A tiny bit of happiness

Behind the Smile

Aiish…so TIRED of crying.

 A quick swipe got most of the damp off your cheeks, and it wasn’t as if you had any eyeliner or mascara left to smear around.  Your mouth quirked wryly.  Who would have thought that your mom would be brave enough to fall in love a second time, and with another foreigner, no less?  

It’s a miracle that she found someone like Appa, you thought, a man willing to adopt another man’s daughter, to love her as his own, and willing to learn absolutely everything about Korea just to make your mom comfortable, to make her smile. He was even willing to make the move back to Seoul when the company got a contract to work at Samsung.



Clinks of china and a high-pitched whistle of the tea kettle pierced your introspection.  Onew walked slowly into the room, a large round mug in each hand.  Strings with little white tags fluttered quietly in the brush of air as he moved.  Oh yeah, you needed to get to the market for some real tea soon, and maybe food, if you ever felt like eating again.  And that was a huge “if”.   

“Careful, it’s hot,” he cautioned, handing down the steaming mug. 

“Thanks, that’s just what I needed.  I’ve felt nothing but cold all day, inside and out.”

You gripped the mug tightly between chilled hands, attempting to pull a little of the warmth into your bones. 


Onew sipped his cup, then set it aside as he sat down beside you, close enough that you could feel his body heat radiating against your skin.  A chill raced down your body and you shuddered slightly.  You forced yourself to take a sip of tea, sputtering at the discovery that Onew had taken the opportunity to add a little Dutch courage to the mug.  Maybe it’s really Scottish courage, since that burn in my throat feels like that high-priced imported whiskey Dad was given for a ‘job promotion’ congratulations, you thought, quickly setting down the cup as you choked and coughed.  Onew, the dork, was valiantly trying to hold in laughter. 

“You should see your face right now,” he gasped out, eyes nearly disappearing with his big smile. 

“If you’re seeing annoyance, then you’re not as much of a moron as I thought,” you retorted, wiping your hand across your mouth.  

“Stop being such a baby.  At least now you’ve got a little life in your eyes.  Drink up.” 

“God, Jinki-ah, it’s like you’re freakin’ thirteen again.  You were such a little punk back then, and I hated you with the burning fire of a thousand suns.” 

You affectionately reached up to ruffle his hair.    

“I was so happy you finally grew out of it and became the best friend ever.”  



You sighed inside, trying your best to block out the horrible morning and focus on this moment, this one tiny moment of happiness.


Onew stiffened at the feel of her hands in his hair, but his smile never changed.  At least it shouldn’t have changed.  He’d worked for years to keep that attractive grin from changing, no matter what.   Best friends, yes we are.  That's all she sees, and that's all I am to her.  Don't give yourself away now, Lee Jinki. Keep smiling.

 “_____, you know I hate when you do that,” he commented with a sigh, his eyes slowly closing.  

But the problem was he really didn’t.   Hate it, that is.  He loved it. 


He loved it when she used his real name.  He loved the feeling of her long delicate fingers moving across his forehead, the pull of strands against his scalp as she twisted tiny sections together and tugged gently.  For some unknown reason she seemed to enjoy the experience and took every possible chance to get her hands into his hair.  Speaking of which, “What is this fascination you have with my hair?”

“One, I know that it annoys the hell out you, but you let me do it anyway. Two, it’s so soft,” you said and added with a widening grin, “Like petting puppy fur…” 


                                                                                                                                                             credit: kuro-kokoro, deviantart


Onew’s eyes snapped open and he looked at you.  The look he always gave right before he attacked.  You hastily withdrew your hands and started to scramble back to the opposite end of the couch.  You treated him like a wild animal, holding his stare and trying to keep from making any quick movements.  Your legs curled up as you inched backwards, balancing your weight so that you wouldn’t break an ankle if you had to leap off the couch and run for safety.   It was likely in the tall heels you currently wore.  The thin spikes would make any move a hazardous one if you weren’t careful. 

Of course, it was even more likely that Onew would trip over thin air, then topple onto you, breaking you both in the process..............WAIT!  you have to focus...never take your eyes off the enemy!!!


Slowly, he leaned forward.  You stayed frozen for a long moment......


the tension strectching out.......




Sudddenly your eyes narrowed, and both of you moved.  Whipping out like a striking snake, he latched a large hand around your forearm and yanked you into his lap. Fail.  All those years dancing had given him quick reaction times, and even a certain amount of grace that many people never got the chance to see.  You jerked in a halfhearted attempt to pull free.  Without pause he transferred his grip to your face, ignoring your scrabbling hands as he scrubbed the knuckles of the other hand through your hair, creating a tangled nest. 

“YAH!  Jinki-ah, stop it now!  I mean it, stop-BABO!”  Even though you were genuinely irritated, you couldn't help but laugh at the look on Onew's face.  It was just so....so...so satisfiedSmug and sastified.  

He looks as if he's won something.  So weird.  I guess he's having another 'moment' with himself.  Should I tell him that sometimes he's not as funny as he thinks he is?  Oh, I can't- it would be too mean.  He's a legend in his own mind  *giggle*


While you were busy contemplating the strange workings of Onew's mind, the familiar moment had launched him into memories of your first years as friends. 







A/N: I promise that this will all tie in together with the storyline in the foreword! Eventually. 

*pinky swears*

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In the middle of the next chapter right now. This story has become my achilles heel people.


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Chapter 46: oh my . .
it's must be hard for her and jinki

update soon please^^
Chapter 46: Oh Em Gee!!! I've missed a lot and only mananged to finish reading uptodate today.

I feel sorry for myself. How much more pain can she bear? :'(
Shineegirl101 #3
Chapter 45: Cute a/n ;D glad to finally get an update! :D I'm really hoping for some happy Onew/you times soon! I miss those :(.... ;P jk. Any update is a great update! <3333
aegyoJellyprincess #4
Chapter 45: ah~ another nice update~ although depressing, it's getting better~ will be waiting for your next update~
VerOnew #5
Chapter 45: I hope we sort things out and end Happily Ever After soon.
Great to see you writing again, I really love this story, and it was worth waiting for an update. :) <3
Chapter 45: yayyyy an update^^
Chapter 45: It's heartbreaking to see them suffering. Please make them together again. Thanks for update <3<3
Shineegirl101 #9
Chapter 44: Holy crap I can't even.... But I'm so glad you updated! Definatly worth the wait! <3333
Chapter 44: this is so sad, hope that Onew can know the truth soon TT