh my . .
it's must be hard for her and jinki

update soon please^^
Chapter 46: Oh Em Gee!!! I've missed a lot and only mananged to finish reading uptodate today.

I feel sorry for myself. How much more pain can she bear? :'(
Shineegirl101 #3
Chapter 45: Cute a/n ;D glad to finally get an update! :D I'm really hoping for some happy Onew/you times soon! I miss those :(.... ;P jk. Any update is a great update! <3333
aegyoJellyprincess #4
Chapter 45: ah~ another nice update~ although depressing, it's getting better~ will be waiting for your next update~
VerOnew #5
Chapter 45: I hope we sort things out and end Happily Ever After soon.
Great to see you writing again, I really love this story, and it was worth waiting for an update. :) <3
Chapter 45: yayyyy an update^^
Chapter 45: It's heartbreaking to see them suffering. Please make them together again. Thanks for update <3<3
Shineegirl101 #9
Chapter 44: Holy crap I can't even.... But I'm so glad you updated! Definatly worth the wait! <3333
Chapter 44: this is so sad, hope that Onew can know the truth soon TT